101 - 125 of 212
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101 Landesman, Margaret M.Heard on the net, trouble downloading: a library's most urgent issue, but not, perhaps, the most important oneArticle exploring issues facing libraries in providing access to electronic journals and articles.Libraries, internet downloads; Electronic Journals, access; Open Access2005-10-07
102 Love, April M.Hidden water: Salt Lake County, UT drainages, a part of the Western Waters Digital LibrarySalt Lake Valley watershed, hidden water2012
103 Landesman, Margaret M.History of pioneer: Utah's online libraryText of a speech given by the author on October 4, 2001, at the Nevada Library Association Annual Convention.Libraries; Online Library catalogs; Library Resources2001-10-04
104 Silverman, Randall H.Hurricane havoc in paradiseTuesday 3 November 1992: Having previously cast absentee ballots, six conservators departed from Honolulu airport on election day for Kaua'i and a first-hand look at the damage caused by Hurricane Iniki.Recovery; Mold; Kaua'i museum1992
105 Breznay, Ann Marie; Haas, Leslie M.If you build it will they come? Services will make the difference in a portalAbstract: Identifying and adding services to a library portal will add to its long term success in a market that pits libraries against commercial vendors like Google and Amazon.com. The current focus on portals has been on selecting collections and developing the basic functionality of the websi...Web design; Functionality; Customization2005-10
106 Phong-Tuong, BuiIllimunation of computer generated images (CSTD-73-005)This .report describes a new model for the shading of computer-generated images of objects in general and of polygonally descibed free-form curved surfaces in particular. The shading function is determined by a linear interpolation of the curvature of the surface. It takes into consideration the phy...Computer animation1973-07
107 Anderson, Richard BryanIMHBCO (in my humble but correct opinion) - academic libraries and the "Arming America" problem: a response to Steve McKinzieMcKinzie is careful in his recommendations: although he is deeply concerned about the "host of unwary readers" who may find in the stacks "a terribly misleading book that bases its arguments on fabricated data and deliberately misconstrued research," he emphasizes at the same time that he is not su...2009
108 Anderson, Richard BryanIMHBCO (In my humble but correct opinion) -- The book is dead and it's a good thing, tooAs a group, we librarians are certainly not unique in our ability to deny the obvious. But sometimes I think that we take that ability to a unique extreme. It is obvious, for example, that as a research tool for all but a very few academic disciplines, the print monograph is dead.Librarian; Academic; Libraries2002
109 Anderson, Richard BryanIMHBCO (In my humble but correct opinion) Is the library collection too risky?Like many (maybe even most) of my colleagues, I've been thinking a lot lately about low to allocate a suddenly diminished materials budget. Only a year ago our biggest worry was how to deal with serials inflation in an environment that offered insufficient budget increases.2009
110 Anderson, Richard BryanIMHBCO (In my humble but correct opinion)--LJ and the NRA: separated at birth? Or, knee-jerk politics makes strange bedfellowsI'm a regular reader of Slate, the online news and commentary magazine. 1 know it's part of the Microsoft Military-Industrial Complex, but Slate offers enough witty and insightful writing that I'm usually able to put aside my reflexive aversion to all things Microsoft for a few moments each morning ...Elitists, Extremists, Captured2002
111 Anderson, Richard BryanIMHBCO (In my humble but correct opinion): four mantras for the patron-centered technical services librarianIn the interest of promoting a more patron-centered approach to technical services work, I'd like to offer four mantras: 1. My job is not to manage information, but to deliver it; 2. I will not try to think like a good librarian, but like a bad patron; 3. Not everything worth doing is worth doing w...Information access; Information processing2005
112 Anderson, Richard BryanIMHBCO (In my humble but correct opinion): necessity, virtue, and research skillsIn libraries, I think we need to reexamine some of what we?ve come to consider ?virtuous? in our attitudes and behavior. Are these attributes and practices really virtues, or are they only ways of making necessary evils feel less onerous? And are they still necessary?Research skills; Databases; Books2007
113 Anderson, Richard BryanIMHBCO (In my humble but correct opinion): not even wrong: Gorman on GoogleThis article critiques Michael Gorman's critique of the Google Book Project.Google Book Project; Digitization; Information2005
