951 - 975 of 1,102
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951 Jensen, Trey W.Spectral evolution in high redshift quasars from the final boss sampleWe report on a study of the spectral variations in a sample of 102,150 quasars from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-III). After mitigating selection effects and Malmquist bias over the redshift range 2:1 □ z □ 3:5, we create high...Quasars -- Spectra; Red shift -- Observations; Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey; Sloan Digital Sky Survey; Redshift evolution
952 Olivia HansonSpinal cord injury-induced neuropathic pain & the gut microbiome: a reviewMost spinal cord injuries (SCI) result in spinal cord injury-induced neuropathic pain (SCINP). SCI-NP is a major healthcare concern given the extensive burden it places on both patients and the healthcare system. This, coupled with the lack of effective and available treatments for those suffering f...2022
953 Auduong, PriscillaSpinal muscular atrophy modeled in drosophila melanogasterSpinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is the most commonly inherited cause of death in children (Park, Kariya, & Monani, 2010 for review). This disease is characterized by a loss of motor neurons which leads to muscle degeneration, paralysis, and eventual death by respiratory failure (Monani, 2005 for revie...Spinal muscular atrophy - Research; Drosophila melanogaster - Researcher2012-05
954 Johnson, Valerie E.Spiritualism in Salt Lake City newspapers from 1920 to 1930After World War I, a religious fervor known as Spiritualism spread across Europe and America. Spiritualism was characterized by the use of seances, psychics, automatic writing, mediums, and spirit photographs to prove the existence of spirits and the afterlife. It was especially popular with soldier...Communication2013-05
955 Thompson, LaurenSptlC2 Deletion in Endothelial Cells: Implications for Arterial FunctionUsing pharmacological and genetic approaches to inhibit whole-body ceramide biosynthesis, our laboratory showed that this sphingolipid contributes importantly to hypertension and vascular dysfunction associated with diet-induced obesity in mice. Here we tested the hypothesis that inducible, endothel...2020
956 Thomas, J PaytonStability of genetic oscillators with distributed delayed feedbackGenetic oscillators govern periodic phenomena in biology including circadian rhythms and are also the basis of biological clocks used in the design of synthetic genetic circuits. Models of genetic oscillators tend to neglect biological detail, however, because biological systems tend to be too compl...2023
957 Wainer, TobinStar clusters in the triangulum galaxy: star cluster catalog and mass function fittingWe construct a catalog of star clusters in the Triangulum Galaxy (M33). The catalog is the result of the Local Group Cluster Search (LGCS) citizen science project through Zooniverse, where users classify images from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). We base our star cluster catalog on the fraction o...2021
958 Whalen, ZacharyStatesmen in the arena: The policy and politics of the ancient gamesThe intent of this work is to illuminate the many ways in which policy and politics influenced the games of Ancient Greece and Rome, and to demonstrate their importance in understanding the persistence of the games beyond their religiously driven origins. Utilizing numerous ancient sources, this th...Olympic games (Ancient); Athletics - Greece - History; Athletics - Rome - History2016-04
959 Taheri, KianaStories of transgressions: individual diffrences in the presence of specific scripts in narratives of negative experiencesThis study examined the relationship between attachment styles, individuals' narratives of their transgressions, and indicators of well-being. We asked 82 university students (56 females and 26 males) with an average age of 21.85 (SD=3.99) to provide six narratives of times they hurt another individ...Transgressions, cultural studies and education2012-05
960 Vlasic, KajsaStorytelling and the patient experience: Narratives of breast cancer survivorsThrough my young life, I have been fortunate enough to be surrounded and supported by a loving and extended family of mothers. Although I will only have one biological mom, I have collected other women as role models and confidantes who have guided and spoken words of encouragement through my most i...Breast cancer patients' writings2014-12
961 Hawe, SamanthaStrained alliance: American ideal and Saudi expertise in fostering Islamic extremismDuring the Cold War, the United States and Saudi Arabia worked together to bolster the efforts of Islamic fundamentalist groups who were battling the Soviet Union. The training, funding, and connections given to some groups in that era led to many of the conflicts in the Middle East today, such as...Islamic fundamentalism; Radicalism2016-05
962 Hahm, SuhyunStressors of varying properties induce differences in the modulation of behavior and biologyStress induces enduring behavioral and biological consequences. Despite its pervasiveness, the biological and neural processes underlying its effects remain largely unknown. The existing literature generally examines the repercussions of stress from the aspect of a single stressor; however, stressor...2022
