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1 A pipelined architecture for ray tracingRay tracing is a computer graphics rendering algorithm well known for the realistic images that it generates. Its primary drawback is the huge amount of computation required for even moderately complex scenes. Pipelined architectures have been used for many years to accelerate conventional scan conv...computer architecture; computers; pipeline; computer graphics; RayPipe1994-06
2 Load balancing and fault tolerance in applicative systemsApplicative systems are promising candidates to achieve high performance computing through aggregation of processors. This dissertation studies two important issues in building scalable applicative systems: load balancing problem and fault tolerance.; A dynamic load balancing scheme is proposed for ...computer architecture; load balancing; fault tolerance; computer science; applicative systems1985-08
3 Synthesis, Verification and Optimization of Systolic ArraysSystolic arrays are a class of parallel architectures consisting of regular interconnections of a very large number of simple processors, each one operating on a small part of the problem. They are typically designed to be used as back-end. special-purpose devices for computation-intensive processin...computer architecture; systolic array; VLSI1986-12
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