926 - 950 of 981
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926 Thalamic Stroke and Disordered SleepKenneth C. Sassower, MDSlideshow describing condition.Absent Convergence; Absent Vertical Saccades and Pursuit Movements; Artery of Percheron; Bilateral Ptosis; Convergence Retraction Nystagmus; Global Supranuclear Paralysis of Vertical Gaze; Horizontal Gaze Evoked Nystagmus; Horizontal Saccadic Dysmetria; Intact Convergence; Lateropulsion; Ocular Dysm...
927 Progressive External OphthalmoplegiaShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCPSlideshow describing condition.Bilateral Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia (PEO); Bilateral Ptosis; Cerebellar Degeneration with Ataxia; Complete External Ophthalmoplegia; External Ophthalmoplegia Affecting Upgaze; Facial Weakness; Kearns-Sayre Syndrome; Mitochondrial Myopathy; Normal Pupils; PEO plus Atypical Retinitis Pigm...
928 Familial Amyotrophic Lateral SclerosisShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCPSlideshow describing condition.Bulbar Palsy; CNS -Degeneration; Convergence Insufficiency; Familial Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis; Lou Gehrig's Disease; Saccadic Breakdown of Horizontal Pursuit; Slow Hypometric Horizontal Saccades; Superoxide Dismutase (SOD1) Gene; Supranuclear Paralysis of Up and Downgaze Degeneration
929 Transient Monocular BlindnessShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCPSlideshow describing condition.Ipsilateral Internal and External Carotid Occlusive Disease; Ischemic Eye Syndrome; Low Pressure Retinopathy; Ocular Stroke; Retinal Emboli; Retinal Stroke; Sunlight Provoked Transient Monocular Blindness; Transient Monocular Blindness
930 Pendular Horizontal OscillationsShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCPSlideshow describing condition.Ataxia; Bilateral Gaze Evoked Nystagmus; Gaze Evoked Horizontal Nystagmus; Horizontal Saccadic Dysmetria; Left Beating Nystagmus; Multiple Sclerosis; Obtrusive Saccades; Oscillopsia; Pendular Horizontal Oscillations; Primary Position Horizontal Nystagmus; Saccadic Dysmetria; Titubation
931 Thalamic InfarctShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCPSlideshow describing condition.Absent Convergence; Artery of Percheron; Bilateral Ptosis; Horizontal Gaze Evoked Nystagmus; Somnolence; Supranuclear Paralysis of Downgaze Infarct; Supranuclear Paralysis of Downgaze; Thalamic Infarct; Thalamus Infarct; Top of the Basilar Syndrome; Vertical Oculocephalic Reflex Normal
932 Selective Saccadic PalsyShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCPSlideshow describing condition.Bilateral Horizontal Gaze Palsy Hypoxia; Ocular Motility; Pontine Hypoxia; Selective Saccadic Palsy After Cardiac Surgery; Supranuclear Gaze Palsy
933 Visual NeglectShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCPSlideshow describing condition.Deviation of the Eyes to the Left Under Closed Eyelids; Impaired Initiation of Horizontal Saccades to the Left; Normal Pursuit Eye Movements; Parietal Lobe Infarct
934 Downbeat NystagmusShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCPSlideshow describing condition.Downbeat Nystagmus; Oscillopsia
935 Supranuclear Paralysis of Vertical GazeShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCPSlideshow describing condition.Absent Vertical Saccades and Pursuit Movements; Convergence Retraction Nystagmus; Global Supranuclear Paralysis of Vertical Gaze; Horizontal Saccadic Dysmetria; Intact Convergence; Lateropulsion; Ocular Dysmetria; Ocular Tilt Reaction; Somnolence; Supranuclear Paralysis of Up and Downgaze Infarct; S...
936 Bilateral Internuclear OphthalmoplegiaShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCPSlideshow describing condition.Abducting Nystagmus; Bilateral Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia; Botulinum Toxin Therapy; Gaze Evoked Upbeat Nystagmus; Horizontal Pendular Nystagmus; Lid Nystagmus; Multiple Sclerosis; Pendular Horizontal Oscillations; Upbeat Nystagmus
937 Claude's SyndromeShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCPSlideshow describing condition.Claude's Syndrome; Contralateral Limb Ataxia; Fascicular Third Nerve Palsy; Fixed Dilated Pupil; Midbrain Infarct; Oculomotor Nerve; Ptosis; Unilateral Third Nerve Palsy
938 Paraneoplastic Ocular FlutterShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCPSlideshow describing condition.Ocular Flutter; Oscillopsia; Paraneoplastic Cerebellar Syndrome; Paraneoplastic Ocular Flutter; Small Cell Carcinoma of the Lung; Trunkal Ataxia
939 CNS LymphomaShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCPSlideshow describing condition.Bilateral Esotropia; Bilateral Sixth Nerve Palsy; Cavernous Sinus Syndrome; CNS Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
940 Essential Palatal TremorShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCPSlideshow describing condition.Brainstem Encephalitis; Essential Palatal Tremor (Myoclonus)
941 Downbeat Nystagmus PANShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCPSlideshow describing condition.Downbeat Nystagmus; Periodic Alternating Nystagmus; Multiple Sclerosis
942 Frontotemporal DementiaShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCPThe patient is a 68 year old right handed retired air conditioner repair man who presented with impaired balance and slow walking. For about one year he had noted difficulty lifting his feet high enough when climbing the stairs. From that time on, his movements slowed and worsened so that he had dif...Saccadic Initiation Deficit of Unilateral Horizontal Gaze; Complete Paralysis of Voluntary Horizontal Saccades on Command to Look Left; Inability to Make a Refixation Saccade on Command to a Target Held on the Left; Normal Voluntary Horizontal Saccadic Eye Movements to the Right; Impaired Pursuit; F...
