Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
201 |
 | Mishchenko, Eugene; Raikh, Mikhail E. | Electrostatics of straight and bent single-walled carbon nanotubes | Response of a single-walled carbon nanotube to external electric field, F, is calculated analytically within the classical electrostatics. Field-induced charge density distribution is approximately linear along the axis of a metallic nanotube and depends rather weakly, as ln(h/ r), on the nanotube... | Electrostatics | 2006-10 |
202 |
 | Wu, Yong-Shi | Emergent exclusion statistics of quasiparticles in two-dimensional topological phases | We demonstrate how the generalized Pauli exclusion principle emerges for quasiparticle excitations in 2D topological phases. As an example, we examine the Levin-Wen model with the Fibonacci data (specified in the text), and construct the number operator for fluxons living on plaquettes. By numerical... | | 2014-01-01 |
203 |
 | Vardeny, Zeev Valentine; Raikh, Mikhail E. | Emission spectrum of a dipole in a semi-infinite periodic dielectric structure: effect of the boundary | The emission spectrum of a dipole embedded in a semi-infinite photonic crystal is calculated. For simplicity we study the case in which the dielectric function is sinusoidally modulated only along the direction perpendicular to the boundary surface plane. In addition to oscillations of the emission... | Emission spectrum; Dipole; Periodic dielectric structure | 2000-07 |
204 |
 | Lupton, John Mark | Energetic disorder limits energy transfer in semiconductor nanocrystal-DNA-dye conjugates | We demonstrate the influence of spectral linewidths of individual donor-acceptor couples on energy transfer efficiency in semiconductor nanocrystal-DNA-organic dye conjugates. Temperature-dependent single molecule and ensemble spectroscopy data are analyzed using the Förster theory within the mac... | | 2009 |
205 |
 | Symko, Orest George | Energy conversion using thermoacoustic devices | Thermoacoustic engines offer the possibility for simple and efficient energy convmiondevices. They can be prime movers where heat produces sound or heat pumps and refrigerators where sound pump heat. An important element in such engines is the secondary thermodynamic medium, the stack which provides... | Thermoacoustic devices; Thermoacoustics | 1999 |
206 |
 | Sokolsky, Pierre | Energy estimation of UHE cosmic rays using the atmospheric fluorescence technique | We use the CORSIKA air shower simulation program to review the method for assigning energies to ultra-high energy (UHE) cosmic rays viewed with the air fluorescence technique. This technique uses the atmosphere as a calorimeter, and we determine the corrections that must be made to the calorimetric ... | Fluorescence; Energy estimation; Ultra-high energy cosmic rays | 2000-08 |
207 |
 | Rogachev, Andrey | Enhancing superconductivity: magnetic impurities and their quenching by magnetic fields | Magnetic fields and magnetic impurities are each known to suppress superconductivity. However, as the field quenches (i.e. polarizes) the impurities, rich consequences, including field-enhanced superconductivity, can emerge when both effects are present. For the case of superconducting wires and th... | Thermal phase slippage; Coulomb blockade | 2006-09-01 |
208 |
 | DeTar, Carleton | Equation of state and QCD transition at finite temperature | We calculate the equation of state in 2 + 1 flavor QCD at finite temperature with physical strange quark mass and almost physical light quark masses using lattices with temporal extent Nr = 8. Calculations have been performed with two different improved staggered fermion actions, the asqtad and p4 a... | Deconfinement; Chiral symmetry; Staggered fermions; Phase transitions; Polyakov loop | 2009-07 |
209 |
 | DeTar, Carleton | Equation of state for two flavor QCD at Nt=6 | We calculate the two flavor equation of state for QCD on lattices with lattice spacing a=(6T)21 and find that cutoff effects are substantially reduced compared to an earlier study using a=(4T)21. However, it is likely that significant cutoff effects remain. We fit the lattice data to expected forms ... | Phase transitions; Quark-gluon plasma; Chiral symmetry | 1997-06 |
