776 - 800 of 1,090
Number of results to display per page
776 Papermaking by Hand in India1939Text
777 Papermaking in Indo-China1947Text
778 Papermaking in Southern Siam1936Text
779 Papermaking Pilgrimage to Japan, Korea and China1936Text
780 Papermaking through eighteen centuries, by Dard Hunter1930Text
781 Paradisi In Sole Paradisus Terrestris : or A Garden of all sorts of pleasant, flowers which our English ayre will permit to the noursed vp: with a Kitchen garden of all manner of herbes, rootes, & fruites, for ,eate or sause vsed with vs, and An Orchard of all sorte of fruitbearing Trees and Shrubbes fit for out Land together With the right orderinge planting & preseruing of them and their vses & vertues1629Text
782 Passing times : Christmastide edition1918Text
783 Pathological anatomy, pathology and physical diagnosis. : A series of clinical reports comprising the principal diseases of the human body: Volume 11883Text
784 Pathological anatomy, pathology and physical diagnosis. : A series of clinical reports comprising the principal diseases of the human body: Volume 21883Text
785 Pehriska-Ruhpa, A Minatarre or big-bellied Indian1839-01-01Image
786 Pehriska-Ruhpa, A Minatarre or big-bellied Indian1839-01-01Image
787 Pehriska-Ruhpa, Moennitarri Warrior in the Regalia of the dog Danse1841-02-01Image
788 Pehriska-Ruhpa, Moennitarri Warrior in the Regalia of the dog Danse1841-02-01Image
789 Peintre amoureux de son modele, piece en deux actes, parodiée dal Pittore Innamorato, intermede italien1757Text
790 Penitentiary Near Pittsburg1839-11-15Image
791 Penitentiary Near Pittsburg1839-11-15Image
792 Personal adventures in Upper and Lower California, in 1848-9, with the author's experience at the mines (volume 1)1850Text
793 Personal adventures in Upper and Lower California, in 1848-9, with the author's experience at the mines (volume 2)1850Text
794 Petri Alcyonii Medices legatus de exsilio1522Text
795 Pierfrancesco Giambullari accademico Fior. De'l sito, fórma, & misúre, déllo Inférno di Dánte1544Text
796 Pietro il Grande, Imperadore I., ed autocrata di tutte le Russie1803Text
797 Pinax theatri botanici; Prodromos theatri botanici1620; 1623Text
798 Pintura del gobernador : alcaldes y regidores de México. Códice en geroglíficos mexicanos y en lenguas castellana y azteca, existente en la biblioteca del Duque de Osuna1878Text
799 Pirke Avot1566Text
800 Più insigni pitture Parmensi : indicate agli amatori delle belle arti.Text
776 - 800 of 1,090