551 - 575 of 924
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551 Mattis, Daniel C.Ordering energy levels of interacting spin systemsThe total spin S is a good quantum number in problems of interacting spins. We have shown that for rather general antiferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic Hamiltonians, which need not exhibit translational invariance, the lowest energy eigenvalue for each value of S [denoted E(S) ] is ordered in a natural...Interacting spin; Energy levels; Ferrimagnetic arrays1962
552 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineOrganic random lasers in the weak-scattering regimeWe used the ensemble-averaged power Fourier transform (PFT) of random laser emission spectra over the illuminated area to study random lasers with coherent feedback in four different disordered organic gain media in the weak scattering regime, where the light mean free path, ℓ* is much larger tha...Organic random lasers; Gain media; pi-conjugated polymers; Opal photonic crystal; RG6; Optical gain; Chicken breast2005-01
553 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineOrganic spin-valves: physics and applicationsSpin-valve devices of organic semiconductors in the vertical configuration using a variety of exotic and regular ferromagnetic electrodes were fabricated and studied as a function of applied magnetic field, temperature and applied bias voltage. These devices show that spin polarized carriers can be ...Organic spin-valves; Spin-polarized transport; Spin-polarized carrier injection; Spin polarization2005
554 Lupton, John MarkOrigin of spectral broadening in amorphous π-conjugated amorphous semiconductorsWe present a study of the picosecond fluorescence dynamics of p-conjugated semiconducting organic dendrimers in the solid state. By varying the degree of branching within the dendrons, referred to as the dendrimer generation, a control of intermolecular spacing of the emissive core and therefore o...pi-conjugated polymers; pi-conjugated semiconductors; Spectral broadening; Solid state; Picosecond fluorescence dynamics2002-10
555 Wu, Yong-ShiOvercoming the slowing down of flat-histogram Monte Carlo simulations: cluster updates and optimized broad-histogram ensemblesWe study the performance of Monte Carlo simulations that sample a broad histogram in energy by determining the mean first-passage time to span the entire energy space of d-dimensional ferromagnetic Ising/Potts models. We first show that flat-histogram Monte Carlo methods with single-spin flip upda...Energy space; Spin dynamics; Density of states; Cluster dynamics2005-10
556 Kieda, David B.Overview of the ANITA projectThe ANITA project is designed to investigate ultra-high energy (>1017 eV) cosmic ray interactions throughout the universe by detecting the neutrinos created in those interactions. These high energy neutrinos are detectable through their interactions within the Antarctic ice sheet, which ANITA will u...ANITA; Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna; High energy neutrinos; Antarctica; Balloon2003
557 Wu, Yong-ShiP-p′ strings in M(atrix) theoryWe study the off-diagonal blocks in the M(atrix) model that are supposed to correspond to open strings stretched between a Dp-brane and a Dp′-brane. It is shown that the spectrum, including the quantum numbers, of the zero modes in the off-diagonal blocks can be determined from the index theorem a...1998-08
558 Mattis, Daniel C.Partially frustrated Ising models in two dimensionsWe examine ordered, periodic, Ising models on a sq lattice at varying levels x of frustration. The thermodynamic singularity of the fully frustrated model (x=1) is at T=0 while those of partially frustrated lattices (0<x<1) occur at finite Tc . The critical indices in the partially frustrated latti...Antiferromagnets; Frustration; Ising chain2003-06
559 Mishchenko, Eugene; Raikh, Mikhail E.Penetration of external field into regular and random arrays of nanotubes: implications for field emissionWe develop an analytical theory of polarization of a vertically aligned array of carbon nanotubes (NTs) in external electric field. Such arrays are commonly utilized in field-emission devices, due to the known electrostatic effect of strong field enhancement near the tip of an individual NT. A sma...Field-emission current; Fowler-Nordheim law2006-06
560 Bromley, Benjamin C.Periodic standing-wave approximation: nonlinear scalar fields, adapted corrdinates, and the eigenspectral methodThe periodic standing wave (PSW) method for the binary inspiral of black holes and neutron stars computes exact numerical solutions for periodic standing-wave spacetimes and then extracts approximate solutions of the physical problem, with outgoing waves. The method requires solution of a boundary-...Periodic standing wave method; Black holes; Neutron stars2005
561 Bromley, Benjamin C.Periodic standing-wave approximation: overview and three dimensional scalar modelsThe periodic standing-wave method for binary inspiral computes the exact numerical solution for periodic binary motion with standing gravitational waves, and uses it as an approximation to slow binary inspiral with outgoing waves. Important features of this method presented here are: (i) the mathe...Periodic standing wave method; Black holes; Neutron stars2004
562 Bromley, Benjamin C.Periodic standing-wave approzimation: post-Minkowski computationsThe periodic standing-wave method studies circular orbits of compact objects coupled to helically symmetric standing-wave gravitational fields. From this solution an approximation is extracted for the strong field, slowly inspiralling motion of black holes and binary stars. Previous work on this m...Black holes; Binary stars; Gravitational waves2007
