1726 - 1750 of 10,888
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1726 Bruderlin, BeatDetecting ambiguities: an optimistic approach to robustness problems in computational geometryComputational geometry algorithms deal with geometric objects, usually represented by coordinates in an n-dimensional Euclidean space. Most efficient algorithms implement geometric operations as floating point arithmetic operations on the coordinates. Since floating point numbers can only approxima...Ambiguities; Computational geometry; Robustness problems1990
1727 Harpending, Henry C.; Rogers, Alan R.Detecting positive selection from genome scans of linkage disequilibriumThough a variety of linkage disequilibrium tests have recently been introduced to measure the signal of recent positive selection, the statistical properties of the various methods have not been directly compared. While most applications of these tests have suggested that positive selection has pl...Genome scans; Linkage disequilibrium; Gene trees2010
1728 Kasera, Sneha K.Detecting receiver attacks in VRTI-based device free localizationVariance-based Radio Tomographic Imaging (VRTI) is an emerging technology that locates moving objects in areas surrounded by simple and inexpensive wireless sensor nodes. VRTI uses human motion induced variation in RSS and spatial correlation between link variations to locate and track people. An ar...2012-01-01
1729 Mathews, V. JohnDetection and estimation with fixed lag for abruptly changing systemsThe problem of state estimation and system structure detection for discrete-time stochastic systems with parameters which may switch among a finite set of values is considered. The switchings are modeled by a semi-Markov, or Markov, chain with known transition statistics. A fixed time delay (lag) is...1983
1730 Gardner, Reed M.Detection of Biologic SignalsBiomedical Informatics1995
1731 Mastrangelo, Carlos H.Detection of biomolecular binding by fourier-transform SPRSurface plasmon resonance (SPR) is a widely used label-free detection technique that has many applications in drug discovery, pharmacokinetics, systems biology and food science. The SPR technique measures the dynamics of a biomolecular interaction at a surface, yielding kinetic association and diss...2010
1732 Yang, HaoriDetection of concealed special nuclear material using nuclear resonance fluorescence techniqueAbstract-Detection method based on Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence (NRF) technique targeting concealed Special Nuclear Material (SNM) has been discussed. Customized DAQ system has been developed to handle high rate events in NRF measurements by implementing real-time DSP on fast ADC and FPGA chip. ...2009
1733 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineDetection of electronic excited states in conjugated polymers by picosecond transient strain spectroscopyWe describe a new type of spectroscopy based on picosecond transient strain in absorption photomodulation that can be used to detect and identify both allowed and forbidden optical transitions in solid thin films. We have applied the new spectroscopy to a variety of conducting polymer films such as ...Picosecond transient strain spectroscopy1995-02
1734 Simpson, Jamesina J.Detection of embedded ultra-subwavelength-thin dielectric features using elongated photonic nanojetsPhotonic nanojets have been previously shown (both theoretically and experimentally) to be highly sensitive to the presence of an ultra-subwavelength nanoscale particle within the nanojet. In the present work, photonic nanojets elongated by almost an order of magnitude (relative to the latest previo...2011-01-01
1735 Yang, HaoriDetection of hidden materials using nuclear resonance fluorescence technique: simulation and measurementsAbstract-The measured value of the 2.176 MeV 238U Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence (NRF) peak count rate were compared with simulation results. The simulation methods studied include GEANT4, MCNP5 and MCNPX. The simulation results were found out to be consistent but one order of magnitude higher than ...2010-01-01
1736 Morse, Michael DavidDetection of nonpolar lons in 2?3/2 States by Radioastronomy via Magnetic Dipole TransitionsThe possibility of magnetic dipole-induced pure rotational transitions in the interstellar medium is investigated for symmetric Hund?s case (a) linear molecules, such as H-C?C-H+(X~2?3/2u), CO2+ (X~2?3/2g), H-C?C-?C-H+ (X~2?3/2g), and N3 (X~2?3/2g). These species lackan electric dipole moment and th...2011
1737 Tasdizen, TolgaDetection of salient image points using principal subspace manifold structureThis paper presents a method to find salient image points in images with regular patterns based on deviations from the overall manifold structure. The two main contributions are that: (i) the features to extract salient point are derived directly and in an unsupervised manner from image neighborhoo...2010
1738 Ailion, David CharlesDetection of slow modulation wave diffusion in incommensurate barium sodium niobate by 93Nb 2D exchange NMR93Nb two-dimensional (2D) exchange NMR was used to study ultraslow motions in incommensurate barium sodium niobate (BSN) in the temperature range 500 - 560 K. These 2D exchange data provide strong evidence for diffusionlike motion of the modulation wave in BSN. Such motions in BSN had been previousl...NMR; Hahn spin-echo decay; Incommensurate systems.2001
