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1 Disaggregating the effects of posttraumatic stress disorder on academic performance in a Veteran sample2018Textir_etd
2 Dynamical systems analysis of gender-related interest development in online coursework2017Textir_etd
3 Effects of a brief parent intervention to increase attendance, positive outcomes, and satisfaction with their child's therapy treatment2010-08Textir_etd
4 Effects of explicit and implicit friendship attitudes on appraisals and cardiovascular reactivity during a negative event discussion2013-08Textir_etd
5 Evaluative conditioning improves perceived taste of and intentions to eat healthy food2013-12Textir_etd
6 How do I love thee? Implications of attachment theory for understanding same-sex love and desire2004Textir_uspace
7 Interpersonal correlates of dispositional mindfulness and nonattachment2018Textir_etd
8 It's not all about the erection: examining sexual functioning and patterns of sexual activity after radical prostatectomy2016Textir_etd
9 Logic of logic and the logic of dreams.2006-02Textir_uspace
10 Mapping Bateson's Epistemology to Boolean Dynamic System: 1. The Emergence of Dynamic Form & 2. Hierarchies Form.2006-07-10Textir_uspace
11 Mapping Gregory Bateson's epistemology to nonlinear dynamic systems theory: dynamic form and hierarchies of knowledge2006-10-23Textir_uspace
12 More and less guilt-prone children's distress changes differently when they narrate harmdoings, according to some but not all indicators of distress2018Textir_etd
13 Nonrestorative sleep in healthy adults without insomnia: associations with executive functioning, fatigue, and presleep arousal2017Textir_etd
14 Physiological measures2007Textir_uspace
15 Prerequisites to Batesonian Epistemology2006-08-05Textir_uspace
16 Sex differences in cognitive consistency and persuasibility with respect to real life issues.1969-06Textir_etd
17 Support preferences familiarity: how is it related to social support, health, and personality?2016Textir_etd
18 Type of clinical intervention shows differential effects on the dynamical recovery process of motivation from a suicidal state for u.s. military personnel2017Textir_etd
1 - 25 of 18