26 - 50 of 102
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26 The energy industry faces a carbon-constrained world2009-02-27carbon regulation; energy industry; carbon control; CO2 sequestration; GHG.Analysis of the impacts of potential frameworks for carbon regulation on the energy industry, presented at the 2009 Western U.S. Oil Sands Conference by Arnold W. Reitze, Jr., Professor, S.J. Quinney College of Law, University of Utah.
27 Enhanced in-situ production through fracturing2010-04-28in-situ production; fracturing; fracturing methodsRationale For Fracturing: 1) Ultra-Low Matrix Permeability 2) Poorly Interconnected Fracture Network 3) Desire to Maximize Surface Area, Minimize Transport Distance In Matrix and Increase Conductivity of Flow Paths For Production 4) Increase Surface Area, Increase Fracture Frequency
28 Environmental concerns for oil sands development in Utah--serious unanswered questions2008-02-22tar sands development; tar sand; Southern Utah Wilderness Association; BLM; PEIS; EIA; tar sand recoveryOverview of environmental issues and concerns associated with potential tar sands development in Utah presented by Stephen Bloch, Conservation Director of the Southern Utah Wilderness Association.
29 Environmental impact of in-situ oil shale processing2007-10in situ processing of oil shale; in situ processing; oil shale; production of oil from kerogen; oil productionThe in situ processing of oil shale for the production of oil from the kerogen involves heating the shale slowly to moderate temperatures of between 3000 C and 4000 C. At this temperature, gaseous products that evolve from the oil shale are condensed and recovered. The pathways of creation of oil fr...
30 Environmental management of Alberta's oil sands2009-02-27environmental management; oil sands; Canadian oil sands development; crude bitumen; mineable resources; in situ resorces; oil sands depositsAnalysis of the challenges and successes of environmental management of Canadian oil sands development, presented at the 2009 Western U.S. Oil Sands Conference by Preston McEachern, Head of Science, Research & Innovation, Oil Sands Environmental Management Division, Alberta Environmental, Canada.
31 Environmental technologies applicable to shale development: Integrating simulation and experiment2008-11-13oil shale technologies; oil shale; environmental technologies; shale developmentPresentation given at the Utah Oil Shale Resources and Technology Update, November 13, 2008, The Leonardo, Salt Lake City, Utah.
32 Estimating water requirements of oil shale development in the Uintah/Piceance Basins2008-03-12water requirements; oil shale development; water resources; oil sandsCollect geospatial data and information on water resources associated information related to oil sands and oil shale development -Conduct a regional analysis of water requirements for oil shale development incorporation urbanization, alternative energy development, and wastewater recycling/reuse -De...
33 Evaluating opportunities for reducing life-cycle, well-to pump GHG emissions from conventional and unconventional fuels2010-04-28unconventional fuels; GHG emissions; conventional fuels; reducing life-cycle; oil shale; oil sands; coalResource extraction and upgrading.
34 Evaluation of different in-situ recovery strategies2006-10in-situ recovery strategies; in-situ recovery; oil shale; thermal simulator; oil shale reservoirs; in-situ combustion; in-situ pyrolysis; modified in-situ processAnalysis of different in-situ production strategies from oil shale using a general purpose thermal simulator.
35 Federal control of greenhouse gas emissions2010-04-28greenhouse gas emissions; federal control efforts; domestic legislationFederal Control Efforts: 1) International 2) New Domestic Legislation 3) Using Existing Domestic Legislation
36 Financing unconventional fuels2013-05-07ICSE; Unconventional fuels; Energy deveopment; Energy financingPresentation given at the University of Utah Unconventional Fuels Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 7, 2013. Unconventional fuels project.
37 From oil sand to fuel pump: The challenges of upgrading oil sand bitumen2006-09-21oil sand; upgrading oil sand bitumen; oil sand bitumen; oil sands development; crude; bitumenOil sands development--develop a resource that has market value.
