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1 Hansen, Charles D.Accelerated isosurface extraction in time-varying fieldsFor large time-varying data sets, memory and disk limitations can lower the performance of visualization applications. Algorithms and data structures must be explicitly designed to handle these data sets in order to achieve more interactive rates. The Temporal Branch-on-Need Octree (T-BON) extends t...Isosurfaces; Time-dependent scalar field visualization; Multiresolution methods; Octree; Bricking; Unstructured grid visualization; Out-of-core visualization2000
2 Shirley, Peter S.An anisotropic phong light reflection modelWe present a new BRDF model that attempts to combine the advantages of the various empirical models currently in use. In particular, it has intuitive parameters, is anisotropic, energy-conserving, reciprocal, has an appropriate non-Lambertian diffuse term, and is well-suited for use in a Monte Carlo...BRDF model; Anisotropic; Phong light reflection model2000
3 Gooch, Bruce; Reinhard, Erik; Moulding, Chris; Shirley, Peter S.Artistic composition for image creationAltering the viewing parameters of a 3D object results in computer graphics images of varying quality. One aspect of image quality is the composition of the image. While the esthetic properties of an image are subjective, some heuristics used by artists to create images can be approximated quanti...Image creation; Image quality2000
4 Shirley, Peter S.; Gooch, BruceArtistic vision: painterly rendering using computer vision techniquesWe present a method that takes a raster image as input and produces a painting-like image composed of strokes rather than pixels. Unlike previous automatic painting methods, we attempt to keep the number of brush-stroke small. This is accomplished by first segmenting the image into features, finding...Painting-like image; Raster image; Painterly rendering2000
5 Gooch, Bruce; Shirley, Peter S.Automatic image creation via artistic composition principlesMethods for choosing image parameters in both art and computer graphics are currently subjective. The choice of parameters results in images of varying quality. One aspect of image quality is the composition of the image. While the principles underlying composition are somewhat subjective, a portion...Image parameters2000
6 Shirley, Peter S.; Gooch, BruceAutomatic painting with economized strokesWe present a method that takes a raster image as input and produces a painting-like image composed of strokes rather than pixels. Unlike previous automatic painting methods, we attempt to use very few brush-strokes. This is accomplished by first segmenting the image into features, finding the medial...Raster image; Painting-like image; Automatic painting methods2000
7 Hansen, Charles D.Case study of isosurface extraction algorithm performanceIsosurface extraction is an important and useful visualization method. Over the past ten years, the field has seen numerous isosurface techniques published, leaving the user in a quandary about which one should be used. Some papers have published complexity analysis of the techniques, yet empirical...Isosurfaces; Contours2000
8 Ikits, MilanCoregistration of pose measurement devices using nonlinear least squares parameter estimationMultimodal visual haptic user interfaces can be made more effective by accurately colocating the workspaces of their components. We have developed a coregistration technique for pose measurement devices based on nonlinear least squares parameter estimation. A reduced quaternion parameterization is u...Coregistration; Pose measurement; Haptic interfaces2000
9 Zhang, LixinDesign a DRAM backend for the impulse memory systemThe Impulse Adaptable Memory System is a new memory system that exposes DRAM access patterns not seen in conventional memory systems. Impulse can generate huge number of small DRAM accesses, which will not be handled effectively by a conventional cache-line-size-access-oriented DRAM backend. In this...DRAM; Backend; Impulse memory system; Impulse Adaptable Memory System; Access patterns2000
10 Shirley, Peter S.Direct Ray tracing of smoothed and displacement mapped trianglesWe present an algorithm for ray tracing displacement maps that requires no additional storage over the base model. Displacement maps are rarely used in ray tracing due to the cost associated with storing and intersecting the displaced geometry. This is unfortunate because displacement maps allow the...Ray tracing displacement maps2000
11 Balasubramonian, RajeevDynamic memory hierarchy performance optimizationAlthough microprocessor performance continues to increase at a rapid pace, the growing processor-memory speed gap threatens to limit future performance gains. In this paper, we propose a novel configurable cache and TLB as an alternative to conventional two-level hierarchies. This organization le...Microprocessor performance; Processor-memory speed gap2000
12 Cohen, ElaineError bounded approximate reparametrization of NURBS curvesThis paper reports research on solutions to the following reparametrization problem: approximate c(r(t)) by a NURBS where c is a NURBS curve and r may, or may not, be a NURBS function. There are many practical applications of this problem including establishing and exploring correspondence in geomet...Reparametrization; NURBS curve2000
13 Smits, BrianGlobal illumination test scenesThe global illumination community has discussed having a database of scenes that could be used to compare and validate different global illumination algorithms. We present a set of test scenes for global illumination algorithms and propose that they be the beginning of such a database. These scenes ...Global illumination2000