563 Wu, Yong-ShiPerturbative formulation and nonadiabatic corrections in adiabatic quantum-computing schemesAdiabatic limit is the presumption of the adiabatic geometric quantum computation and of the adiabatic quantum algorithm. But in reality, the variation speed of the Hamiltonian is finite. Here we develop a general formulation of adiabatic quantum computing, which accurately describes the evolution...Perturbative formulation; Nonadiabatic corrections; Adiabatic2004-02
564 DeTar, CarletonPhase diagram of high temperature QCD with three flavors of improved staggered quarksWe report on progress in our study of high temperature QCD with three flavors of improved staggered quarks. Simulations are being carried out with three degenerate quarks with masses less than or equal to the strange quark mass, ms, and with degenerate up and down quarks with masses in the range 0...Staggered quarks2004-03
565 Saam, BrianPhase relationship between the long-time beats of free induction decays and spin echoes in solidsRecent theoretical work on the role of microscopic chaos in the dynamics and relaxation of many-body quantum systems has made several experimentally confirmed predictions about the systems of interacting nuclear spins in solids, focusing in particular on the shapes of spin echo responses measured by...2012-01-01
566 Mattis, Daniel C.Phase transition of model interacting chainsThe partition function of n interacting chains having a phase transition at Tc(n) is reduced, by the transfer-matrix formalism, to the determination of an w-body bound state in one dimension. Subject to mild restrictions on the potentials, this w-body problem can be analyzed in terms of a two-body p...Phase transition; Interacting chains1981-12
567 Gerton, JordanPhase-contrast imaging of atomic superfluid state in degenerate gas of 6Li atomsThe recent experimental realizations of Bose-Einstein condensation in trapped ultracold atomic gases composed of bosonic alkali atoms has generated a broad interest in studying different properties of these degenerate atomic Bose systems. Although the degenerate atomic gas composed of fermionic atom...1998
568 Gondolo, PaoloPhase-space distribution of unbound dark matter near the sunWe resolve discrepancies in previous analyses of the flow of collisionless dark matter particles in the Sun's gravitational field. We determine the phase-space distribution of the flow both numerically, tracing particle trajectories back in time, and analytically, providing a simple correct relati...Phase-space distribution; Gravitational field; Velocity functions2006-10
569 DeTar, CarletonPhenomenological lattice model of the high-temperature phase transition in quantum chromodynamicsWe propose a simple phenomenological lattice model for the high-temperature phase transition in a quark-gluon plasma, in which the elementary dynamical variables are Wilson lines and SU(iV) chiral spins. A mean-field analysis of the model shows a second-order chiral phase transition for N=2 and a fi...Quark plasma; Gluon plasma; Chiral symmetry; Phase transitions1987-06
570 Vardeny, Zeev ValentinePhonon anomalies in Cu halidesA great number of the observed phonon anomalies in the zinc-blende phase of Cu-halide crystals are explained by means of a dynamical model. It is assumed that a Cu ion populates four equivalent off-center sites or its ideal position. The off-center Cu+ population is temperature and pressure dependen...Phonon anomalies; Cu-halide crystals; Cuprous halides1979-03
571 Mattis, Daniel C.Phonon free path in an isotopic mixtureA time-dependent perturbation theory is developed for the classical laws of motion of a crystal lattice. This is applied to the case of a cubic crystal which is chemically pure but contains various isotopic constituents. The random variations in the masses of neighboring atoms scatter plane wave p...Crystal lattice; Thermal conductivity1957-05
572 Mattis, Daniel C.Phonon model of vacancy-interstitial pair formation in solidsBonds between neighboring atoms in a solid are imperfect harmonic oscillators. Through consideration of the nonlinearities, it is shown that vacancy-interstitial defect pairs can be described in terms of phonon dynamical variables. The effective spring constants are determined by self-consistency...Harmonic; Potential; Homogeneous1984
573 Vardeny, Zeev ValentinePhonon polariton study of CuCl1-x BrxThe optical-phonon spectrum of CuCI-x Brx at low temperature is very unusual in regard to many of its properties. Despite the apparent two-mode behavior our measurements illustrate anomalies in the Raman intensity and temperature-induced frequency shift, as well as in the oscillator strengths yiel...Cuprous halides; CuCl1-x Brx1981-08
574 Vardeny, Zeev Valentine; Ehrenfreund, Eitan A.Phonon spectroscopy in π-conjugated polymers; the role of the excited electronic statesThe Raman active vibrational modes in 7r-conjugated polymers are known to have different frequencies in different types of experiments. The best known examples are the resonant Raman scattering (RRS) and doping or photoinduced absorption infrared active vibrations (IRAV) measurements, in which the s...pi-conjugated polymers; Phonon spectroscopy; Resonant Raman scattering; ir-active phonons1997
575 Vardeny, Zeev ValentinePhonon-polaritons in Cu halides: anomalies and their temperature dependenceThe polariton Raman spectra of CuCl, CuBr, and Cul crystals are studied at various temperatures of their zinc-blende phase. Two polar modes are proven to exist in CuCl at room temperature and below; their oscillator-strength ratio changes with temperature and follows the temperature dependence of ...Cuprous halides; CuBr; CuCl; CuI; Phonon anomalies; Temperature dependence; Zinc blende phase1980-03
551 - 575 of 924