1739 Vardeny, Zeev Valentine; Ehrenfreund, Eitan A.Detection of soliton shape modes in polyacetyleneWe observed soliton shape modes by photoinduced absorption in partially isomerized (CH)x and (CD)x, coexisting with the soliton translational modes. The shape modes' ir activity, their dependence on the degree of isomerization, and the photoinduced spectra are explained in detail by a symmetry-break...Soliton shape modes; Polyacetylene; Photoinduced absorption1986-12
1740 Capecchi, Mario R.Detection of targeted GFP-Hox gene fuogenesissions during mouse embry.The ability to use a vital cell marker to study mouse embryogenesis will open new avenues of experimental research. Recently, the use of transgenic mice, containing multiple copies of the jellyfish gene encoding the green fluorescent protein (GFP), has begun to realize this potential. Here, we show ...Chimera; Crosses, Genetic; Gestational Age; Green Fluorescent Proteins; Mice, Inbred C57BL; Phenotype1998-10-27
1741 Scarpulla, MichaelDetection of ZnS phases in CZTS thin-films by EXAFSCopper zinc tin sulfide (CZTS) is a promising Earthabundant thin-film solar cell material; it has an appropriate band gap of ~1.45 eV and a high absorption coefficient. The most efficient CZTS cells tend to be slightly Zn-rich and Cu-poor. However, growing Zn-rich CZTS films can sometimes result in ...2011-01-01
1742 Kowaleski-Jones, LoriDeterminants of first sex by age 14 in a high-risk adolescent populationA study using data for mothers from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth and their children aged 14 or older indicates that, after accounting for a wide range of demographic and socioeconomic antecedents, children are significantly more likely to become sexually active before age 14 if their m...1996
1743 Jameson, Kenneth P.Determinants of Latin American exchange rate regimesThe experience of the last thirty years suggests that a wide range of factors affects policymakers' choice of exchange rate regime. The initial explanation was that changes in the international sphere dominated domestic policies and strongly influenced how governments decided among the trade-offs. M...Monetary policy; Exchange rate regimes2005
1744 Fowles, RichardDeterminants of motor vehicle fatalities using classical specification testing and Bayesian sensitivity methodsThis paper uses classical regression methods along with Bayesian Extreme Bounds Analysis (EBA) to addresses the effect of cell phones on motor vehicle fatality rates so as to examine the potential of net life-taking and life-saving effects. The models adjust for a time trend (YEAR), the maximum b...Motor vehicle fatalities; Motor vehicle statistical studies; Cell phones2008-01-09
1745 Zimmer, ZacharyDeterminants of old-age mortality in TaiwanRelationships among socio-demographic characteristics, general assessments of health, and old-age mortality are well established in developed countries. There is also an increasing focus on the connection between early-life experiences and late-life health. This paper tests these and other associat...Mortality determinants; Gompertz regression2003
1746 Jaskowski, Troy D.Determination of cytokine responses using a multiplexed fluorescent microsphere immunoassayWe used a multiplexed fluorescent microsphere immunoassay to develop a sandwich capture assay to assess simultaneously the production of thymus helper (TH) 1- and TH2-type cytokines in tissue culture supernatant obtained from stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The assay then was use...Multiplexed fluorescent microsphere immunoassay2002
1747 Warner, Homer R.Determination of Left Ventricular Contours: A Probabilistic Algorithm Derived from Angiographic ImagesBiomedical Informatics1980
1748 Ailion, David Charles; Morris, Alan H.Determination of lung water content and distribution by nuclear magnetic resonance imagingNMR imaging techniques are applicable to the assessment of lung water content and distribution because the NMR signal is, under certain conditions, proportional to tissue proton density. NMR imaging is noninvasive, easily repeatable, free from ionizing radiation, and particularly suitable for the as...Water content1986
1749 Miller, Jan D.Determination of Madelung constants for infinite and semi-infinite lattices by direct summationLattice sums for the electrostatic interactions in ionic crystals, first evaluated by Madelung, are now known to high degrees of accuracy. The problem of conditional convergence has been solved either by manipulations of a mathematical model of the lattice, or by directly summing over neutral group...Lattices; Madelung constants1976
1750 Ring, Terry Arthur; Eddings, Eric G.; Sarofim, Adel F.Determination of soot refractive index as a function of height in an inverse diffusion flameWith the scope of combustion diagnostics increasing, it is becoming ever more important for some of the more basic physical properties of soot to be addressed. Soot refractive index values were obtained as a function of height in a benzene inverse diffusion flame (IDF). The IDF was chosen for ease i...Inverse diffusion flame2007
1726 - 1750 of 10,888