14 Brunvand, Erik L. ; Gopalakrishnan, GaneshHigh-level asynchronous system design using the ACK frameworkDesigning asynchronous circuits is becoming easier as a number of design styles are making the transition from research projects to real, usable tools. However, designing asynchronous "systems" is still a difficult problem. We define asynchronous systems to be medium to large digital systems whose...2000
15 Weinstein, DavidLocalization of multiple deep epileptic sources in a realistic head model via independent component analysisEstimating the location and distribution of current sources within the brain from electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings is an ill-posed inverse problem. The ill-posedness of the problem is due to a lack of uniqueness in the solution; that is, different configurations of sources can generate ident...EEG; Current sources; Head model2000
16 Balasubramonian, RajeevMemory hierarchy reconfiguration for energy and performance in general-purpose processor architecturesConventional microarchitectures choose a single memory hierarchy design point targeted at the average application. In this paper we propose a cache and TLB layout and design that leverages repeater insertion to provide dynamic low-cost configurability trading of size and speed on a per application ...Translation lookaside buffer (TLB)2000
17 Freire, JulianaMetaComm: a meta-directory for telecommunicationsA great deal of corporate data is buried in network devices - such as PBX messaging/email platforms, and data networking equipment - where it is difficult to access and modify. Typically, the data is only available to the device itself for its internal purposes and it must be administered using eith...MetaComm; Meta-Directories; Directory Enabled Networking; Data integration2000
18 Shirley, Peter S.; Thompson, William B.Night renderingThe issues of realistically rendering naturally illuminated scenes at night are examined. This requires accurate models for moonlight, night skylight, and starlight. In addition, several issues in tone reproduction are discussed: eliminatiing high frequency information invisible to scotopic (night v...Night rendering; Low light -- Computer models2000
19 Back, Godmar V.Processes in KaffeOS: lsolation, resource management, and sharing in JavaSingle-language runtime systems, in the form of Java virtual machines, are widely deployed platforms for executing untrusted mobile code. These runtimes provide some of the features that operating systems provide: inter-application memory protection and basic system services. They do not. however, p...KaffeOS; Single-language; Java virtual machines; Mobile code; Runtimes2000
20 Freire, JulianaQuerying the webExpose attendees to key concepts and technologies for finding, querying and integrating information on the Web Identify technical challenges in designing systems that support Web queries Survey recent literature, and discuss interesting research directions.Webbase; Web navigation2000
21 Henderson, Thomas C.Reaction-diffusion processes as a computational paradigmTuring introduced reaction diffusion systems (RD-systems) as a mechanism which made possible the differentiation of morphological structure. We have shown how these systems can be used to provide an information network for smart sensor systems. However, we propose here that reaction diffusion system...Reaction diffusion systems; RD-systems; Computational paradigm2000
22 Riloff, Ellen M.Rule-based question answering system for reading comprehension testsWe have developed a rule-based system, Quarc, that can read a short story and find the sentence in the story that best answers a given question. Quarc uses heuristic rules that look for lexical and semantic clues in the question and the story. We have tested Quarc on reading comprehension tests typi...Quarc; Reading comprehension2000
23 Henderson, Thomas C.; McMurtry, Patrick; Smith, Philip J.; Voth, Gregory Alan; Wight, Charles Albert; Pershing, David W.Simulating accidental fires and explosionsThe Center for the Simulation of Accidental Fires and Explosions at the University of Utah focuses on providing state-of-the-art, science-based tools for the numerical simulation of accidental fires and explosions, especially in the context of handling and storing highly flammable materials.Center for the Simulation of Accidental Fires and Explosions; PBX9501; HMX2000
24 Weinstein, DavidStatistical analysis for FEM EEG source localization in realistic head modelsEstimating the location and distribution of electric current sources within the brain from electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings is an ill-posed inverse problem. The ill-posed nature of the inverse EEG problem is due to the lack of a unique solution such that different configurations of sources c...inverse EEG problem; FEM EEG; source localization2000
25 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshTransaction ordering verification of the PCI 2.1 protocol using trace inclusion refinementWe define an abstract model of PCI, called PCIA, and show that PCI is a refinement of PCIA based on tract inclusion. We then show that no traces of PCIA violate the Producer/Consumer property using the mur? explicit state ennumeration model checker. Given that PCIA does not violate the Producer/Cons...PCI; PCIA; tract inclusion2000
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