1 - 25 of 138
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1 "Aguantamos porque no nos Queda De Otra" (we holdup because we have no other option): Everyday resistance in the lives of Latina immigrant U.S. hospitality industry workers2013-06Textir_htoa
2 "Making do" in the land of opportunity: an exploration of the economic integration of refugees in Utah2018Textir_etd
3 The "tampon tax" public discourse of policies concerning menstrual taboo2016-04Textir_htoa
4 A comparative study of personal and social adjustment of American-born descendants of Greek Immigrants and of native Americans in Salt Lake City, Utah, 19501953Textir_etd
5 A new approach to the study of sexual violence: development and psychometric properties of a preliminary multi-item research instrument assessing rape-resistant attitudes2019Textir_etd
6 A sociological study of Mexican assimilation in Salt Lake City1947Textir_etd
7 A sociological survey of the Murray community1937-08Textir_etd
8 A study of the sexual attitudes and behavior of two hundred single college men1949Textir_etd
9 Active life expectancy and functional limitations among older Cambodians: results from a 2004 survey2005Textir_uspace
10 Air pollution shortens life expectancy and health expectancy for older adults: the case of China2012-01-01Textir_uspace
11 An Analysis of the Court of Arbitration system: Status & Power Through the Lens of Laugther2020Textir_htoa
12 An evaluation of Salt Lake Peer court effectiveness: completion and recidivism2020Textir_etd
13 An in-depth analysis of the court system's response to a child's psychological well-being in domestic violence custody hearings2023Textir_htoa
14 Archeology of a Utah lake site1946-06Textir_etd
15 Campus interpersonal violence: understanding of University Policy2023Textir_htoa
16 Capital punishment: a terminal illness2000Textir_cmp
17 Changes in functional limitations and survival among the elderly in Taiwan: 1993, 1996, and 19992002Textir_uspace
18 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Views on Homosexuality and How it Relates to Labeling Theory2019Textir_htoa
19 Comparative concepts and methodology used in the study of the family in France and in the United States1939-05-27Textir_etd
20 Constants and changes: role prescriptions for Mormon women as seen through selected Mormon periodicals: 1883-19841985Textir_etd
21 The constitutional revolution of Iran, 1906: a sociological analysis1974Textir_etd
22 Contraceptive care in jail: reproductive justice for incarcerated women2018Textir_etd
23 Correlates of leisure-time physical activity participation among Latino children and adolescents with acanthosis nigricans2014-01-01Textir_uspace
24 Crossing borders, crossing seas: the Philippines and continuities in migration2011-05Textir_etd
25 Determinants of old-age mortality in Taiwan2003Textir_uspace
1 - 25 of 138