76 - 100 of 186
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76 Grafting real complex projective structures2010-08Textir_etd
77 Gromov-witten theory of projective bundles2017Textir_etd
78 H2(SL2 (Z[t,t-1]) ;Q) is infinite-dimensional2014-05Textir_etd
79 High-Performance Computing Performance Metric Analysis2019Textir_htoa
80 Imaging in a homogeneous aluminum plate by using ultrasonic waves2014-12Textir_htoa
81 Implications of antibiotic use for co-infections when a fitness trade-off for resistance is present2015Textir_htoa
82 Information-use strategies in ants2016Textir_etd
83 Integer torsion in local cohomology, and questions on tight closure theory2011-05Textir_etd
84 Intensity-only imaging with waves, restarted inverse born series, and analysis of coarsening in polycrystalline materials2016Textir_etd
85 Invariance principles in functional time series analysis with applications2015-05Textir_etd
86 Inverse electromagnetic scattering models for sea ice1998Textir_uspace
87 Laboratory measurements of sea ice: connections to microwave remote sensing1998Textir_uspace
88 Laplace's equation, the nonlinear Poisson equation and the effects of Gaussian white noise on the boundary2010-05Textir_etd
89 Learning statistics in the computer lab2012-08Textir_etd
90 Lefschetz pencils and nets for hyperplance sections of a complex projective surface2019Textir_etd
91 Limit theorems for random walk in a mixing random environment2012-08Textir_etd
92 Limit theorems in functional data analysis with applications2011-12Textir_etd
93 The Linear Algebra of the Last Passage Percolation Model2017Textir_htoa
94 Lipschitz metric on outer space2010-05Textir_etd
95 Local cohomology of thickenings2019Textir_etd
96 Localization of cohomologically induced modules to partial flag varieties2010-05Textir_etd
97 Log minimal models for arithmetic threefolds2016Textir_etd
98 Logarithmic kodaira dimension and zeros of holomorphic Log-One-Forms2018Textir_etd
99 Low-energy satellite transfer from Earth to Mars2015-04Textir_htoa
100 The lsing model and critical behavior of transport in binary composite media2012-01-01Textir_uspace
76 - 100 of 186