226 - 250 of 1,141
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226 Harris, IanThe Colorado River compact: questioning the past, present, and future justificationIn recent decades, the reliability of the Colorado River to remain the main provider of water for the Intermountain West region has been called into question. Particularly under discussion is whether the Colorado River Compact (CRC) and Law of the River, first enacted in 1922 are still relevant gove...2021
227 Quigley, MatthewComing out black : race, identity, and coming outFor gay men the coming out process marks their acceptance of and in the gay community. The stories of "coming out" that they tell allow them to share in similar experiences and create a bond that ties them together. These narratives tend to emphasize similar experiences, seen as commonplace to a ful...African American gay men - Identity; Coming out (Sexual orientation)2013-07
228 Krueger, AdrienneThe commune in commodities: Bruno braquehais's photography of the Paris commune of 1871Perhaps no other photographer of the Paris Commune has received as much art historical attention as Bruno Braquehais. Within this scholarship, he is heralded as unique, either framed as the dedicated photojournalist of the Commune or as the sole photographer sympathetic to the cause of the Commune. ...2021
229 Konecny, KassandraCommunicating wallsThis thesis consists of 30 pages of poems and an essay introduction that details everything from my writing process to the meanings and/or collective themes of the poems themselves. With the combination of newly written poems and older poems I've written over the course of my college career, I have ...American poetry - 21st century2014-05
230 Rashid, InakhshmiCommunication between young adults and family members with type 2 diabetesWith a staggering 537 million adults living with type 2 diabetes (T2D) as of 2021, T2D has become one of the most prevalent chronic conditions in the world. Lowering this prevalence is possible as T2D is preventable through healthy lifestyle habits, even amongst people with an increased risk due to ...2023
231 Meadows, NatalieCommunication is key: A critical analysis of Spanish language policies and ideologies in healthcare settings in the United StatesEffective communication is a vital component in providing quality healthcare. Communication between patients and their healthcare providers has been shown to have substantial effects on health outcomes. According to the 2012 U.S Census 5% of the U.S population who identifies as Hispanic or Latino re...Language policy - United States; Hispanic Americans - Medical care2014-08
232 Troester, LandonCommunities and New Americans: the Process of Joining and Building Communities Among 1880-1920 Immigrants and World War II RefugeesDuring the late 19th and early 20th century, the United States faced substantial changes in the nature of European immigration to the country. Unlike previous phases of immigration, many of the European arrivals were from Southern and Eastern Europe, and as a result struggled to identify existing cu...2019
233 Meredith, SarahThe Community and School Factors Effecting Student Achievement in Utah Public School DistrictsIn 2017, the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst (LFA) published a report titled "What Drives Student Achievement Across States?" finding that, "educational attainment of adults has the largest and most consistent impact on k-12 student achievement." This was analysis on three measure of studen...2020
234 Seshan, ThulasiComparative Indigenous Water Law in the Western United States and AustraliaIn 2010 the United Nations declared that water was a human right. Yet indigenous peoples around the world still do not have full access to water- to their human right. This paper attempts to understand what water rights indigenous people do have, and how those can be expanded to meet international h...2018
235 Baker, MargaretComparative morphology of chenopodium berlandieri seeds and fruits from cowboy cave, Utah: implications for cultivation and domesticationThe ancient shift from collecting and gathering native plants to the cultivation and domestication of those species was one of the most significant evolutionary transitions in human history. Due to recent advancements in archaeological techniques, the geographic occurrences of prehistoric plant cul...Plants - Utah2016-05
236 Do, TiffanyComparative transcriptomic assay of phellinus tremulae isolates to identify the genetic responses of environmental stressSaprotrophic fungi are a diverse ecological group that can breakdown organic matter to obtain carbon. Due to their metabolic processes, they play an essential role in nutrient cycling within the microbial soil community. Despite the importance of saprotrophic fungi, little is known about their respo...2023
237 Eric NhemComparing Educational Engagement and Extracurricular Activity Participation for First-Generation Versus Continuing-Generation College StudentsFirst-generation college students (FGCS) typically have difficulty adjusting to college compared to continuing-generation college students (CGCS). Previous research has found that FGCS are less engaged in their higher education classes. However, engagement in college should also include participatio...2018
