1 - 25 of 265
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1 'Race': normative, not metaphysical or semantic2006Textir_uspace
2 A midwife through the dying process: stories of healing and hard choices at the end of life1997Textir_uspace
3 A relational approach to the moral value of privacy2013-08Textir_etd
4 A study of the philosophical proofs of the existence of God1911Textir_etd
5 A wrongful case for parental tort liability2012-01-01Textir_uspace
6 Accommodating every body2014-01-01Textir_uspace
7 Adaptive complexity and phenomenal consciousness2001-09-11Textir_uspace
8 Addiction, procrastination, and failure points in decision-making systems2008-08Textir_uspace
9 Age rationing and the just distribution of health care: is there a duty to die?1987Textir_uspace
10 Age-rationing and the just distribution of health care: Is there a duty to die?1987-01Textir_uspace
11 Aging and ethics: philosophical problems in gerontology1993Textir_uspace
12 Applied professional ethics and institutional religion: the methodological issues1984Textir_uspace
13 Are our goals really what we're after?2012-12Textir_etd
14 Aristotle on making other selves1987Textir_uspace
15 Aristotle on sameness and oneness1971-04Textir_uspace
16 Assisted suicide: can we learn from Germany?1992Textir_uspace
17 Bayesianism in a Social Context2019Textir_htoa
18 Berman, Marshall. Adventures in marxism2001Textir_uspace
19 Biological individuality in fungi2019Textir_etd
20 Book review: Candace Vogler's, John Stuart Mill's Deliberative Landscape2002Textir_uspace
21 Breaking the "armored ceiling": women in combat positions and the ontology of gender2016Textir_etd
22 C. G. Prado, choosing to die: elective death and multiculturalism2008Textir_uspace
23 Can scientific development and children's cognitive development be the same process?2001-09-11Textir_uspace
24 Capitalization in the St. Petersburg Game: why statistical distributions matter2013-01-01Textir_uspace
25 Cartesian Phenomenal conservatism: a satisfactory response to radical skepticismTextir_htoa
1 - 25 of 265