943 Parkinson's Disease (Guest Lecture)Shirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCPSee also: http://content.lib.utah.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ehsl-shw/id/93 and http://content.lib.utah.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ehsl-shw/id/298Blepharoclonus; Convergence Insufficiency; Slow Hypometric Horizontal Saccades; Saccadic Breakdown of Smooth Pursuit; Parkinson's Disease; Dopamine Deficiency; Basal Ganglia; Slow Hypometric Saccades; Convergence
944 Thalamic InfarctShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCPThe patient is a 64 year old man with no major past medical history who, on the day of admission, suddenly developed loss of vision in both eyes and then was unable to open his eyes on his own unless he used his hands. Holding his eyelids open his vision was very blurry. Within minutes he lost consc...Somnolence; Bilateral Ptosis; Supranuclear Paralysis of Downgaze; Vertical Oculocephalic Reflex Normal; Absent Convergence; Horizontal Gaze Evoked Nystagmus; Top of the Basilar Syndrome; Artery of Percheron; Thalamic Infarct; Supranuclear Paralysis of Downgaze Infarct; Thalamus Infarct; Downgaze Pal...
945 Saccades (Guest Lecture)Shirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCPThe video of the normal eye movement examination was made with the assistance of Dr. Terrence Millette, a neurologist and former Fellow with me in 1985-1986. Introduction to the Saccadic System Saccades are fast eye movements that bring the image of an object of interest onto the fovea. They consist...Normal Eye Movements; Examination, Ocular; Saccades; Optokinetic Nystagmus Drum (OKN Drum); Pursuit; Ocular Motility
946 Progressive External OphthalmoplegiaShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCPSee also: http://content.lib.utah.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ehsl-shw/id/120, http://content.lib.utah.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ehsl-shw/id/121, http://content.lib.utah.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ehsl-shw/id/124, http://content.lib.utah.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ehsl-shw/id/13, and http://content.lib.utah.edu/cdm...Unilateral Ptosis; External Ophthalmoplegia Affecting Upgaze; Normal Pupils; Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia (PEO); Mitochondrial Myopathy; Unilateral Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia; Bilateral Ptosis; Facial Weakness; Complete External Ophthalmoplegia; Bilateral Progressive Exter...
947 Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy (Thai)NANOSLoss of blood supply to the optic nerve results in diminished visual acuity.Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy; AION; Patient Brochure
948 Pendular Vertical OscillationsShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCPSlideshow describing condition.Absent convergence; Bilateral Horizontal Gaze Palsy Hemorrhage; Bilateral Horizontal Gaze Palsy; Bilateral Lid Nystagmus; Bilateral Sixth Nerve Palsy; Brainstem Infarct; CNS Whipple's Disease; Degenerative Hypertrophy of the Inferior Olivary Nucleus; Facial Palsy; Facial Weakness; Lesion in the Gui...
949 Overview of TDP-43 Proteinopathies: Shared Mechanisms Underlying Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, The F. E. Bennett LectureJohn Q. Trojanowski, MD, PhDSlideshow describing condition.Acquired Ocular Motor Apraxia; Acquired Oculomotor Apraxia; CNS Degeneration; Complete paralysis of voluntary horizontal saccades on command to look left; Frontotemporal Dementia; Impaired pursuit; Inability to make a refixation saccade on command to a target held on the left; Normal voluntary hori...
950 Upbeat NystagmusShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCPSlideshow describing condition.Bilateral Lid Nystagmus; Bulbar Palsy; Cerebellar Astrocytoma; Cervical Myelitis; Horizontal Gaze Evoked Nystagmus; Horizontal Saccadic Dysmetria; Opsoclonus; Oscillopsia; Post Infectious Brainstem Encephalitis; Primary Position Upbeat Nystagmus; Saccadic Hypermetria; Saccadic Pursuit; Square Wave ...
926 - 950 of 981