401 - 425 of 1,145
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401 Lee, Hye-riEliciting event type: Rumination and emotional complexityPast research has found positive associations between emotional complexity (the subjective experience of multiple simultaneous emotions; Hervas & Vazquez, 2011) and having a ruminative cognitive style. Numerous studies have suggested that the association between emotional complexity and rumination a...Emotions and cognition Depression; Mental Emotional complexity; Event type2015-04
402 Bischoff, AmandaElucidating the Mechanism and Predicting the Selectivity of the bis(Pyridine) Silver Permanganate OxidatiinThe Movassaghi group has recently reported several total syntheses of epipolythiodiketopiperazine derivatives (ETPs), a class of natural products with potent biological activity. A crucial step in their synthesis oxidizes two to four tertiary C-H bonds to form tertiary alcohols using (bis)pyridine s...2016
403 Juarez, Sergio ArturoEmpirical Analysis of the Participation Behaviors of Investors on Crowdfunding PlatformsThis project examines the phenomenon of crowdfunding, which allows individuals to seek investments for a project, campaign, or venture. Typically this is done via the Internet, through the participation of large numbers of investors (or backers) who invest or donate small amounts of money. The reaso...2017
404 Richards, LindsayEmployment trends and covid-19 in UtahIn this thesis I will evaluate the state of the Utah job market before and after the economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. During the first year after initial economic downturn, Utah emerged as an economic stronghold, and Salt Lake City metropolitan area had the lowest average unemploym...2021
405 Meza, FranciscoEmpowering inclusivity: assessing the necessity and impact of language access plans in local governmentsThis study investigates the critical role of language access plans in local governments to ensure equitable access to public services and foster civic participation among linguistically diverse communities. The research aims to shed light on the responsibilities of local government and the broader i...2024
406 Ruan, TingEndogenous ceramide contributes to cardiovascular complications in Type II diabetes by decreasing the association between PP2A and I2PP2ACardiovascular complications are the leading cause of death in individuals with conditions associated with insulin resistance, e.g. type 2 diabetes, diet-induced obesity. In patients with type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular complications are 2-4 times more prevalent. One common cardiovascular complicati...Ceramides - Physiological effect; Diabetic angiopathies2014
407 Seal, Laurie MichelleEnergy in Willa Cather's My Antonia and O Pioneers!: a union of landscape, personalities, and artThe primary texts for this essay are My Antonia and O Pioneers!. Using My Antonia I establish the existence of an energetic essence that quickens the land and various characters of these novels. The influence of this wild energy is manifest mainly through color and movement. I focus specifically on ...Willa Cather; Energetic essence; American literature1997-12
408 Lipman, JoshuaEnvironmental ethics in the Book of MormonCurrent LDS environmental theology, championed by George Handley, includes critiques of Mormon pioneer history, analyses of the Doctrine of Covenants (the LDS book of laws), and LDS influenced nature writing such as the work of Terry Tempest-Williams. However the lack of ecological thought dedicated...Book of Mormon - Criticism, interpretation, etc2014-12
409 Richards, AydenEnvironmental externality valuation: a timeline to financial materialityEnvironmental policy regulating the greenhouse gas emissions of public companies is likely to become more prevalent in the coming years. Therefore, it is essential for public companies and investors alike to understand how the implementation of environmental policy will affect the valuation of publi...2021
410 Moore, HeidiEquality of difference through binary reversalI propose a deconstructive tool intended to illustrate the arbitrary construction of binary oppositions and expose the user to their internal dichotomies. I also explore the implications of this tool which is intended to illustrate that by conveying the same thought, meaning, or idea by employing bi...Semiotics; Binary principle (Linguistics); Gender mainstreaming2013-08
411 Young, TylerEquity value implications of a spinoff for the parentcoThis paper investigates the shareholder value implications of spinoffs for the seller (ParentCo) among public companies. In 2022 alone, U.S. firms announced 44 significant spinoffs and completed 20, representing over $61 billion in value.1 As one of the most common strategic transactions companies t...2024
412 Gesteland, Chase HansEquity, diversity, and inclusion in engineering education: the need for progressive pedagogical frameworks and social justice perspectivesRacism is one of the defining characteristics of the history of the United States, and historical racism pervades many of its institutions to this day. Addressing the issue of systemic racism is a colossal task, and requires constant scrutiny of existing policy as well as dedicated efforts to produc...2022
413 Mercer, MarianneEstablishing a System for Structure-Function analysis of the Novel Role that NUP153 Plays in Nuclear AssemblyIn mitosis, equal partitioning of DNA between daughter cells requires an integrated series of events. At the start of anaphase the chromatin separates and forms two chromatin discs. This chromatin is then targeted by nuclear membrane proteins and membrane to form the nuclear envelope. These membrane...2018
