1651 - 1675 of 10,888
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1651 Pounder, Diana G.Decision making in videotaped selection interviews: age and position effects retestedThis study was designed to test the effects of a candidate's age and the effect of the type of position under consideration on candidate ratings as assessed from a videotaped interview simulation. To investigate the effect of these variables, a 2 x 2 factorial design was used. The independent varia...1985
1652 Warner, Homer R.Decision Support in Medicine: Examples from the HELP SystemBiomedical Informatics1994
1653 Warner, Homer R.Decision-Driven Acquisition of Qualitative DataBiomedical Informatics1984
1654 Varner, Michael W.Decision-to-incision times and maternal and infant outcomes.OBJECTIVE: To measure decision-to-incision intervals and related maternal and neonatal outcomes in a cohort of women undergoing emergency cesarean deliveries at multiple university-based hospitals comprising the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Maternal-Fetal Medicine Units N...Cesarean Section; Fetal Distress; Outcome Assessment; Fetal Distress2006-07
1655 Francis, LeslieDecisionmaking at the end of life: patients with Alzheimer's and other dementiasPatients with dementia present difficult issues for health-care decisionmaking. This article addresses the moral and legal issues posed by end of life decisionmaking for such patients. In general, the ethical goals of care are to assure that patients' choices are respected and that patients' best i...Incompetence; Precedent economy2002
1656 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshDecomposing the proof of correctness of pipelined microprocessorsWe present a systematic approach to decompose and incrementally build the proof of correctness of pipelined microprocessors. The central idea is to construct the abstraction function using completion functions, one per unfinished instruction, each of which specify the effect (on the observables) of ...Pipelined microprocessors; Proof of correctness1998
1657 Couldwell, William T.; Apfelbaum, Ronald I.Decompression of cavernous sinus meningioma for preservation and improvement of cranial nerve functionMeningiomas are the most common tumors affecting the cavernous sinus (CS). Despite advances in microsurgery and radiosurgery, treatment of CS meningiomas remains difficult and controversial. As in cases of other meningiomas, the goal of treatment for CS meningioma is long-term growth control and pre...2006-07
1658 Adler, Frederick R.Deconvolution of isotope signals from bundles of multiple hairsSegmental analysis of hair has been used in diverse fields ranging from forensics to ecology to measure the concentration of substances such as drugs and isotopes. Multiple hairs are typically combined into a bundle for segmental analysis to obtain a high-resolution series of measurements. Individua...2014-01-01
1659 Stringfellow, Gerald B.Deep electron traps in organometallic vapor phase grown AlGaAsDeep electron traps have been studied by means of deep level transient spectrosocopy in type nominally undoped and interntionally te doped Al Ga As epitaxial layers which were grown by vapor phase epitaxy from organometallic compounds (OMVPE). Three main deep electron levels are present in undoped m...Vapor phase epitaxy; Shallow impurity identity; Optoelectronic device performance1980
1660 Rahman, AowabinDeep recurrent neural networks for building energy predictionThis poster illustrates the development of a deep recurrent neural network (RNN) model using long-short-term memory (LSTM) cells to predict energy consumption in buildings at one-hour time resolution over medium-to-long term time horizons ( greater than or equal to 1 week).Machine learning; Energy; Building energy modeling; Deep learning; Recurrent neural networks; Prediction2017-01-13
1661 Fernandez, Diego P.Deep-sea scleractinian coral age and depth distributions in the Northwest Atlantic over the last 225,000 yearsDeep-sea corals have grown for over 200,000 yrs on the New England Seamounts in the northwest Atlantic, and this paper describes their distribution both with respect to depth and time. Many thousands of fossil scleractinian corals were collected on a series o f cruises from 2003- 2005; by contrast,...Desmophyllum dianthus; Scleractinian coral; Seamounts; Northwest Atlantic2007
1662 Nguyen, Hoa Thanh; Nguyen, Thanh Hoang; Freire, JulianaDeepPeep: A Form Search EngineWe present DeepPeep (http://www.deeppeep.org), a new search engine specialized in Web forms. DeepPeep uses a scalable infrastructure for discovering, organizing and analyzing Web forms which serve as entry points to hidden-Web sites. DeepPeep provides an intuitive interface that allows users t...
