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1 Coley, Phyllis D.; Lokvam, John; Kursar, Thomas A.Allelochemic function for a primary metabolite: the case of L-tyrosine hyper-production in Inga umbellifera (Fabaceae)Young leaves of tropical forest trees experience far higher herbivory pressure than mature leaves of the same species. Selection on young leaves has led to diverse forms of defense chemical expression. Though most allelochemicals are secondary metabolites, allelochemic function for a primary metabol...5-amino-4-hydroxy-pentanoic acid; Panama; Barro Colorado Island; Fabaceae; Inga umbellifera; Primary metabolite; Heliothis virescens2006
2 Olivera, Baldomero M.Conus peptides: biodiversity-based discovery and exogenomicsThe venoms of the ~700 species of predatory cone snails (genus Conus) are being systematically characterized. Each Conus species contains 100-200 small, highly structured venom peptides (colloquially known as conotoxins), which are synthesized and secreted in a venom duct (for overviews, see Refs. ...Conotoxins; Conus peptides; Exogenomics2006
3 Carrier, David R.Coupled evolution of breathing and locomotion as a game of leapfrogBecause the increase in metabolic rate related to locomotor activity places demands on the cardiorespiratory apparatus, it is not surprising that the evolution of breathing and of locomotion are coupled. As the respiratory faculty becomes more refined, increasingly aerobic life strategies can be exp...Evolution; Coupled evolution; Breathing; Locomotion; Cardiorespiratory apparatus2006
4 Adler, Frederick R.Do rhinoviruses follow the neutral theory? The role of cross-immunity in maintaining the diversity of the common coldOver 100 serotypes of rhinoviruses, one of the primary causes of the common cold, co-circulate in the human population. This high diversity makes it effectively impossible to develop a vaccine, even for those at risk of complications due to asthma or cystic fibrosis.Serotypes; mutation rate; immunodominance2006
5 Ehleringer, James R.ENSO effects on primary productivity in Southern Atacama desertIn the winter-rain southern Atacama Desert of the Coquimbo Region of Chile, El Niño - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events modulate primary productivity. In this region, there are important changes in water availability between La Niña (dry) and El Niño (rainy) years. Using interannual comparison...El Niño; Atacama Desert; Terrestrial ecosystems; Plant productivity2006
6 Hughes, Kelly T.Flagellar-specific transcription factor, σ28, is the Type III secretion chaperone for the flagellar-specific anti-σ28 factor FlgMThe σ28 protein is a member of the bacterial σ70-family of transcription factors that directs RNA polymerase to flagellar late (class 3) promoters. The σ28 protein is regulated in response to flagellar assembly by the anti-σ28 factor FlgM. FlgM inhibits σ28-dependent transcription of genes wh...Flagellum; gene regulation; Type III secretion; FlgM2006
7 Coley, Phyllis D.; Kursar, Thomas A.Food quality, competition, and parasitism influence feeding preference in a neotropical lepidopteranWe surveyed Lepidoptera found on 11 species of Inga (Fabaceae:Mimosoideae) co-existing on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, to evaluate factors influencing diet choice. Of the 47 species of caterpillars (747 individuals) recorded, each fed on a distinct set of Inga. In the field, 96% of the individuals...Competition; Electivity; Gelechiid; Herbivore growth; Fabaceae; Inga; Leaf expansion; Leafing phenology; Lipidoptera; Panama; Parasitism; Plant quality2006
8 Beckerle, Mary C.; Hoffman, Laura M.; Yoshigi, MasaakiGenetic ablation of zyxin causes Mena/VASP mislocalization, increased motility, and deficits in actin remodelingFocal adhesions are specialized regions of the cell surface where integrin receptors and associated proteins link the extracellular matrix to the actin cytoskeleton. To define the cellular role of the focal adhesion protein zyxin, we characterized the phenotype of fibroblasts in which the zyxin gene...Zyxin; Actin; Mena/VASP2006
9 Coley, Phyllis D.Growth-defense trade-off and habitat specialization by plants in Amazonian forestsTropical forests include a diversity of habitats, which has led to specialization in plants. Near Iquitos, in the Peruvian Amazon, nutrient-rich clay forests surround nutrient-poor white-sand forests, each harboring a unique composition of habitat specialist trees. We tested the hypothesis that t...Amazon; Ecological gradient; Growth-defense trade-off; Habitat specialization; Herbivory; Phenolics; Phylogenetic control; Rainforest; Reciprocal-transplant experiment; Terpenes; Tropical trees2006
10 Sperry, John S.Inter-tracheid pitting and the hydraulic efficiency of conifer wood: the role of tracheid allometry and cavitation protectionPlant xylem must balance efficient delivery of water to the canopy against protection from air entry into the conduits via air-seeding. We investigated the relationship between tracheid allometry, end wall pitting, safety from air-seeding, and the hydraulic efficiency of conifer wood in order to bet...Allometry; Araucariaceae; cavitation2006
11 Clayton, Dale H.; Bush, Sarah ElizabethIs melanin a defense against feather-feeding lice?The adaptive basis of plumage color has received much attention, including the finding that color can reveal information about parasite loads to potential mates. A related possibility, that color may be a direct defense against parasites, has received less attention.Columba livia; Columbiformes; Ectoparasites; Columbicola columbae; Campanulotes compare; Plumage color; Eumelanin; Preening2006
12 Shapiro, Michael D.Limb diversity and digit reduction in reptilian evolutionThe study of morphological rules, or trends, offered classical biologists the opportunity to address the mechanisms underlying the evolution of anatomical designs. Regularities in evolution suggested that common functional or developmental rules governed the transformation of structures. Parallelism...Digit loss; Morphology; Adaptation2006
