1051 - 1075 of 1,102
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1051 Delacenserie, JessicaUtilizing classroom technology to strengthen elementary educationThere is a disconnect in the current education system where there is an abundance of technology accessible to students but it is not being used in a way that enhances their education. The majority of software currently used in primary schools simply transfers books, homework assignments, etc. to mob...Education, Elementary; Computer-assisted instruction; Education - Effect of technological innovations on2016-05
1052 Christian, Lauren PiperUtilizing feedback from Utah families with asthmatic children to mitigate air pollution health consequencesAir pollution is an ongoing public health threat in the US and in Utah. While air pollution triggers asthma, we know little about what parents of asthmatic children think about what schools, health care providers and policymakers should do to improve air quality and their children's health. Data to ...2022
1053 Laverty, MorganUtilizing Intensive Outpatient Care in Health Systems for High-Risk, High-Cost Patients to Address the Growing Healthcare Problem in the United StatesThe healthcare industry in the United States of America is in desperate need of change, as healthcare expenses continue to rise at an unsustainable rate. One critical component of this problem is the healthcare super utilizer, or "super user," population. Though it comprises only 10% of all patients...2017
1054 Tiwari, SarthakUtilizing light scattering spectroscopy and machine learning to differentiate heterogenous tissue samplesCurrent biopsy approaches either lack depth penetration or real-time analysis. Light scattering spectroscopy (LSS) aims to address these issues, and our goal is to investigate the use of LSS for identifying cardiac conduction tissues. LSS data were collected from donor tissue samples and created a 3...2023
1055 Davidson, OliviaUtilizing synthetic biology to improve platelet transfusion outcomesPlatelets are essential to blood clotting. Due to a high risk of bacterial infection, donor platelets have short shelf -lives. As a result, being able to maintain a constant supply of platelets in vitro would be clinically valuable. This could be accomplished by using synthetic biology to guide stem...Blood platelets - Transfusion - Research; Stem cells - Therapeutic use; Synthetic biology; Hematopoietic stem cells; Erthropoientin2016-05
1056 Whitfield, MitchValidating Visual-Manual Detection Response Take Measurements in Simulated Distracted DrivingThe advancement of technological devices (any electronic device affecting the driver) for vehicles has resulted in improved functionality and capability. However, this extreme progression has resulted in the increased likelihood of impaired driving. Because of the development of this technology, the...2017
1057 Palmieri, NikoleValidation of a nonlinear optimization algorithm for reconstruction of diffused imagesLiving tissue is a diffusive light-scattering medium, preventing traditional fluorescence microscopy from being used as a diagnostic imaging modality. To determine microscopy from being used as a diagnostic imaging modality. To determine whether the nonlinear optimization algorithm developed for C...Diagnostic imaging; Mathematical optimization; Image processing; Diffusion distance; Computational Cannula Microscopy; Nonlinear optimization; MATLAB2016-04
1058 Bennion, DavidValidation of force pedals for bilateral strength asymmetry testingOver 125,000 anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgeries are performed each year in the United States. Rates of re-injury to the reconstructed ACL or contralateral ACL up to 49% have been reported in certain populations. Altered biomechanics-including bilateral asymmetry in knee extensor st...Anterior Cruciate Ligament - Surgery; Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction - methods2014-12
1059 Sorensen, AndrewValidity of the Actigraph GT3X+ in children When Worn at the WristBackground: Low levels of physical activity and excessive amounts of sedentary behavior have been associated with higher risk of all-cause mortality as well as the incidence of mortality from numerous chronic diseases. Given the significant impact of physical activity on health, it is important to b...2019
1060 Paul LarsenVanguards: a play2012
1061 Geisler, EmilVariable stretch textures on the GPUIn computer graphics, a texture is an image that is overlaid on a triangle when the object is rendered. Textures allow for objects to have more complicated appearances than just a single color across the triangle. Usually when a triangle is stretched, the texture stretches uniformly with it. However...2023
1062 Lotz, Mahalia G.Victim/Survivor Notifications on Utah Sexual Assault Kit Re-Traumatization & Engagement in the Criminal Legal SystemThis paper provides context for the creation, discovery, and aftermath of the multitude of unsubmitted sexual assault kits. It continues by describing the efforts of the Utah Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) group to address the issues created by the unsubmitted kits. This paper specifically exa...2019
