201 - 225 of 230
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201 Limbic System: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDThe decision was made to present a simplified description of a much more complex system using animations to construct a 3D image. Papez circuit is shown on gross specimens with mention of its involvement in memory. The role of the amygdala in fear and the olfactory cortex in temporal lobe epilepsy a...Limbic System; Hippocampus; Brain; Dissection
202 The Most Important Pathway: Motor Control: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDThe origin of the corticospinal tract in the cerebral cortex is traced through gross sections of the hemisphere and brain stem to the spinal cord. Using an animation, the terms upper and lower motor neuron are defined and clinical signs and symptom listed.Corticospinal Tract; Cerebral Cortex; Motor Neuron; Brain; Dissection
203 The Unfixed Spinal Cord: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDThe spinal cord's relationship to the foramina, discs and spinal nerves is demonstrated on a model. The dura, ganglia and rootlets are shown as well as the gray and white matter in gross sections at different levels. A model of the cord is used to demonstrate and describe the anatomy of a monosynapt...Unfixed Spinal Cord; Spinal Cord; Brain; Dissection
204 Olfactory System: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDBeginning with the location of the sensory cells within the skull the axons are traced into the cranial cavity. Demonstration of the olfactory bulb, olfactory tract and it termination in the forebrain and temporal lobe are indicated. Trauma and meningiomas can produce loss of small (anosmia). Degene...Olfactory System; Olfactory Bulb; Anosmia; Brain; Dissection
205 The Meninges: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDThe epidural, subdural and subarachnoid spaces are demonstrated and discussed with respect to trauma and disease. The relationship of the brainstem and cerebellum to the tentorium demonstrates the vulnerability of the brain stem to increased supratentorial pressure and herniation. Arachnoid granulat...Meninges; Brain; Dissection
206 Orientation: The Planes of the Brain: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDTerms such as anterior, posterior, inferior and superior are introduced with respect to the hemispheres as well as the brain stem. Terms such as rostral and caudal or dorsal and ventral can mean different things in different areas. Sections in three planes (frontal, axial, and sagittal) are demonstr...Frontal; Axial; Sagittal; Brain; Dissection
207 The Visual Pathway: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDA brief review of the anatomy of the eye and the photic stimulation of the receptors is followed by a gross exploration of the visual pathway from the optic nerve, chiasm, and tract to the thalamus stressing how the left part of the visual world reaches the right hemisphere. Visual fields are relate...Visual Pathway; Brain; Dissections
208 The Normal Unfixed Brain: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDThe consistency and vulnerability of the brain is demonstrated along with the clear and glistening pia and arachnoid and the tough dura. The cushioning function of the CSF is stressed and the features are pointed out on the ventral surface. The uncus and temporal lobes are normal with arteries free ...Brain; Dissections
209 Cogan's Lid Twitch SignRaed Behbehani, MDCogan's lid twitch sign is a twitch sign of he upper lid upon looking straight from a sustained downgaze position. It is associated with Ocular Myasthenia Gavis.Myasthenia; Ptosis; Lid Twitch
210 Upbeat NystagmusRaed Behbehani, MD,A patient with a brain stem syndrome due to demyelination and upbeat nystagmus.Upbeat Nystagmus
211 Downbeat Nystagmus Anti-GAD Cerebellar SyndromeRaed Behbehani, MDA patient with Anti-GAD positive Cerebellar syndrome with ataxia and opsoclonus due to downbeat nystagmus , treated with Baclofen with some improvement.Downbeat Nystagmus
212 See-Saw NystagmusRaed Behbehani, MDThis nystagmus localizes to lesions supra/parasellar region (Large sellar and hypothalamic lesion) and is characterized by a see saw movement of elevation/intorsion of one eye and depression/extorsion of the other eye in a pendular fashion. This patient had a large pituitary macro-adenoma with supra...See-Saw Nystagmus