414 Brooks, MeganEstablishing baseline numbers for isometric back muscle endurance in the dance populationPurpose: Medical professionals can better recognize and treat injuries caused by deviation, such as back pain when normative and baseline values are determined. Dancers are often a forgotten athletic population. Researchers have yet to determine dancers' normative back and core muscle endurance valu...2023
415 Thissen, CaitlinEstablishing sense of place in an urban desert wasteland : reconsidering traditional design materials in contemporary buildingA reconsideration of traditional and sustainable construction materials should not only be encouraged in the contemporary age, but should support the establishment of a more engaging spatial experience, culturally and ecologically. Traditional building and design materials preserve the local charact...Sustainable architecture - Arizona; Building materials - Arizona; Pueblo architecture - Arizona2013-05
416 Scholes, Connor G.The Ethics of Uncertainty in Clinical Genetics TestingRecent years have seen the explosive development of genetics and its subsequent use in medical practice. In the face of such rapid technological advancement that impacts the health of thousands each year and constitutes a multi-million-dollar industry, ethical analysis of the various shortcomings th...American; College of Medical Genetics; Subsequent2019
417 Moelling, Leah I.Eurypterid paleoecology : characterization and analysis of a late Silurian shallow marine fossil assemblage from southern Ontario, CanadaEurypterids were giant chelicerate arthropods that have been extinct since the Permian Period. Eurypterids are rare as fossils, and many eurypterid fossils are likely skeletons shed during life (molts), which make it problematic when seeking to determine the types of environments in which they lived...Eurypterida2013-05
418 Fontaine, NickEvaluating conductive pedot:PSS hydrogel in promoting neural rehabilitationPeripheral nervous injuries (PNI) affect millions of individuals every year and present a significant challenge for physicians. Surgeons have used suturing techniques to repair short sections of damaged nervous tissue, but past a critical distance must resort to nerve guidance conduits (NGC). One ma...2022
419 Cocke, Rebecca C.Evaluating the Catalytic Activity of Iron and Nickel Impurities in Bare High-Pressure High-Temperature NanodiamondMany metal nanoparticles are used as catalysts for various reactions and are held on supports. High-Pressure High-Temperature nanodiamonds (HPHT ND) are able to support metal nanoparticles even under strenuous chemical environments due to their robust nature. The production of HPHT ND includes the u...2018
420 Mason, IndigoEvaluating, implementing, and supporting sexual health programming for young adults at The University of UtahSex, sexuality, and reproduction are intimately tied to what it means to be human. The field of sexual and reproductive health explores the nuances and connections between intimacy, pregnancy, and birth with economic, social, and political power. Even though the field has made remarkable strides, st...2021
421 Fernandez, FlorenceEvaluation of environmental education in high school science courses across Salt Lake City, UtahWhile the effects of pollution become Incredibly more evident in the air of the Salt Lake Valley, many Utah high school students still lack the knowledge and information necessary to take preventative and immediate actions to protect their health and their environment. In this study, the reasons for...Environmental education -- Utah -- Salt Lake City; Science -- Study and teaching -- Utah -- Salt Lake City; Air -- Pollution -- Utah -- Salt Lake City2015-05
422 Goel, DivyamEvidence-based medicine in times of crises: what we can learn from covid-19 to adapt early on in a pandemicEvidence-based medicine (EBM) is the current philosophical paradigm by which contemporary healthcare practices are guided. A related field, evidence-based public health (EBPH), similarly advises practices in the field of public health. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated weaknesses in th...2022
423 Christensen, BryceEvolution, living patterns, and mitochondrial genetic variations in chimpanzeesThe study of genetic variation in chimpanzees allows researchers to determine evolutionary origins, population dynamics, living patterns, and more; the focus of this thesis is on the Pan troglodytes verus subspecies of chimpanzees of western Africa. After reviewing the literature, I set out to test ...Chimpanzees -- Genetics; Chimpanzees -- Evolution; Mitochondrial DNA2015-12
424 Fan, HuijunExamination of Y-Deterium isotope effects for the solvolysis of model isoprenoid compoundsModel isoprenoid compounds can undergo two distinct pathways, dissociative or associative nucleophilic substitution depending on the conditions used. The dissociative pathway consists of two steps, involving a carbocation intermediate where the formation of that carbocation is rate determining. The ...Isopentenoids; Solvolysis; Deuterium - Isotopes2012-05
425 Choi, Andrew YoungExamining off-task behaviors as regulatory mediators of long-term interest and performance onlineLearning via the Internet requires greater reliance on self-regulation (Artino & Stephens, 2009). Online students have easier access to both interesting related materials (i.e.,lesson-related videos) and unrelated materials (i.e., social media). Initial results from the Regulation of Motivation and ...Internet literacy - Study and teaching; Regulation of Motivation and Performance Online (RMAPO)2012-05
401 - 425 of 1,145