1063 Clark, TylerVideo game development during a pandemic: a student's perspectiveThis paper seeks to go over a student's journey of video game development during the Covid-19 pandemic. It will showcase the unique challenges of working on a project remotely and the development process that was set out by the University of Utah's Entertainment Arts and Engineering Capstone Class. ...2021
1064 Roberts, AshleyThe View From Our Mother's HouseThe View from Our Mother's House is a novel about a family of three women struggling to understand and accept their past, full of abandonment and manipulation, while dealing with the immediate needs of the mother dying from Alzheimer's disease. This project combines research in the field of literatu...2019
1065 Bryan BonnerVirtual reality and its effects on empathy and leadership theory2018
1066 Som, SaritaVirus-like weapons used for competition in wild plant populationsPlant diseases caused by bacterial pathogens pose significant economic challenges globally, necessitating the exploration of alternative methods for controlling bacterial infections in plants. Tailocins, virus-like weapons produced by bacteria, have emerged as potent antibacterial agents and hold po...2023
1067 Hansen, James ChristianVisionary Minds, Visionary Worlds: Analyzing Three Video Games from Fumito Ueda, Hidetaka Miyazaki, and Jenova ChenThe objective of this thesis is to analyze Fumito Ueda's Shadow of the Colossus, Hidetaka Miyazaki's Dark Souls, and Jenova Chen's Journey in order to see how together they represent the storytelling potential of video games. Each embody in their work the notion that games as a medium can convey and...2018
1068 Leonard, NicoleVitamin D deficiency in flight attendants and pilotsVitamin D is a curious molecule. While humans do get some vitamin D from their diet, most of it is synthesized in the body, so it does not fit the definition of a vitamin-a molecule that must come from the diet. Vitamin D synthesis is initiated by the UVB (290-320 nm) portion of ultraviolet radiatio...Vitamin D deficiency; Flight attendants -- Nutrition; Air pilots -- Nutrition; Ultraviolet radiation -- Physiological effect2015-04
1069 Chau, HyThe vix and its applications in the marketSince its first introduction in 1993, the Chicago Board Option Exchange's (CBOE's) Market Volatility Index, the VIX, has become more and more popular among traders and investors in the market. If used correctly, not only is the VIX able to provide traders with useful information to evaluate the mark...Chicago Board Options Exchange.; Market Volatility Index; Hedge funds - United States - Management; Corporate finance2012-05
1070 Olson, EveVoice Onset Time in Arabic and English Stop ConsonantsIn this project, I investigate the voice onset time (VOT) of stop consonants as produced by Arabic speakers in comparison to English speakers. In English, there exists a phonological contrast between voiced and voiceless pronunciations of bilabial, alveolar, and velar stop consonants. These pairs ar...2017
1071 Barber, ShaelynVolunteer Tourism in Cambodia: Persuasive Strategies of Recruitment and Postcolonial ImpactsAn emergent area within tourism is volunteer tourism, in which people journey to developing countries and perform service as part of their trip. These volunteers are typically young, well-educated Westerners. International volunteering is an increasingly popular option for tourists traveling abroad,...2019
1072 Kelley, Logan T.Weighing Abell 2029: How Different Assumptions Change a Galaxy Cluster's MassAt a given mass, the amount of galaxy clusters within some volume greatly depends on certain cosmological parameters. Examples of such parameters are: how much total mass there is (nm), the equation of state parameter of dark energy (w), and the scale of fluctuations (o8). These quantities can be me...2020
1073 Jones, Hannah LisbethWeighing iconography of love in classical and early hellenistic art: considering allusions and metraphor in images of aphrodite balancing EROSThough images of Eros and Aphrodite are prolific, appearing in many material and literary sources, scenes of erotostasia, or the weighing of Eros by Aphrodite, are rare and have been historically overlooked in the study of Greek art. However, the four cataloged scenes of Aphrodite raising a balance ...Art/Art History2012-08
1074 Jarvis, ThomasWelfare in the United States: its current State and future directionsPublic policy experts have proposed numerous combinations of liberal and conservative welfare policies in an attempt to capture the positive aspects of each and create a more efficient and equitable approach to welfare. In these times of economic turbulence it is paramount to understand where welfar...Political Science2012-05
1075 Wilson, AlexisWest Antarctica as a Natural Laboratory for Cloud MicrophysicsClouds contribute to energy regulation in the global climate system. Remote and unaffected by local pollution sources, Antarctica offers a unique laboratory to study clouds and their influence on the surface energy budget. The study of these clouds is particularly interesting as global temperatures ...2017
1051 - 1075 of 1,102