210 |
 | DeTar, Carleton | Equation of state for two flavor QCD at Nt=6 | We calculate the two flavor equation of state for QCD on lattices with lattice spacing a=(6T)21 and find that cutoff effects are substantially reduced compared to an earlier study using a=(4T)21. However, it is likely that significant cutoff effects remain. We fit the lattice data to expected forms ... | Phase transitions; Quark-gluon plasma; Dynamical quarks | 1997-06 |
211 |
 | Mishchenko, Eugene | Equilibrium currents in chiral systems with nonzero Chern number | We describe a simple quantum-mechanical approach to calculating equilibrium particle current along the edge of a system with nontrivial band spectrum topology. The approach does not require any a priori knowledge of the band topology and, as a matter of fact, treats topological and nontopological co... | | 2014-01-01 |
212 |
 | Gondolo, Paolo | Evidence for "sterile neutrino" dark matter? | I show that it may be possible to explain the present evidence for a gamma-ray emission from the galactic halo as due to halo WIMP annihilations. Not only the intensity and spatial pattern of the halo emission can be matched but also the relic density of the candidate WIMP can be in the cosmologica... | Sterile neutrino; WIMP; Weakly interacting massive particles; Annihilations; Z boson; Higgs sector | 1998 |
213 |
 | Sokolsky, Pierre | Evidence for 10^18-eV neutral particles from the direction of Cygnus X-3 | Analysis of the cumulative Fly's Eye data reveals an excess of air showers from the direction of Cygnus X-3 at energies above 0.5 x 10^18 eV. No point source has previously been identified at such high energies. The probability of this excess arising as a chance clustering of isotropic cosmic rays i... | Cygnus X-3; Extensive air showers; Neutral particles | 1989-01 |
214 |
 | Sokolsky, Pierre; Cassiday, George L. | Evidence for a high-energy cosmic-ray spectrum cutoff | We report a measurement of the ultrahigh-energy cosmic-ray spectrum using an atmospheric fluorescence technique for extensive-air-shower detection. The differential spectrum between 0.1 and 10 EeV (1 EeV = 10^18 eV) is well fitted by a power law with slope 2.94 ±0.02. Above 10 EeV evidence is prese... | Energy spectrum; Extensive air showers; Spectral cutoff | 1985-04 |
215 |
 | Vardeny, Zeev Valentine; Raikh, Mikhail E. | Evidence for braggoriton excitations in opal photonic crystals infiltrated with highly polarizable dyes | We studied angle-dependent reflectivity spectra of opal photonic crystals infiltrated with cyanine dye aggregates, which are highly polarizable media with very large Rabi frequency. We show that, at resonance condition between the exciton-polariton of the dye aggregate and the Bragg gap, the Bragg s... | Braggoriton excitations; Opal photonic crystals; Cyanine dye aggregates; Bragg; Photonic band-gap; PBG; Polarizable dyes | 2002 |
216 |
 | Kieda, David B. | Evidence for changing of cosmic ray composition between 10(17) and 10(18) eV from multicomponent measurements | The average mass composition of cosmic rays with primary energies between 1017 and 1018 eV has been studied using a hybrid detector consisting of the High Resolution Fly's Eye (HiRes) prototype and the MIA muon array. Measurements have been made of the change in the depth of shower maximum and the ... | Cosmic rays; Particle energy; Muon array | 2000 |
217 |
 | Sokolsky, Pierre | Evidence for changing of cosmic ray composition between 10^17 and 10^18 eV from multicomponent measurements | The average mass composition of cosmic rays with primary energies between 1017 and 1018 eV has been studied using a hybrid detector consisting of the High Resolution Fly's Eye (HiRes) prototype and the MIA muon array. Measurements have been made of the change in the depth of shower maximum and the... | Extensive air showers; Fluorescence; Energy spectrum; Muon density; Cherenkov light | 2000-05 |
218 |