213 Optic Nerve Sheath FenestrationRaed Behbehani, MDOptic nerve sheath fenestration is performed to manage papilledema causing progressive loss of vision , due to raised intracranial pressure from Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension or Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis. The procedure is usually performed in cases of severe visual field loss or when m...Optic Nerve Sheath Fenestration
214 Temporal Artery BiopsyRaed Behbehani, MDThis is a video of Superficial Temporal Artery Biopsy done under local anaesthesia for a patient who was suspected to have Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA. GCA is vasculitis of the medium sized vessels than can lead to permanent visual loss by causing Arteritis Ischemic Optic Neuropathy. The diagnosis of ...Temporal Artery Biopsy; Giant Cell Arteritis
215 Pulsating ExophthalmosRaed Behbehani, MDThis patient had brain surgery with bone removal resulted in transmission of CSF pulsation into the orbit and pulsating exophthalmos. This sign can also be seen in patient with neurofibromatosis with hypoplasia of the sphenoid wing bone.Pulsating Exophthalmos; Neurofibromatosis
216 Congenital Oculomotor ApraxiaRaed Behbehani, MDCongenital Ocular Motor Apraxia is an uncommon condition that causes children to have difficulty moving their eyes horizontally or from side to side. They are usually unable to quickly move their eyes from side to side and often have to turn their head (head jerking) and not just their eyes to track...Oculomotor Apraxia
217 Ocular NeuromyotoniaRaed Behbehani, MDOcular Neuromytonia is a characterised by by paroxysmal tonic contraction of the extraocular muscles supplied by the oculomotor nerve. It is has been reported after cranial radiation therapy, especially to the sellar-parasellar region and from compressive lesions such tumours or aneurysms. The patho...Ocular Neuromyotania
218 Periodic Alternating NystagmusRaed Behbehani, MDPAN is a nystagamus characterized by a cycle of uniderectional jerk nystagamus for 60-90 sec , a pause for 10-20 sec and a a cycle of a jerk nystagmus in the opposite direction for 60-90 sec. It is found in brain stem and cerebellar conditions as well as ocular albinism ( as in this patient).Periodic Alternating Nystagmus
219 See-Saw NystagmusRaed Behbehani, MDSee-saw nystagmus is a localizing nystagmus to lesions of the sellar and parasellar region. "It's characterized by synchronous elevation and intorsion of one eye and depression and extorsion of the contra lateral eye . This patent has a craniopharyngioma, which was operated twice, optic atrophy and ...See-Saw Nystagmus
220 Marcus Gunn Jaw WinkingRaed Behbehani, MDMarcus Gunn Jaw Wink causes congenital ptosis and eyelid retraction associated with jaw movement or sucking. It's due to "miswiring" between 3rd and 5th cranial nerves. The treatment of ptosis in children is surgery to prevent amblyopia .Jaw Winking; Marcus Gunn
221 Apraxia of Eyelid OpeningRaed Behbehani, MDPatient has Parkinson disease and has developed this condition following deep brain stimulation.Apraxia; Eyelid Opening
222 Pertinent Pupillary ProblemsKarl C. Golnik, MDPupil Exam is a narrated PowerPoint that covers the basic of examining pupils.Pupil Exam; Pupil
223 AnisocoriaKarl C. Golnik, MDThis is a narrated PowerPoint presentation that covers the common causes of anisocoria.Pupil; Anisocoria
224 Parinaud SyndromeRaed Behbehani, MDParinaud syndrome, as called dorsal midbrain syndrome, is due to dorsal midbrain lesions from compression (e.g., a tumor), demyelination, or ischemia. The syndrome is characterized by limitation of upward gaze, convergence retraction nystagmus, light near dissociation, and lid retraction (Collier's ...Dorsal Mibrain Syndrome; Parinaud's Syndrome
225 Square Wave Jerks with ContrapulsionRaed Behbehani, MDA patient with history of brain stem stroke 2 months ago (right hemifacial anesthesia , left sided weakness and bulbar symptoms dysphagia) comes complaining of oscillipsia , binocular vertical diplopia). On exam he had a vertical tropia of 3-4 PD (Skew deviation), dissociated nystagmus , and saccadi...Square Wave Jerks; Contrapulsion
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