238 Vu, WendyComparing the virulence and prevalence of shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli (STEC) O157 and non-O517 serogroupsShiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) are bacteria known to cause human illness. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 265,000 STEC infections occur in the United States (U.S.) annually; symptoms range from mild diarrhea to life-threatening hemolytic uremic syndrome. S...Escherichia coli; serogroups2012-05
239 Yamada, KayleneComparing Tollerance of Neotoma Lepida on Native Versus Novel Toxic DietsHerbivorous animals often ingest plants that protect themselves with chemicals, and these toxins typically differ in composition from plant to plant. For instance, juniper (Juniperus osteosperma) is dominated by terpenes, such as α-pinene, whereas creosote bush (Larrea tridentata) contains a cockta...2017
240 Thistle, Hanna RoseComparing traditional western & nontraditional holistic medicine: an integrative approach to health & wellness2020
241 Gunter, Tobee PaigeComparison of patient and provider assessments of response to therapy for psoriatic arthritisPeople with psoriatic arthritis routinely rate their disease severity less favorably than their providers (Krueger, 2001) (Baughman, 2011). Little is known about how patients and providers perceive response to therapy. Discrepancies in perceptions of therapy response may indicate that providers are ...Psoriatic arthritis; Psoriatic arthritis -- Patients -- Attitudes2014-12
242 Odendahl, NathanComparison of popular force fields for molecular modeling of proteins applied to ice binding of the tenebrio molitor antifreeze proteinIce Binding Proteins (IBPs) are a class of proteins that affect the melting and freezing temperatures of ice. While substantial research has been conducted to understand the properties of IBPs, experimental and molecular dynamics simulations have not satisfactorily explained the mechanism of the i...Antifreeze proteins - Research; Ice binding proteins; Tenebrio molitor; Antifreeze protein; Force fields2016-04
243 Slominski, Emma N.Comparison of transcranial MR-guided focused ultrasound phase correction simulations to clinically measured MRTI2021
244 Tennant, KarrinCompetitive nighttime stomatal response of Populus Trichocarpa during droughtStomata are critical valves responsible for gas exchange on the leaf level. They control rates of transpiration and as such play a crucial role in terrestrial water cycling. When stomata open, water molecules in the intracellular leaf space are subject to evaporation, especially in dry conditions. T...2021
245 Sowards, SteffanComputational fluid dynamics modeling for Respiratory airflow patterns of python regiusThe phylogenetic distribution and mechanisms underpinning unidirectional pulmonary airflow, in which gases pass through a portion of the lung in an identical direction during both aspiration and expiration, are poorly understood. Until recently, it was thought this pattern of flow required unique fe...2018
246 Gilbert, AndrewComputational modeling of the rat hippocampus for improving neural stimulationNeural prostheses are used to restore some level of function to tissue damaged by disease. It is important to model and correctly identify the relationship between electrical stimulation and neural response to provide a framework for prosthetic stimulation. This work will show a struc...Neural stimulation - Research; Hippocampus (Brain) - Research; Memory - Research; Rats as laboratory animals - Research; Neural prosthetic2016-05
247 Dibble, Alicia G.Computer Simulation-Aided Design of Single-Ion Conducting Structures for Solid Polymer Electrolytes in Lithium0ion BatteriesLithium-ion batteries are commonplace in consumer devices, but the volatility of the liquid electrolyte used in those batteries poses an innate safety risk that must be combated if the batteries are to maintain their preferential status in modern technology. One alternative to liquid electrolytes is...2019
248 Guynn, Isaac P. A.Confirming and quantifying ectoine production in Salinovibrio SP. eagsl in hypersaline cultureSalinivibrio sp. EAGSL was isolated from the Great Salt Lake in 2017 and has since been the focus of promising research in the field of microbial electrochemistry. Namely, S. EAGSL is an organism with both halotolerance and electroactivity, giving it a unique ability to bridge the gap between power ...2022
249 Cook, Uinta BlueConnecting Cultures, Connecting People: U.S. Public Diplomacy in CubaThe theory of soft power, as described by Joseph Nye (1990), is evaluated, along with the theory behind public and cultural diplomacy as a means of engaging foreign publics in order to promote international rules in line with the practicing country's own goals and values. The tenets and implements o...soft power; public diplomacy; cultural diplomacy; Cuba2017
250 Johnson, StuartConnection between price elasticity and Beta: The case of the oil industryPrice elasticity and Beta are cherished variables in Economics and Finance, respectively. Price elasticity is a measure of a percent change in the quantity of a good demanded divided by the percent change in its price. Beta is the covariance of a firm's return with respect to the market, divided by ...Price elasticity of demand; Beta (Firm); Oil industries
226 - 250 of 1,141