13 Coley, Phyllis D.New cytotoxic cinnamic acid derivatives from leaves of Bonamia trichanthaBioassay-guided fractionation of the methanolic extract of the young leaves of Bonamia trichantha led to the isolation of four new cinnamic acid derivatives trichanthins A-D (l-4).Their structures were established by spectroscopic methods. All compounds were tested in cytotoxic assays against the MC...Bonamia trichantha; Cinnamic acid; Caffeic acid ester; p-Coumaric acid ester: Farnesol; Z-(l l)-hexadecen-l-ol; Cytotoxicity2006
14 Bohs, Lynn A.New species of Solanum and Capsicum (Solanaceae) from Bolivia, with clarification of nomenclature in some Bolivian SolanumBolivian floristic diversity is high, reflecting its great topographic and habitat diversity. Habitats in Bolivia range from seasonally flooded savannas to arid Chaco and high elevation deserts to hyper-humid montane and lowland rainforests.Capsicum; Solanum; Bolivia; Biodiversity2006
15 Goller, FranzNonlinear model predicts diverse respiratory patterns of birdsongA central aspect of the motor control of birdsong production is the capacity to generate diverse respiratory rhythms, which determine the coarse temporal pattern of song. The neural mechanisms that underlie this diversity of respiratory gestures and the resulting acoustic syllables are largely unkn...Sound; Syllables; Song2006
16 Beckerle, Mary C.Opposing roles of zyxin/LPP ACTA repeats and the LIM domain region in cell-cell adhesionCadherins mediate cell-cell adhesion by linking cell junctions to actin networks. Although several actin regulatory systems have been implicated in cell-cell adhesion, it remains unclear how such systems drive cadherin-actin network formation and how they are regulated to coincide with initiation o...Zyxin; Actin; Cadherin; LIM domains; VASP2006
17 Olivera, Baldomero M.P-superfamily conopeptidesThe present invention is directed to P-superfamily conopeptides, to DNA encoding precursors of the P-superfamily conopeptides and to the precursor peptides.2006
18 Bohs, Lynn A.Phylogenetic relationships among the "spiny solanums" (Solanum subgenus Leptostemonum, Solanaceae)Species of Solanum subgenus Leptostemonum comprise almost one third of the genus and are distributed worldwide. Members of this group are defined by their sharp epidermal prickles; thus, they are commonly referred to as the ˜spiny solanums." This subgenus includes a number of economically important...Granule-bound starch synthase gene; GBSSI; Heterandry; ITS; Leptostemonum; Solanum; trnS-trnG; Waxy2006
19 Bohs, Lynn A.Phylogeny and biogeography of the Canarian Solanum vespertilio and S. lidii (Solanaceae)The endemic and rare Solanum vespertilio and S. lidii from the Canary Islands are notable in being andromonoecious, self compatible, highly heterandrous (with short >reward= anthers and one very long >pollination= anther), and bearing strongly zygomorphic corollas. Solanum vespertilio flowers are a...Solanum vespertilio; Solanum lidii; Leptostemonum; tnT-F region; granule-bound starch synthase gene; GBSSI; Andromonoecy; Hererandry; Enantiostyly2006
20 Sperry, John S.Size and function in conifer tracheids and angiosperm vesselsThe wide size range of conifer tracheids and angiosperm vessels has important consequences for function. In both conduit types, bigger is better for conducting efficiency. The gain in efficiency with size is maximized by the control of conduit shape, which balances end-wall and lumen resistances.Ecological wood anatomy; vascular structure and function; water transport2006
21 Adler, Frederick R.Stochasticity, complex spatial structure, and the feasibility of the shifting balance theorySewall Wright's shifting balance theory of evolution posits a mechanism by which a structured population may escape local fitness optima and find a global optimum. We examine a one-locus, two-allele model of underdominance in populations with differing spatial arrangements of demes, both analyticall...Fitness landscape; Sewall Wright; Underdominance2006
22 Beckerle, Mary C.; Hoffman, Laura M.Supervillin modulation of focal adhesions involving TRIP6/ZRP-1Cell-substrate contacts, called focal adhesions (FAs), are dynamic in rapidly moving cells. We show that supervillin (SV)-a peripheral membrane protein that binds myosin II and F-actin in such cells-negatively regulates stress fibers, FAs, and cell-substrate adhesion. The major FA regulatory sequenc...Supervillin; Focal adhesions; Zyxin; LIM domains; TRIP62006
23 Clayton, Dale H.Two new species of Dennyus (Collodennyus) chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Amblycera: Menoponidae) from swiftlets (Apodiformes: Apodidae)The new species Dennyus (Collodennyus) mimirogerorum from the Papuan swiftlet, Aerodramus papuensis (Rand), from Papua New Guinea and D. (C.) bartoni from the Philippine swiftlet, A. mearnsi (Oberholser), from the Philippines are described and illustrated. The genetic distinctiveness of these two sp...Collodennyus; Chewing louse; Chewing lice; Swiftlets; Phthiraptera; Papuan swiftlet; Aerodramus papuensis2006
24 Hansen, Mark S.; Healy, Lindsey J.; Johnson, Christopher R.; Capecchi, Mario R.; Keller, Charles; Jones, Greg M.Virtual histology of transgenic mouse embryos for high-throughput phenotyping.A bold new effort to disrupt every gene in the mouse genome necessitates systematic, interdisciplinary approaches to analyzing patterning defects in the mouse embryo. We present a novel, rapid, and inexpensive method for obtaining high-resolution virtual histology for phenotypic assessment of mouse ...Forkhead Transcription Factors; Paired Box Transcription Factors2006
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