38 High efficiency electrical generation2008-05-23efficiency of electrical generation; electrical generation; fossil fuel energy resources; mitigatint GHG emissions; CO2 capture and sequestrationOutline: 1-Electricity outlook and fossil fuel energy resources. 2-Technology options for mitigating GHG emissions. 3-CO2 cpature and sequestration. 4-Costs. 5-Concluding remarks.
39 High performance computing (hpc) in unconventional fuel production2013-05-07ICSE; Unconventional fuels; High performance computing; unconventional fuel productionPresentation given at the University of Utah Unconventional Fuels Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 7, 2013.
40 High performance computing simulations of in-situ thermal treatment of oil shale2013-10-14high performance computing; in-situ; in-situ thermal treatment; oil shale; thermal treatment of oil shale; HPC.
41 High-pressure, entrained flow gasification hierarchy2009-11-04gasification hierarchy; entrained flow; high-pressure gasificationHierarchical chart for the high-pressure, entrained flow gasification research area showing connectivity between subtasks. This chart helps illustrate gasification integration and focus and also serves as a management tool for the various subtasks. Subtasks in brown and orange are currently funded t...
42 In situ production of Utah oil sands2008-03-12in situ; Utah oil sands; oil sands production; tar sand deposits; Whiterocks eolian sandstone
43 In situ production of Utah oil sands2009-02-27in situ; oil sands production; Utah oil sands; in situ process; thermal simulator; thermal compositional model; steam assisted gravity drainage; SAGD; heterogenetics; in-situ combustion; hydraulic fracture; hybrid processAnalysis of issues relevant to in situ production of Utah oil sands, presented at the 2009 Western U.S. Oil Sands Conference by Milind Deo, Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Utah.
44 In-situ production of Utah oil sands bitumen2007-11in situ production; Utah oil sands; Utah reservoirs; in situ bitumen production; SAGD; case studiesIn-situ production of oil-sand bitumen offers an excellent alternative to the ex situ processes that are based on strip-mining and surface extraction. In addition to leaving the landscape relatively undisturbed, in situ processes allow for partial upgrading of oil sands, leaving heavier, less profit...
45 Industrial petroleum research at the University of Utah2008-03-12industrial petroleum; University of Utah; oil and gas characterization; oil and gas thermodynamics; Unconventional ConsortiumExpertise: Oil and Gas Characterization, Hydrocarbon Thermodynamics -High-temperature, high high-pressure oil oil-gas mixtures -Supercritical extraction -Solid (asphaltenes, waxes) precipitation precipitation -Reservoir Characterization and Simulation -Fractured reservoir simulation -Reaction chemis...
46 Integrated treatment of produced water by electrolytic and biological methods2008-03-12integrated treatment; produced water by electrolytic and biological methods; produced waterWhat we got from full scale analysis: 1-Composition of synthetic produced water. 2-Idea to develop an integrated scheme. 3-In other words, we just cannot just use any technique (oxidation or biological) to treat produced water.
47 Kinetic study of oil shale conversion2008-03-12oil shale pyrolysis; analysis of oil shale; associated reactors; oil shale; pyrolysis retorting; shale oil; TGA analysisAnalysis of oil shale pyrolysis and associated reactors designed and built to study kinetics, diffusion, mass transfer and stress effects.
48 KTIA corporate introduction2009-02-27KTIA; KTI; minesOverview of KTIA's continuing oil sands development activities in Utah, presented at the 2009 Western U.S. Oil Sands Conference by Soung-Joon Kim, Chief Operating Officer, Korea Technology Industry America, Inc.
49 Local issues for Utah oil sands2008-02-22Utah oil sands; tar sand history; Western U.S. oil sandsTar sand history in Uintah County.
50 Marketing Utah's non-conventional hydrocarbon resources2008-02-22oil sands development; oil sands; non-conventional hydrocarbon resources; hydrocarbon resources; marketing and productionOil sands development--develop a resource that has market value.
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