 | Sokolsky, Pierre | Evidence for correlated changes in the spectrum and composition of cosmic rays at extremely high energies | The Utah Fly's Eye detector has revealed a change in the cosmic ray composition which is correlated with structure in the all-particle energy spectrum. The data can be fitted by a simple model of a steep power law spectrum of heavy nuclei which is overtaken at high energies by a flatter spectrum of ... | Energy spectrum; Extensive air showers | 1993-11 |
219 |
 | Kieda, David B.; Gaisser, Thomas K.; Sokolsky, Pierre | Evidence for correlated changes in the spectrum and composition of cosmic rays at extremely high energies | The Utah Fly's Eye detector has revealed a change in the cosmic ray composition which is correlated with structure in the all-particle energy spectrum. The data can be fitted by a simple model of a steep power law spectrum of heavy nuclei which is overtaken at high energies by a flatter spectrum o... | Ultrahigh energy cosmic rays; Fly's Eye; Cosmic ray composition; Cosmic ray spectrum | 1993-11 |
220 |
 | Ailion, David Charles | Evidence for elastic disorder in the elastically ordered phase of KCN | We have obtained evidence from 1 3C NMR measurements that the CN~ ion in the elastically ordered phase of KCN is misoriented slightly with respect to the orthorhombic b axis. This misorientation varies randomly over the lattice, averaging to zero on a macroscopic scale. The misorientations are mani... | Potassium cyanide; Anisotropy; Orthorhombic crystal; NMR; Nuclear magnetic resonance | 1981 |
221 |
 | Vardeny, Zeev Valentine | Evidence for excimer photoexcitations in an ordered ?-conjugated polymer film | We report pressure-dependent transient picosecond and continuous-wave photomodulation studies of disordered and ordered films of 2-methoxy-5-(2-ethylhexyloxy) poly(para-phenylenevinylene). Photoinduced absorption (PA) bands in the disordered film exhibit very weak pressure dependence and are assign... | | 2011 |
222 |
 | Williams, Clayton C. | Evidence for internal electric fields in two variant ordered GaInP obtained by scanning capacitance microscopy | Single and two variant ordered GaInP samples are studied in cross section with the scanning capacitance microscope. Our study shows significant differences in the electronic properties of single and two variant GaInP. In unintentionally doped, ordered two variant samples, both n and p-type like do... | GaInP2; Atomic ordering; Internal electric fields; Scanning capacitance microscope | 1996 |
223 |
 | Lupton, John Mark | Evidence for temperature-independent triplet diffusion in a ladder-type conjugated polymer | We study the temperature dependence of triplet formation and decay by considering the phosphorescence dynamics in a prototypical conjugated polymer matrix. The dynamics of triplet formation as a function of temperature are unraveled by applying an electric field during optical singlet generation a... | Triplet diffusion; Triplet excitons; Ladder-type conjugated polymers; Temperature dependence | 2006-12 |
224 |
 | Williams, Clayton C. | Evidence of internal electric fields in GaInP2 by scanning capacitance and near-field scanning optical microscopy | GaInP2 is studied in cross section with the scanning capacitance and near-field scanning optical microscope. Our study shows significant differences in the electronic and optical properties between ordered single- and two-variant GaInP2. In single-variant samples, spatially uniform capacitance signa... | Atomic ordering; transmission electron diffraction; near-field scanning optical microscope | 1997 |
225 |
 | Williams, Clayton C. | Evidence of internal fields in two-variant ordered GaInP2 by near-field scanning optical microscopy | GaInP2 is studied in cross section with the scanning capacitance and near-field scanning optical microscope. Our study shows significant differences in the electronic and optical properties between ordered single- and two-variant GaInP2. In single-variant samples, spatially uniform capacitance signa... | Photoluminescence; GaInP2; Microscopy; Electrical fields | 1997 |