226 - 250 of 265
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226 Some issues in Ortega y Gasset's critique of Heidegger's doctrine of Sein1991Textir_uspace
227 Some questions in R. G. Collingwood's theory of historical understanding1977Textir_uspace
228 Spatial Injustice2022Textir_etd
229 Stoic values1990Textir_uspace
230 Strategies of model building in population genetics2006Textir_uspace
231 Suicide and ethical theory1983Textir_uspace
232 Suicidology and the right to die1993Textir_uspace
233 Summaries and comments on Lappin, S. Sorts, ontology and metaphor: the semantics of sortal structure1983Textir_uspace
234 Superconductor-insulator transition and Bose-Einstein condensate - Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer crossover in the Rashba Moat Band2019Textir_etd
235 Surgery or mutilation?: How autonomy can strengthen the anti-FGM movement2014-05Textir_htoa
236 Systems2009Textir_uspace
237 Telling confessions: confidentiality in the practice of religion1983Textir_uspace
238 Terminal sedation: pulling the sheet over our eyes2008Textir_uspace
239 Textbook of healthcare ethics1988Textir_uspace
240 Textbook of healthcare ethics (Book Review)2001-09-17Textir_uspace
241 Theory's limits: philosophy and the law2010-08Textir_etd
242 Thick ethical concepts and the fact-value distinction1995Textir_uspace
243 Thioredoxin-interacting protein acts as a metabolic checkpoint for coordinated cell growth2018Textir_etd
244 To die or not to die? (Book Review)1992-07Textir_uspace
245 To die or not to die? cross-disciplinary, cultural, and legal perspectives on the right to choose death1992Textir_uspace
246 Toward more substantial theories of language acquisition.2015-12Textir_etd
247 Trouble with superselection accounts of measurement1998-11Textir_uspace
248 Truth deserves to be believed2013-01-01Textir_uspace
249 Truth is expendable: foundations for an empirically informed philosophy of testimony2011-08Textir_etd
250 Two cardiac arrests, one medical team1982Textir_uspace
226 - 250 of 265