1001 - 1025 of 1,117
Number of results to display per page
1001 Systolic array synthesis by static analysis of program dependencies1986Textir_uspace
1002 T-check: bug finding for sensor networks2010-02-26Text; Imageir_uspace
1003 Taking I/O seriously: resolution reconsidered for disk1997Textir_uspace
1004 Target localization and autonomous navigation using wireless sensor networks -a pseudogradient algorithm approach2014-01-01Textir_uspace
1005 Target-directed navigation using wireless sensor networks and implicit surface interpolation2012-01-01Textir_uspace
1006 Task defined grasp force solutions1988Textir_uspace
1007 Techniques for visualizing 3D unstructured meshes1994Textir_uspace
1008 Temporally coherent interactive ray tracing2001Textir_uspace
1009 Test-case reduction for C compiler bugs2012-01-01Textir_uspace
1010 Testing micropipelines1994Textir_uspace
1011 Testing self-timed circuits using partial scan1995Textir_uspace
1012 Testing static analyzers with randomly generated programs2012-01-01Textir_uspace
1013 Testing two-phase transition signaling based self-timed circuits in a synthesis environment1993Textir_uspace
1014 Thread verification vs. interrupt verification2006-01-01Textir_uspace
1015 Three-Dimensional Input for Computer Graphics1968-06Textir_computersa
1016 TICL : a Type Inference System for Common Lisp1989-03Textir_computersa
1017 Tiler user's guide1986Textir_uspace
1018 Tiling the sphere with rational bezier patches1994Textir_uspace
1019 Timing constraints for high speed counterflow-clocked pipelining1995Textir_uspace
1020 Topological analysis and visualization of cyclical behavior in memory reference traces2012-01-01Textir_uspace
1021 Topology Based Surface Meshing and Morphing2010-10-06Text; Imageir_uspace
1022 Topology verification for isosurface extraction2012-01-01Textir_uspace
1023 Toward completeness in concept extraction and classification2009Textir_uspace
1024 Toward function-based distributed database systems1982Textir_uspace
1025 Towards a formal model of shared memory consistency for intel itanium2001Textir_uspace
1001 - 1025 of 1,117