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1 Wright, Scott D.Age wave is here : the aging of the baby boomers November 2010Paul C. Light (1998) wrote one of the first books to examine the complexities of the baby boom generation and their future implications and impact. The book titled, "Baby Boomers", investigated what unified and what divided the generation and reflected on the potential for "golden days" (would it b...2010-08
2 Hobson-Rohrer, Wendy L.Benefits and Barriers of Interprofessional Education Beyond the ClassroomMedical schools need to include interprofessional education (IPE) in their curricula not only to meet accreditation standards but to optimize students' readiness to practice in today's team-based heathcare environment. This is most often accomplished in classroom settings.Interprofessional Education; Team-Based Patient Cre; Collaboration2020
3 Caserta, Michael; Lund, Dale A.Bereavement stress and coping among older adults: expectations versus the actual experienceThis investigation compared the stress and coping levels of 108 older adults who recently lost their spouse with expectations of stress and coping reported by eighty-five matched nonbereaved controls. While the bereaved reported moderately high stress levels over two years, their stress scores were ...Coping; Bereavement stress; Spousal bereavement1992
4 Llanque, Sarah M.Caregiver stress: a concept analysisThe purpose of this concept analysis is to provide clarity on the concept of caregiver stress as it pertains to the caregiver of people with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.2014-01-01
5 Wright, Scott D.Caring to cultivate on the long row of life: an eclectic look at gardens, gardening, and the aging processGardening is one of the most popular home-based leisure activities in the U.S. and represents an important activity in the lives of older adults in a variety of residential settings. Yet, there has been a lack of any comprehensive and multidisciplinary examination of the nexus between gardening and...gardening; gardens; aging; caring2010
6 Wright, Scott D.The challenge and promise of autism spectrum disorders in adulthood and aging: a systematic review of the literature (1990-2013)Abstract: In the past five years, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of publications addressing the issues of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) in the domain of adulthood and aging. However this increase still represents an extremely small proportion of the overall literature which is...2013-01-01
7 Caserta, MichaelChallenges, transitions, and healthy aging: Introduction to the special issueRowe and Kahn's (1987) seminal piece in the Journal, Science, and the work driven by the MacArthur Foundation that followed (Rowe & Kahn, 1997, 1998) arguably signaled a paradigm shift in how we think about aging and health. Rather than a purely biomedical view of aging and health, Rowe and Kahn pos...2012-01-01
8 Caserta, MichaelChanges in aerobic power, body composition, and exercise adherence in obese, postmenopausal women, 6 months post-exercise trainingAbstract: To determine the acute and follow-up effects of 4 months of health and fitness education with and without exercise training, 182 sedentary, obese. 60- to 70-year-old women were randomly assigned to the following groups: fitness education (FD. n = 70). fitness education with aerobic trai...Fitness; Health; Physical Activity1996
9 Caserta, MichaelCourse of spousal bereavement in later lifeThe overall purpose of this chapter is to provide an overview of the major findings from our research over the past 11 years on spousal bereavement among older adults in the United States. We began in 1980 with a longitudinal study funded by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) designed to describ...Senior citizens; Support groups; Death; Bereavement1993
10 Murphy, Patricia A.Criterion-based screening for sexually transmitted infection: sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values of commonly used questionsBackground: Practice protocols that mandate pre-screening for sexually transmitted infection prior to insertion of an intrauterine device for contraception can pose obstacles for women seeking this highly effective method of birth control. Some practices screen for presumed risk factors for sexually...2012-01-01
11 Edelman, Linda S.Dangerous spaces: Using geographic information systems in injury researchPURPOSE: To provide an overview of geographic information systems (GIS) and to discuss current and future applications in injury and trauma research. DESIGN: Literature review and discourse of GIS technology related to injury and trauma research. METHOD: A search of scientific literature databases, ...Community; Public Health; Technology; Internet; Risk Assessment; Wounds and Injuries2007-08
12 Beck, Susan L.; Lastayo, Paul C.; Marcus, RobinEccentric exercise versus usual-care with older cancer survivors: the impact on muscle and mobility- an exploratory pilot studyBackground: Resistance exercise programs with high compliance are needed to counter impaired muscle and mobility in older cancer survivors. To date outcomes have focused on older prostate cancer survivors, though more heterogeneous groups of older survivors are in-need. The purpose of this explorat...2011