1663 Adler, Frederick R.Defended fortresses or moving targets? Another model of inducible defenses inspired by military metaphorsWe use a common framework to compare three models of plant strategies to confront herbivory: constitutive defense, optimal inducible defense, and the "moving target." Plants with constitutive defenses retain a fixed defensive phenotype. Plants with optimal inducible defenses respond to attack by inc...Constitutive defense; optimal inducible defense; phenotype1994
1664 Olivera, Baldomero M.Defining a clade by morphological, molecular, and toxinological criteria: distinctive forms related to Conus praecellens A. Adams, 1854 (Gastropoda: Conidae)We carried out a definition of the Conus praecellens A. Adams, 1854, species group using a combination of comparative morphological data, molecular phylogeny based on standard genetic markers, and toxinological markers. Prior to this work, Conus praecellens was generally postulated to belong to a cl...Turriconus; 12SrRNA sequences; Phylogenetic analysis; Conus praecellens; Exogenes2010
1665 Ogburn, Joyce L.Defining and achieving success in the movement to change scholarly communicationIn the pursuit to change scholarly communication, libraries have undertaken a number of initiatives. These may include establishing a formal program, creating a committee, or taking other concerted actions at their institutions. While librarians have been engaged in targeted activities for some tim...Scholarly communication; Change2008
1666 Couldwell, William T.Defining postoperative values for successful resection of prolactinomasWe, as other authors, have noted that late relapse of hyperprolactinemia following apparent successful adenomectomy in women harboring microprolactinomas is not rare.[1-3] On retrospective review of a series of tumors treated at the University of Southern California teaching hospitals, we have foun...Hyperprolactinemia; Microadenoma; Prolactin1996
1667 Couldwell, William T.Definition of the role of contemporary surgical management in cisternal and parenchymatous cysticercosis cerebriWith increasing immigration from endemic regions, the incidence of neurocysticercosis in North America is rising. This retrospective study was undertaken to examine the role of surgery in those cases presenting with large cystic parenchymal and cisternal lesions in the current era of anthelminthic a...Brain cyst; Computed tomography; Neurocysticercosis; Magnetic resonance imaging; Praziquantel; Stereotaxis1991
1668 Bargteil, Adam WadeDeformation embedding for point-based elastoplastic simulationWe present a straightforward, easy-to-implement, point-based approach for animating elastoplastic materials. The core idea of our approach is the introduction of embedded space-the least-squares best fit of the material's rest state into three dimensions. Nearest neighbor queries in the embedded spa...2014-01-01
1669 Wu, Yong-ShiDeformed Hubbard operator, bosonization, and phase diagram of the one-dimensional t-J modelWe present an analytic study of the phase diagram of the one-dimensional t-J model and a couple of its cousins. To deal with the interactions induced by the no double occupancy constraints, we introduce a deformation of the Hubbard operators. When the deformation parameter ∆ is small, the induced...Hubbard operator; Bosonization; Deformation; t-J model2002-10
1670 Maloney, Thomas N.Degrees of inequality: the advance of black male workers in the northern meat packing and steel industries before World War IIRecent major works on long-term racial inequality in the labor market revolve around competing hypotheses concerning the importance of human capital factors (Smith and Welch 1989) and government policy (Donohue and Heckman 1991) in promoting black advance. There is however, another line or thinking ...Labor markets; Northern employers; Racial inequality1995
1671 Couldwell, William T.Delayed vasospasm after removal of a skull base meningiomaCerebral vasospasm is a well-known clinical entity associated with subarachnoid hemorrhage and traumatic brain injury [1,2]. In rare instances, vasospasm has been reported to occur after tumor resections, more specifically, after skull base tumor removal [3-5]. We report a rare case of a patient pre...2012-01-01
1672 Mallat, ChibliDemocracy As Unwavering Principle: World Wars and Failed PromisesContribution to the Global Progressive Forum, Brussels 27-29 November 2003 Session on Cultural Understanding chaired by Raimon Obiols MEP2003-11
1673 Chatterjee, DeenDemocracy beyond borders: justice and representation in global institutionsA book review of Andrew Kuper's Democracy Beyond Borders: Justice and Representation in Global Institutions.Book review; Democracy; Global governance2006-04
1674 Farmer, Colleen G.Dendrobates auratus (green and black poison dart frog). Larval PredationDendrobates auratus was intentionally introduced onto the island of O'ahu, Hawai'i in 1932 from Taboga Island, Panama for mosquito control. Phelsuma laticauda was accidentally introduced from Madagascar in 1996 to the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Both species are well established in the Manoa Val...Dendrobates auratus; Phelsuma laticauda2007
1675 Keller, Robert M.Denotational models for parallel programs with indeterminate operatorsSeveral approaches to networks of concurrently-operating modules involving indeterminacy are discussed. Techniques for representing the denotational semantics of such networks, and for verifying properties of them, are presented, including an oracle approach, an axiomatic approach, a data-type reduc...Denotational models; Indeterminate operators1977
1651 - 1675 of 10,888