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TitleCreatorDateDescriptionRelation Is Part Of
1 Improving Healthcare System Policy Library Efficiency: Policy Redundancy Analysis Using K-means ClusteringWendorf, Michael D.2024POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Master of Science, MS, Nursing Informatics
2 Improving Healthcare System Policy Library Efficiency: Policy Redundancy Analysis Using K-means ClusteringWendorf, Michael D.2024This capstone project addresses the challenge of policy library redundancy within healthcare settings, highlighting the need for more research and solutions in policy library management. With the increasing volume of policies at healthcare institutions, managing and eliminating redundant policies is...Graduate Nursing Project, Master of Science, MS, Nursing Informatics
3 Workflow and Documentation Improvement Utilizing Existing Software Technologies: A Journey to Cancer Hospital AccreditationAnderson, Joseph2023The Huntsman Cancer Hospital aims to achieve "cancer hospital" accreditation through the American College of Surgeons' Commission on Cancer (CoC). The CoC requires nurses providing direct patient care to have oncology certification or complete 36 oncology-related continuing education unit (CEU) hour...Graduate Nursing Project, Master of Science, MS
4 Workflow and Documentation Improvement Utilizing Existing Software Technologies: A Journey to Cancer Hospital AccreditationAndersen, Joseph2023POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Master of Science, MS, Nursing Informatics
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