276 - 300 of 779
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276 The great West : emigrants', settlers' & travellers' guide and hand-book to the states of California and Oregon, and the territories of Nebraska, Utah, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and Washington. With a full and accurate account of their climate, soil, resources, and products(U.S.) --1864Text
277 Gulielmi Rondeletii Doctoris medici et medicinae in schola Monspeliensi professoris regii Libri de piscibus marinis, : in quibus verae piscium effigies expressae sunt. ; Quae in tota piscium historia contineantur, indicat elenchus pagina nona et decima. ; Postremò accesserunt indices necessarij. Volume 11554; 1555Text
278 Gulielmi Rondeletii Doctoris medici et medicinae in schola Monspeliensi professoris regii Libri de piscibus marinis, : in quibus verae piscium effigies expressae sunt. ; Quae in tota piscium historia contineantur, indicat elenchus pagina nona et decima. ; Postremò accesserunt indices necessarij. Volume 21554; 1555Text
279 Gvilielmi Harveii opera omnia1766Text
280 Harmonia Macrocosmica1661Text
281 Hādhā kitāb Īḍāḥ al-masālik ilá qawāʻid Ibn ʻAbd Allāh Mālik : manuscript 1042-10431632Text
282 Henry James at Work1924Text
283 Henry Wheaton, an appreciation : being the address delivered before the alumni of Brown University on the occasion of the one hundredth anniversary of his graduation, June seventeen, MDCCCCII1902Text
284 herball : or General historie of plantes1597Text
285 Herball, or, General historie of plantes1633Text
286 Herbarium vivum von fünfzig, der vorzüglichsten, so wie einiger schädlichen futterkräuter und Gräser nebst deren reisen Saamen : mit Bemerkungen über Kennzeichen, Boden, Aussaat und Benutzung der nützlichen so wie Vertilgung der schädlichen1826Text
287 Highway from the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean. : Speech of Mr. Benton, of Missouri, in the Senate ... February 7, 1849.1849Text
288 Himnario Mormon1907Text
289 Hippolyta epigrammaton per dialogos1520Text
290 His Majesty's most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Wednesday, November 1, 1780.1780Text
291 Histoire de la nation Mexicaine: depuis le départ d'Aztlan jusqu'à l'arrivée des conquérants espagnols, et au delà 1607 : manuscrit figuratif accompagné de texte en langue nahuatl ou mexicaine suivi d'une traduction en français : reproduction du codex de 1576, appartenant à la collection de M.E. Eugène Goupil1893Text
292 Histoire Generale De La Danse1724Text
293 Historia de las Indias de Nueva-España y islas de Tierra Firme: volume 11867Text
294 Historia de las Indias de Nueva-España y islas de Tierra Firme: volume 21867Text
295 Historia de Nueva-España, Escrita por su...1770Text
296 Historia general de las cosas de Nueva España, volume 11829Text
297 Historia general de las cosas de Nueva España, volume 21829Text
298 Historia general de las cosas de Nueva España, volume 31829Text
299 Historia Mvndi1722Text
300 Historie of the world : in five bookes1628Text
276 - 300 of 779