351 - 375 of 494
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351 Broughton, JohnPrehistoric human impacts on California birds: evidence from the Emeryville Shellmound AvifaunaThe abundance of artiodactyls, marine mammals, waterfowl, seabirds, and other animals in 18th- and 19th-century California astonished early explorers, and the incredible wildlife densities reported in their accounts are routinely taken as analogues for the original or pristine zoological condition. ...Avifauna; Prehistoric hunting; Biological evaluation of environmental impacts2004
352 Malloy, Thomas E.Prerequisites to Batesonian EpistemologyThe Logic of Metaphor maps sets of relations from one realm to another realm generating tautologies in the logic of logic.Psychology; Logic; Reason; Mind; Nature2006-08-05
353 Gelfand, Donna M.Preschool assessment of attachment: construct validity in a sample of depressed and nondepressed families.Construct validity of the newly developed Preschool Assessment of Attachment (PAA) was examined in a sample of depressed and nondepressed mothers and their preschoolers, focusing on attachment related differences in children's general caregiving environments, maternal psychosocial functioning, and c...Preschoolers; Families; Maternal, psychosocial functioning; Mothers; Children, caregiving; Attachment1997-07
354 Loeb, Laurence D.Prestige and piety in the Iranian synagogueAmong Iranian Jews, long deprived of meaningful political power and afraid to conspicuously display material wealth, relative prestige became more valued that authority of opulence. The synagogue provides the traditional public forum where meaningful interaction among its members reinforces rand dif...Shirazi Jewish Socieity1978
355 Fan, Jessie X., Yu, ZhouPrevalence and Risk Factors of Consumer Financial Fraud in ChinaThis study estimates the prevalence of consumer fraud in China and investigates consumer fraud risk factors using a novel two-stage conceptual framework that differentiates fraud exposure from fraud victimization after exposure. Multivariate analyses show that multiple risk factors have opposite eff...Consumer financial fraud victimization; China; migrants; financial knowledge; risk attitude
356 Forster, Richard R.Prevalence of pure versus mixed snow cover pixels across spatial resolutions in alpine environmentsRemote sensing of snow-covered area (SCA) can be binary (indicating the presence/absence of snow cover at each pixel) or fractional (indicating the fraction of each pixel covered by snow). Fractional SCA mapping provides more information than binary SCA, but is more difficult to implement and may no...2014-01-01
357 Broughton, JohnPristine benchmarks and indigenous conservation? Implications from California zooarchaeologyThe superabundance of tame wildlife during the early historic period in California astonished European explorers. And the historic accounts of incredible animal densities, most notably artiodactyls, have influenced a long-held perception that California Indians lived in harmony with nature. However,...2004-01-01
358 Wolfinger, Nicholas H.Problems in the pipeline: gender, marriage, and fertility in the ivory towerWomen have traditionally fared worse than men in the workplace. In few places has this been more apparent than higher education (Jacobs, 1996). In 2003, women received 47% of PhDs awarded (National Center for Education Statistics [NCES], 2005a) but comprised only 35% of tenured or tenure-track fac...Family; Career; Marital Status2008
359 Utz, Rebecca L.Procedure to correct proxy-reported weight in the National Health Interview Survey, 1976-2002Background: Data from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) show a larger-than-expected increase in mean BMI between 1996 and 1997. Proxy-reports of height and weight were discontinued as part of the 1997 NHIS redesign, suggesting that the sharp increase between 1996 and 1997 may be artifactua...National Health Interview Survey; NHIS; Proxy-reported weight2009
360 Wei, Y. H. DennisProduction and R&D networks of foreign ventures in China: implications for technological dynamism and regional developmentThis paper analyzes the nature of FDI local networks in production and R&D activities in China and discusses their implications for technological dynamism and regional development. We investigate foreign ventures (or foreign-invested enterprises, FIEs) in the information and communication technology...2012-01
361 Diamond, LisaPsychobiological perspectives on attachment: implications for health over the lifespanOne of the most robust findings to emerge from health psychology over the past 30 years is that individuals in enduring, committed romantic relationships have longer, healthier, and happier lives than unmarried individuals (Kitigawa & Hauser, 1973; Ryff, Singer, Wing, & Love, 2001; Stack & Eshleman,...Health Psychology; Psychobiology; Relationships; Well-being2004
362 Strassberg, DonaldPsychopathy among pedophilic and non-pedophilic child molestersResearch is making increasing clear that, among men who sexually offend against prepubescent children, there are at least two subgroups, pedophiles and non-pedophiles, and that the groups differ in many important respects. Our ability to understand the etiology, nature, and most effective treatment ...2012-01-01
