76 - 100 of 118
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76 Missouri Indian, Oto Indian, Chief of the Puncas1840-11-01Image
77 Missouri Indian, Oto Indian, Chief of the Puncas1840-11-01Image
78 Narrative of the adventures of Zenas Leonard : a native of Clearfield County, Pa., who spent five years in trapping for furs, trading with the Indians, &c., &c., of the Rocky Mountains1839Text
79 Noapeh, An assiniboin Indian, Psihdja - Sahpa, A Yantonan Indian1840-09-01Image
80 Noapeh, An assiniboin Indian, Psihdja - Sahpa, A Yantonan Indian1840-09-01Image
81 Nombres geográficos de México : catálogo alfabético de los nombres de lugar pertenecientes al idioma "Nahuatl": estudio jeroglífico de la Matrícula de los tributos del Códice mendocino1885Text
82 Offering of the Mandan Indians1839-01-01Image
83 Offering of the Mandan Indians1839-01-01Image
84 Pachtuwa-Chta, An Arrikarra Warrior1839-08-01Image
85 Pachtuwa-Chta, An Arrikarra Warrior1839-08-01Image
86 Pehriska-Ruhpa, A Minatarre or big-bellied Indian1839-01-01Image
87 Pehriska-Ruhpa, A Minatarre or big-bellied Indian1839-01-01Image
88 Pehriska-Ruhpa, Moennitarri Warrior in the Regalia of the dog Danse1841-02-01Image
89 Pehriska-Ruhpa, Moennitarri Warrior in the Regalia of the dog Danse1841-02-01Image
90 Pintura del gobernador : alcaldes y regidores de México. Códice en geroglíficos mexicanos y en lenguas castellana y azteca, existente en la biblioteca del Duque de Osuna1878Text
91 Ptihn-Tak-Ochata, Dance of the Mandan Women1839-01-01Image
92 Ptihn-Tak-Ochata, Dance of the Mandan Women1839-01-01Image
93 Punka Indians Encamped on the Banks of the Missouri1839-05-01Image
94 Punka Indians Encamped on the Banks of the Missouri1839-05-01Image
95 Reise in das innere Nord-America in den jahren 1832 bis 18341968Text
96 Reise in das innere Nord-America in den Jahren 1832 bis 1834, vol. 21839; 1840; 1841
97 Reise in das innere Nord-America in den Jahren 1832 bis 1834; von Maximilian Prinz zu Wied, vol. 11839; 1840; 1841
98 Saukie and Fox Indians1839-07-01Image
99 Saukie and Fox Indians1839-07-01Image
100 Scalp Dance of the Minatarres1839-01-01Image
76 - 100 of 118