114 Anderson, Richard BryanIMHBCO (In my humble but correct opinion): on knowing the value of everything and the price of nothingAre libraries ever guilty of wasting time and money (neither of which is ours to waste) on practices simply because they're "valuable" without considering whether there's a reasonable balance between what they're worth and what they cost?Evaluation; Task management; Value; Cost2006
115 Anderson, Richard BryanIMHBCO (in my humble but correct opinion): Preservation, yes - but what shall we preserve?Our work as librarians has always been the work of making difficult choices, but sometimes it seems like the choices we have to make are getting harder and harder. In this column, I'd like to talk about one that's so tough we don't even talk about it: how do we decide what information is not worth t...2008
116 Anderson, Richard BryanIMHBCO (In my humble but correct opinion): reference services, scalability, and the starfish problemThe problem with traditional reference service is that it isn?t scalable, and the solution to that problem does not lie in improving or expanding reference service, but rather in making traditional reference service less necessary. If only it didn?t feel so good to provide traditional reference serv...Patron service (Libraries); Library catalogs; Library classification systems2007
117 Anderson, Richard BryanIMHBCO (In my humble but correct opinion): the journal issue and the record album: two fundamentally irrational information productsOver the past few years I've become more and more convinced that the scholarly information world has a lot to learn from the music industry. Not so much from what the latter is doing either right or wrong, but from what has happened to it over the past 100 years, how it has happened, and why. From ...2009
118 Anderson, Richard BryanIMHBCO (In my humble but correct opinion): thinking about the value of staff timeWhen it comes to deciding how we and our staff should spend our time at work, it's becoming increasingly important that we look in a very hardheaded way at the value of our time and the value of our tasks. Our time is becoming increasingly expensive. Are we still spending time on processes that a...Staff time; Salary budget; Collections budget2006
119 Anderson, Richard BryanIMHBCO (In my humble but correct opinion): three kinds of research and two kinds of researcherOur libraries should be places (virtual and physical) where as little searching as possible has to take place. Making libraries easier to use doesn't undermine intellectual development -- on the contrary, it makes more intellectual development possible because it lets our patrons spend more time...Researchers; Libraries; Information2005
120 Anderson, Richard BryanIMHBCO (In my humble but correct opinion): three reason I?m a librarianWhy am I a librarian? I?m sure all of us have asked ourselves that question at one time or another, and I imagine that for some of us the answer is simple and for others it?s complex or even ineffable. For me, I think it boils down to three memories from my childhood and young adulthood, all of ...Library profession; Materials access2008
121 Anderson, Richard BryanIMHBCO (in my humble but correct opinon): What's your problem? (and what's mine?)Academic libraries are in a tough situation, there's no question about it. We're beset on two sides, and it's almost as if the two sides had coordinated their attacks. From one side, attacking us with a gentle smile and a two-edged sword, is Google, which wasn't satisfied with being the single easi...2009
122 Ogburn, Joyce L.The imperative for data curationThe processes of creation and expression of our scientific, social, and humanistic inspirations are culminating in a vast corpus of stunning and even life-changing documents, films, recordings, Web sites, and other media, including software. Advances in technology have enabled new kinds of scholarsh...2010
123 Silverman, Randall H.Importance of permanenceColor, opacity, weight, texture, printability, and permanence - the choice of paper is critical to any successful printing job and can spell the difference between a satisfied customer and one you'll never see again. Paper is an organic material and as such begins breaking down from the moment of i...Paper; Acid free; Alkaline paper1992
124 Silverman, Randall H.Inconvenient legacyThe role of research libraries is to preserve the long-term memory of humankind. Straddling competing interests, they strive to provide unimpeded access to scholarly books while maintaining those same volumes in perpetuity. In practice, these ?Ç£bastions of knowledge?Ç¥ lean toward pragmatic mai...Research libraries; Preservation; Book repair2007
125 Industrial revolutions: from canal systems to computer networksToday's so-called "Information Revolution" is often compared to past industrial revolutions, especially a British Industrial Revolution which took place between 1750 and 1830 and a Second Industrial Revolution which is believed to have occurred in the United States between 1880 and 1940. The compari...Information technology; Information Age2000
101 - 125 of 212