963 Skedros, Gregory AthanasiosStructural and material changes in the sheep radius from newborn to adult: Functional adaptation versus developmental constraintBones that exhibit marked changes in structural and material characteristics during ontogeny are potentially useful for studying the mechanisms that produce functional adaptations. The diaphyseal region of the sheep radius was examined because it is relatively simply loaded in cranial-caudal bending...Functional adaptations - Sheep; Developmental constraint - Sheep; Ontogeny2015-08
964 Farrall, NicholasStructural characterization of the full-length exocyst complex by transmission electron cryo-microscopyThe exocyst is a conserved octameric protein complex in eukaryotes that is essential for tethering and fusion of vesicles to the plasma membrane. Composed of eight subunits, it is essential for growth, secretion, and developmental processes and has been implicated in cell motility, autophagy, cell d...Saccaromyces cerevisaie - Cytology; Cryomiscroscopy - Research2014-05
965 Lee, CindieStructured versus unstructured day: physical activity among adolescents during covid-19Background: Structured settings, specifically school, have been understood to promote physical activity (PA) in children. During the COVID-19 pandemic, students were required to attend school remotely, in an unstructured setting. The purpose of this study is to examine the physical activity of child...2022
966 Martin, Kaylee N.Student domain interest and its impact on systems thinking in General EducationThere have not been many empirical investigations into the benefits of various specialized general education pathways offered by colleges and universities. This study will investigate systems thinking outcomes related to environment and health fields from programs specifically offered by the Univers...2022
967 Dyer, JamieStudies of Spectral Variability of Quasars with Multi-Epoch AnalysesQuasars are supermassive black holes known to drive galaxy formation. They can have masses up to 109 solar masses and are the most luminous known objects in the sky, making them very important trackers of cosmic evolution. Given the large amount of research already surrounding quasar astrophysics, t...2017
968 Bull, August JohnStudying Galois Representations Using Elliptic CurvesDiophantine equations and their solution sets are prominent subjects of study in number theory. These equations are often studied modulo prime numbers or prime ideals in field extensions. Galois Theory is well-suited to study field extensions, but Galois groups are often mysterious. To remedy this, ...2020
969 Clark, CalliStudying hypothetical electromagnetic earthquake precursors using a global finite-difference time-domain modelElectromagnetic (EM) precursors may be detectable by satellites and ground-based stations before large earthquakes strike and destroy entire cities. However, earthquakes are near impossible to predict as the physics of earthquake precursors is still poorly understood. This paper reports a global...earthquake prediction - Research; Seismology - Research; Earthquake hazard analysis; Earthquake precursors; Electromagnetic signals; Ionospheric physics; Finite-difference time-domain model2016-04
970 Collingridge, BrooklynSubstance use disorder treatment limitations for women veterans experiencing homelessnessThe risk of developing substance use disorder (SUD) is particularly high among women Veterans experiencing homelessness. Access to high-quality tailored healthcare in Veterans' primary care centers-known as Patient-Aligned Care Teams (PACTs)-is needed in order to address the unique combination of ge...2024
971 Enriquez, Trisha Pauline DiazSubstrate use within the drosophila melanogaster species subgroupEffective sensory perception is a vital aspect of survival for living organisms such as Drosophila. More specifically, olfaction, or the sense of smell, is essential because the detection of odors allows it to find potential food, danger, or specifically, where to lay eggs. This review will examine ...2021
972 Lami, MorganSubverting the Stereotype: Sherman Alexie's an Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian as a crucial Intervention in Today;s Language Arts ClassroomsSherman Alexie is known as the contemporary voice for the modern American Indian because of his deep and wide popularity amongst many different ethnic and racial groups. His novels and short stories have become very popular in classrooms and libraries across the nation. By being the voice of a whole...2016
973 Prince, Stephen TannerSuper Mario Maker and Dashiegames a Youtube, Folk PalimpsestFolklore is traditional, informal, unofficial culture. And right now, on the internet, it's changing everything you know about entertainment. In this thesis, I look at the gaming tradition, past and present, and at the major game developer Nintendo. I present Nintendo's fascinating history, and an a...2019
974 Watkins, Ryan DavisSuppression of lymphangiogenesis using VEGF-C trapThe lymphatic system is responsible for controlling systemic fluid buildup. Lymphangiogenesis is a dynamic process involving sprouting, and maintaining new lymphatic vasculature. Vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGF-C) is as a key growth factor that induces lymphangiogenesis by binding VEGF re...Lymphatics - Growth; Vascular endothelial growth factors - Antagonists; Lymphangiogenesis; VEGF-C trap2014-05
975 Rowe, Ana BrunsThe suppression of signal-switching defects in the Escherichia coli serine chemoreceptorThe model bacterium Escherichia coli contains a chemotaxis system that allows the cell to change its swimming behavior in response to its environment. As the cell swims, transmembrane chemoreceptors detect concentration changes in attractant and repellent compounds and transmit signals across the in...2023
951 - 975 of 1,102