13 Caserta, Michael; Gillett, Patricia Anne; White, Andrea T.Effect of exercise and/or fitness education on fitness in older, sedentary, obese womenThis paper reports on fitness changes in sedentary, obese (M BMI = 32.0 kg/m2), 60- to 70-year-old women following 4 months of exercise-based intervention. One hundred eighty-two women were randomly assigned to the following groups: health and fitness education (ED) (n = 70), health and fitness edu...1996
14 Caserta, Michael; Telonidis, Jacqueline Slattery; Lund, Dale A.Effects of widowhood on disabled older women (the women's health and aging study)*This study examined the effects of becoming widowed for older women with pre-existing physical disability. Data from three consecutive interviews from the Women's Health and Aging Study (WHAS) were used to compare depression, quality of life, and functional difficulty for widowed and nonwidowed wome...Women's Health and Aging Study; WHAS; Disabled older women2005-01-01
15 Caserta, Michael; Lund, Dale A.; Wright, Scott D.Exploring the caregiver burden inventory (CBI): further evidence for a multidimensional view of burdenThe purpose of this study was to examine the multidimensional nature of caregiver burden by specifically analyzing the patterns of association between five dimensions of burden as measured by the Caregiver Burden Inventory [1] and selected demographic, health, functioning, and well-being indicators...Caregiver Burden Inventory; Time dependence burden; Emotional burden1996
16 Murphy, Patricia A.Extended and continuous combined contraceptive regimens for menstrual suppressionMany women have medical indications for menstrual suppression or a personal preference to reduce or eliminate monthly bleeding, which can be achieved with extended and continuous regimens of combined estrogen and progestin contraceptives. Combined contraceptives are traditionally administered in a 2...2012-01-01
17 Caserta, Michael; Lund, Dale A.Future directions in adult bereavement researchThe primary purpose of this article is to stimulate interest in conducting research related to adult bereavement and provide suggestions for improving the quality of these studies and the application of their findings. Future research needs to generate new knowledge about grief and bereavement but ...1998
18 Wright, Scott D.Gray and green revisited: a multidisciplinary perspective of gardens, gardening, and the aging processOver fourteen years ago, the concept of "gray and green" was first introduced by Wright and Lund (2000) to represent a new awareness and a call for increased scholarship at the intersection of environmental issues and the aging process. This review paper revisits that concept with a fresh perspectiv...2014-01-01
19 Caserta, Michael; Lund, Dale A.Identifying elderly with coping difficulties after two years of bereavementThis study answers three research questions. First, what proportion of the elderly are experiencing major coping difficulties after two years of bereavement? Second, what factors in early bereavement distinguish between those with difficulties and the others? Third, what set of factors are the best...Coping difficulties1985
20 Morse, Janice M.The illness experience: dimensions of suffering1991
21 Caserta, Michael; Lund, Dale A.Impact of bereavement on the self-conceptions of older surviving spousesThe purpose of this longitudinal study was to assess the extent to which the social anchorage dimension of the self-concept is impacted by the death of a spouse among a sample of older surviving spouses. Social anchorage was measured by the Twenty Statements Test (TST) in mailed questionnaires and ...Social anchorage; Self-concept1986
22 Pepper, Ginette A.Improving geriatric drug therapy.Healthcare professional and society in general harbor ambivalent beliefs about drug therapy. Most of us anticipate that drugs will eventually control, or even cure many age-related diseases. On the other hand, there is a growing unease about the hazards of medications, which range from minor discomf...Older people1987-10
23 Caserta, Michael; Lund, Dale A.Older bereaved spouses' participation in self-help groupsThis study reports on bereaved spouses' assessments of their participation in twenty-six self-help groups which consisted of eight weekly meetings (short-term; N = 82) or ten monthly meetings in addition to the weekly ones (long-term; N = 52). Regardless of the duration of the groups whether they w...Older bereaved spouses1992
24 Wright, Scott D.Pilgrim in the land of big G and little G - a review essayIt used to be said the life is short and art is long, but now in our supposed high point for the era of the ?scientific management of aging? (Cole, 1992), our goal is instead ? the art of living longer. Our current landscape for understanding the experience of aging is representing by the following...Aging; Longevity; Book review2010
25 Caserta, Michael; Lund, Dale A.Promoting self-care and daily living skills among older widows and widowers: evidence from the Pathfinders demonstration projectWhile most bereavement intervention programs for the recently widowed focus primarily on loss and grief issues, few, if any, specifically address ways to engage in necessary self-care activities, to assume new responsibilities that once belonged to their deceased spouse, and to remain socially conne...Older widows; Older widowers; Bereavement intervention; Recently widowed; Daily living skills; Self-care; Pathfinders demonstration project2004-09-01
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