363 Francis, John G.Public lands institutions and their discontentsThe history of the federal lands has been marked by recurring debates over the nature of the land tenure system in the West. The fundamental and enduring nature of these debates has been quite apparent recently, for serious attention has been paid to the following specific proposals. Should the owne...Federal lands; United States1986
364 McDaniel, SusanPublic policy, demographic aging and familiesVoodoo demographics, a term coined by American economist James Schulz in the late 1980s, describes the belief that aging populations pose threats to life and society as we know it, particularly to social safety nets, education, public health care, as well as challenges to families. Surprisingly, the...1998
365 Mineau, Geraldine PageQuantification of the familial contribution to müllerian anomaliesCases of müllerian anomalies, identified by International Classification of Diseases and Current Procedural Terminology codes from January 1994 to March 2006, were collected from the largest hospital systems in the state of Utah. All records were subsequently matched to the Utah Population Databas...Mullerian anomalies; Utah Population Database; UPDB2008
366 Rogers, Alan R.Quantitative genetics of sexual dimorphism in human body sizeA classical data set is used to predict the effect of selection on sexual dimorphism and on the population means of three characters--stature, span, and cubit--in humans. Given selection of equal intensity, the population means of stature and of cubit should respond more than 60 times as fast as d...Societies; Selection; Species1992
367 Forster, Richard R.QuickSCAT derived snow accumulation estimates in the dry snow, percolation and wet snow zones of the Greenland ice sheet2011
368 Wen, MingRacial and ethnic differences in general health status and limiting health conditions among American children: parental reports in the 1999 National Survey of America's FamiliesObjectives: This research investigates the association between race/ethnicity and child health and examines the role of family structure, family SES, and healthcare factors in this association. Five major racial/ethnic groups in the United States are studied. Two child health outcomes including pare...Socioeconomic status; Health care; Children; Race; Ethnicity2006-09-01
369 Morris, Mark; Emmi, Philip C.; Bartholomew, Keith A.; Brown, Barbara B.Rail-volution: building livable communities with transitRail-volution 2005, September 8-10, 2005. Salt Lake City, Utah. Workshop Summary.Transportation; Community Development; Urban transportation; Public transportation2005-09
370 Francis, John G.; Francis, Leslie P.Rationing of health care in Britain: an ethical critique of public policy-makingIN BRITAIN, as in the United States, rationing of health care is a fact of life and death. Some rationing is overt, such as the Stanford heart transplant program's decision not to accept very young or older patients.1 Some is disguised, such as day-to-day decisions in hospitals about "do not resusci...Rationing; National Health Service1986
371 Von Arnim, Rudiger LennartRebalancing through expenditure and price changesThis paper puts forth a Neo-Kaleckian open economy model of two countries in order to investigate adjustment of US-China external imbalances. First, a stylized fixed mark-up model is presented, and discussed based on graphical analysis. Second, we present estimates of bilateral income and price elas...2012-12-01
372 Francis, LeslieRecent developments in genetic diagnosis: some ethical and legal implicationsThis essay outlines some of the ethical complexities genetic technology poses in two areas of decision-making: when to perform genetic testing and what to do with the information gained from genetic testing.Genetic Technology; Genetic Testing; Ethics1986
373 Zimmer, ZacharyReciprocal effects of health and economic well-being among older adults in Taiwan and BeijingThe objectives of this study are threefold: 1) to examine whether socioeconomic status disparities in health are found in non-Western settings; 2) to assess whether socioeconomic status gradients in health endure into older ages; and 3) to evaluate the direction of causality between health and soci...Well-being; Health2005
374 McDaniel, SusanReconceptualizing the nuptiality/fertility relationship in Canada in a new ageFirst comes love; then comes marriage; along comes Joanie with a baby carriage. This straightforward temporal sequence so long taken for granted in North America may no longer be valid. With marriage rates declining, birth rates at an historic low, births occurring outside legal marriage, and dramat...Marriage; Family; Feminist1989
375 Von Arnim, Rudiger LennartRedistribution in a neo-Kaleckian two-country modelWe investigate the interaction between demand-driven growth and income distribution in open economies, by combining expenditure-switching and demand spillover effects in a neo-Kaleckian two country model. First, we specify elasticities of wage share and real exchange rate to the money wage relative ...2014-01-01
351 - 375 of 494