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1 Normann, Richard A.; Campbell, Patrick K.; Jones, Kelly E.100 electrode intracortical array: structural variabilityA technique has been developed for fabricating three dimensional "hair brush" electrode arrays from monocrystalline silicon blocks. Arrays consist of a square pattern of 100 penetrating electrodes, with 400 microns interelectrode spacing. Each electrode is 1.5mm in length and tapers from about 100 m...Microelectrode arrays; Stimulation; Micromachining1990
2 Warner, Homer R.A Comparison of Meta-1 and HELP Terms: Implications for Clinical DataBiomedical Informatics1990
3 Normann, Richard A.Background and bleaching adaptation in luminosity type horizontal cells in the isolated turtle retina1. The effects of background illumination and bleached photopigment on luminosity type horizontal cells were studied in the isolated turtle retina. 2. Background illumination, which produced less than 60% bleaching, hyperpolarized and desensitized the horizontal cells to a degree which depended upon...Turtles; Retina; Photoreceptors; Bleached photopigment; Dark Adaptation1990
4 Florsheim, Paul W.Cross-cultural views of self in the treatment of mental illness: disentangling the curative aspects of myth from the mythic aspects of cureTHIS paper compares Eastern and Western concepts of self within the context of the healing process. I draw upon the work of Sudhir Kakar and Heinz Kohut to illustrate differences in how mental illness is expressed and treated in India and the United States. I propose that cultural variances in the w...1990
5 Normann, Richard A.; Chandler, John P.Effects of calcium ions on L-type horizontal cells in the isolated turtle retinaA technique by which the retina can be isolated from the turtle eye is described. Scanning electron microscopy revealed morphological variability between preparations and also between regions of the same one. Large areas were often totally free of any pigment epithelial cells, yet contained a high p...Retina; Calcium; Horizontal Cell; Turtle1990
6 Normann, Richard A.Effects of GABA and related drugs on horizontal cells in the isolated turtle retinaThe role of GABA in the outer plexiform layer of the turtle retina has been examined by intracellular recordings from L- and C-type horizontal cells in the isolated retina preparation. GABA (1-5 mM) slightly depolarized the L-type horizontal cells, reduced the amplitude of their photoresponses, and ...Retina; Horizontal Cells; Synapse; Negative Feedback; GABA; Turtle1990
7 Warner, Homer R.The Effects of ILIAD on Medical Student Problem SolvingBiomedical Informatics1990
8 Warner, Homer R.History of Medical Informatics at UtahBiomedical Informatics1990
9 Couldwell, William T.Immunology and immunotherapy of intrinsic glial tumorsImmunological aspects of glial neoplasms have been actively investigated for the past several years with particular focus on academic, diagnostic, and therapeutic objectives. As more knowledge is acquired about the cellular events relating to tumor behavior the more it appears that the immune system...Immunology; Glial tumors1990
10 Couldwell, William T.Inhibition of growth of established human glioma cell lines by modulators of the protein kinase-C systemThe protein kinase-C (PKC) second messenger system contributes to regulation of cell growth and differentiation. This study was undertaken to examine the effects of modulators of the PKC enzyme system on the state of differentiation and proliferation rates of human gliomas in vitro. The administrat...Protein kinase C; Phorbol ester; Cell proliferation; Tumor cell growth; Astrocyte; Glioma; Immunohistochemistry1990
11 Couldwell, William T.Initial experience related to the use of the Cosman-Roberts-Wells stereotactic instrumentInitial experience with a new arc-radius design of stereotactic frame that interfaced with the existing components of the Brown-Roberts-Wells instrument is reported. Over a 6-month period, 32 procedures were performed on 23 males and nine female patients (mean age 32 years); these included 27 ster...Image-directed stereotaxis; Stereotactic instrument; Cosman-Roberts-Wells stereotaxy1990
12 Warner, Homer R.The Knowledge Capabilities of the Vocabulary Component of a Medical Expert SystemBiomedical Informatics1990
13 Zhang, KangMolecular and developmental characterization of the heat shock cognate 4 gene of Drosophila melanogasterThe Drosophila heat shock cognate gene 4 (hsc4), a member of the hsp70 gene family, encodes an abundant protein, hsc70, that is more similar to the constitutively expressed human protein than the Drosophila heat-inducible hsp70. Developmental expression revealed that hsc4 transcripts are enriched in...Embryo, Nonmammalian; Molecular Sequence Data1990
14 Baehr, WolfgangMouse opsin. Gene structure and molecular basis of multiple transcriptsThe single copy mouse opsin gene produces five major transcripts, varying in size from 1.7 to 5.1 kilobases. The mRNAs are present at levels that vary over 2 orders of magnitude and can be detected as early as postnatal day 1. Each of the transcripts is polyadenylated and can be identified in polyso...Polyribosomes; Restriction Mapping; Sequence Homology, Nucleic Acid1990
15 Kestle, John R. W.Propionibacterium encephalitis [Letter to the editor]To THE EDITOR: We read with interest the article by Camarata, et al., reporting two cases of dorsal midbrain encephalitis (Camarata PJ, McGeachie RE, Haines S J: Dorsal midbrain encephalitis caused by Propionibacterium aches. Report of two cases. J Neurosurg 72." 654-659, April, 1990). There are...1990
16 Warner, Homer R.Some Changes in Medical Informatics (Editorial)Biomedical Informatics1990
17 Warner, Homer R.Toward a Public Domain UMLS Patient DatabaseBiomedical Informatics1990
18 Couldwell, William T.Utilization of unilateral and bilateral stereotactically placed adrenomedullary-striatal autografts in Parkinsonian humans: rationale, techniques, and observationsA limited clinical pilot study involving an amalgam of specialized disciplines including neurology, neuropharmacology, neuropsychology, neurosurgery, neuroanesthesia, neuroradiology, surgical pathology, neuropathology, and urological surgery was organized to clarify issues related to patient selecti...Adrenal medullary graft; Autograft; Brain graft; Neural transplantation; Parkinsonism; Stereotaxy1990
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