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TitleCreatorDateDescriptionRelation Is Part Of
1 Implementation of a Renal Failure Risk Assessment Tool Prior to Cardiothoracic Surgery: An Evidence-based Practice ProjectBrim, Rebecca M.; Sharma, Vikas; Lynch, Keisa M.2024POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Acute Care
2 Implementing an Individualized Breast Cancer Risk Assessment at the Coalville Health CenterFalkner, Jennifer L.; Conder, Rosemary; Vernon, Jeanette; Garrett, Larry2024POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Primary Care / FNP
3 Implementation of HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Toolkit: A Quality Improvement ProjectTolley, Victor M.; Allen, Nancy2024POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Primary Care / FNP
4 Implementing an Antinatal Protocol to Screen for Preeclampsia Risk and Initiate Low-dose Aspirin TherapyRankin, Ashley E.; Phares, Pamela L.2024POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Women's Health / Nurse Midwifery, Poster
5 Implementing an Antinatal Protocol to Screen for Preeclampsia Risk and Initiate Low-dose Aspirin TherapyRankin, Ashley E.; Phares, Pamela L.2024Preeclampsia (PE) is a hypertensive disorder that affects approximately 4% of pregnancies and is associated with higher maternal and fetal morbidity. It can progress to eclampsia-PE/eclampsia results in 6.4 per 10,000 maternal deaths annually. Current evidence indicates that routine screening to ide...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Women's Health / Nurse Midwifery
6 Implementation of a Renal Failure Risk Assessment Tool Prior to Cardiothoracic Surgery: An Evidence-based Practice ProjectBrim, Rebecca M.; Sharma, Vikas; Lynch, Keisa M.2024Of patients undergoing cardiothoracic surgery (CTS), up to 50% are at risk of developing an acute kidney injury (AKI) after surgery (Zaouter et al., 2018). Acute kidney injury and renal failure can increase mortality and morbidity and lead to more extended hospital stays, longer ICU stays, and highe...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Acute Care
7 Implementation of HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Toolkit: A Quality Improvement ProjectTolley, Victor M.; Allen, Nancy2024In 2012, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of pre- exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to reduce human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission among high-risk individuals. When used correctly, PrEP reduces HIV infection risk by about 99%. Despite its effectiveness, PrEP is underutilize...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Primary Care / FNP
8 Implementing an Individualized Breast Cancer Risk Assessment at the Coalville Health CenterFalkner, Jennifer L.; Conder, Rosemary; Vernon, Jeanette; Garrett, Larry2024Breast cancer ranks as the second most common cancer among women, with incidence rates on the rise. Early detection through personalized risk assessment and adherence to screening guidelines improves the chances of detecting cancer in its early stages. Performing individualized breast cancer risk as...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Primary Care / FNP
9 Palliative Care Trigger Tool in the CVICU: A Needs AssessmentMoore, Gabriella H.2023POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Primary Care / FNP, Poster
10 Implementing Risk Assessment Screening Tool for Postpartum Hemorrhage upon Admission to the Postpartum UnitBundy, Kelsey L.2023Background: Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) continues to remain the leading cause of maternal mortality and morbidity, with increasing numbers in the United States accounting for 11% of pregnancy related deaths (Watkins and Stem, 2020). Obstetric hemorrhage risk assessment screening should be performed ...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Nurse Midwifery / Women's Health
11 Implementing Risk Assessment Screening Tool for Postpartum Hemorrhage upon Admission to the Postpartum UnitBundy, Kelsey2023POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Nurse Midwifery / Women's Health, Poster
12 Palliative Care Trigger Tool in the CVICU: A Needs AssessmentMoore, Gabriella H.2023Background: Palliative care is a valuable resource that assists patients in determining their goals of care and end-of-life care preferences. Automated trigger tools can help to identify patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) who may benefit from palliative care. Problem: Several ICUs at the Univ...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Primary Care / FNP
13 Implementing A Postoperative Extubation PathwaySteinfels, Brittany; Alderden, Jenny2022POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Acute Care, Adult / Gerontology, Poster
14 Implementing A Postoperative Extubation ProtocolSteinfels, Brittany; Alderden, Jenny2022Background: Timely extubation is vital for Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit (CVICU) patients who undergo coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery because longer durations of time spent intubated are associated with risk for mortality, delirium, and longer length of stay in the ICU. The Society ...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Acute Care, Adult / Gerontology
15 Understanding Nurses' Perspectives for Social Needs Survey in the Emergency DepartmentCheney, Janae2021POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Master of Science, MS, Nursing Informatics, Poster
16 Assessment and Management of the Suicidal Patient: A Process Improvement FrameworkSeitz, Marie Christine M.; Garrett, Larry; Luistro, Elvina; Virgallito, Mary; Korkis, Leah2021POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Psychiatric / Mental Health, Poster
17 Assessing Patients' Social Needs While Delivering Emergency Nursing Care: A Pilot Evaluation to Inform the Use of a Screening ToolCheney, Janae2021With recent healthcare policy changes, including the creation of the accountable care organizations, screening for social risks such as food and housing insecurity has become increasingly common in the healthcare system. However, little is known about the social need screening practices in emergency...Graduate Nursing Project, Master of Science, MS, Nursing Informatics
18 Screening for Cardiometabolic Risk in Reproductive Age WomenJones, Angela M.; Phares, Pamela L.2021POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Women's Health / Nurse Midwifery, Poster
19 Improving Stroke Awareness in Primary CareTwitchell, Josh2020POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Primary Care / FNP, Poster
20 Improving Mental Health Care Providers Level of Confidence and Skills in Suicide Risk AssessmentGarbett, Cynthia; Sanchez-Birkhead, Ana2020POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Psychiatric / Mental Health, Poster
21 Implementation of Screening and Referral Protocol for Paternal Postpartum Depression in a Pediatric Clinic SettingGeorge, Clint; Allen, Nancy A.2020POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Psychiatric / Mental Health, Poster
22 Improving Mental Health Care Providers Level of Confidence and Skills in Suicide Risk AssessmentGarbett, Cynthia2020Needs Assessment Background: Approximately 60% of suicides are associated with mood disorders, and nearly 50% of those that died by suicide had received mental care services one month before their death. A comprehensive assessment of suicidal behavior and ideation varies based on each mental health ...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Psychiatric / Mental Health
23 Improving Quality and Compliance of Suicide ScreeningStephens, Mary (Katy) Larson; Johnson, Linda2020POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Acute Care, Poster
24 Improving Quality and Compliance of Suicide ScreeningStephens, Mary (Katy) Larson2020Background:Suicide is one of the ten leading causes of death in the United States, with treatment costing the healthcare system over 70 billion dollars. It is essential to properly screen and identify patients most at risk. Additionally, the joint commission identified poor suicide screening or asse...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Acute Care
25 Implementation of Screening and Referral Protocol for Paternal Postpartum Depression in a Pediatric Clinic SettingGeorge, Clint2020Background:Paternal Postpartum Depression (PPpD) can have dire long-lasting effects on children's cognitive, behavioral, social, and emotional development yet there is little attention given to the mental health of new fathers. Rates of PPpD have been found to be as high as 35.5% in the United State...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Psychiatric / Mental Health
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