651 - 675 of 10,888
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651 Anderson, Richard BryanARL Statistics
652 Anderson, Richard BryanARL Stats2010
653 Regehr, JohnARMor: fully verified software fault isolationWe have designed and implemented ARMor, a system that uses software fault isolation (SFI) to sandbox application code running on small embedded processors. Sandboxing can be used to protect components such as the RTOS and critical control loops from other, less-trusted components. ARMor guarantees m...2011-01-01
654 Firmage, Edwin B.Arms control in the 70's... and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. (Isa. 2:4.) The vision of a time of peace-a time in which man's genius and his physical resources would be devoted entirel...1971
655 Sorensen, Justin BruceARPANET timeline 1969-1980The University of Utah boasts of being the 4th node on the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), a project funded by the Department of Defense that developed into the Internet and changed the world. However, when researchers came to the University of Utah's Marriott Library trying to...ARPANET; Advanced Research Projects Agency Network; nodes2011-10-18
656 Miller, Jan D.Arsenic removal from contaminated watersArsenic is a contaminant at 781 of 1,430 sites identified on the National Priorities List and in mining and mineral processing wastewaters, smelter wastes, and sites for manufacture of semiconductors, petroleum products, wood preservatives, animal feed additives, and herbicides. Arsenic affects abo...Arsenic; Arsenate; Arsenite; Microbial; Activated carbon; Magnetic activated carbon; Biomac2005
657 Silverman, Randall H.Art of publishers' bookbindings, 1815-1915 by Ellen K. Morris and Edward S. LevinReview of the book The Art of Publishers' Bookbindings, 1815-1915.Books, Reviews; Publishers and publishing; Bookbinding2002
658 Gardner, Reed M.Artifact Detection and Elimination in Intensive Care Pressure Monitoring SystemsBiomedical Informatics1983
659 Francis, LeslieArtificial and transplanted organs: movable parts and the unmoving lawIn the seventeenth century, John Locke asked whether we would end up with the same person if we replaced bodily parts one by one. He concluded t h a t the person would remain the same, despite continued replacement of material parts, because the identity of a human being consists of continued partic...Organ replacement; Artificial organs; Liability1984
660 Gardner, Reed M.Artificial Intelligence in Medicine - Is It Ready? (Editorial)Biomedical Informatics1986
661 Ecsedy, Kathryn Lyn; Harvey, Ian R.The artistic applications of M.E.M.S.: gallery on a chipOur research explored the crossroads between art and science to create tiny devices known as MEMS (Micro Electrical Mechanical Systems). These artistic devices are powered by micro charge-pumped actuation of electrons in a scanning electron microscope, utilizing a phenomenon once considered an irri...Artistic applications; MEMS; Micro Electrical Mechanical Systems; Kinetic micro sculpture; Micro charge pump actuation; Trapeze Interactive Poster2010-03-15
662 Gooch, Bruce; Reinhard, Erik; Moulding, Chris; Shirley, Peter S.Artistic composition for image creationAltering the viewing parameters of a 3D object results in computer graphics images of varying quality. One aspect of image quality is the composition of the image. While the esthetic properties of an image are subjective, some heuristics used by artists to create images can be approximated quanti...Image creation; Image quality2000
663 Shirley, Peter S.; Gooch, BruceArtistic vision: painterly rendering using computer vision techniquesWe present a method that takes a raster image as input and produces a painting-like image composed of strokes rather than pixels. Unlike previous automatic painting methods, we attempt to keep the number of brush-stroke small. This is accomplished by first segmenting the image into features, finding...Painting-like image; Raster image; Painterly rendering2000
664 Krensky, BethArts-based service-learning: a state of the fieldOver the past two decades, there has been significant academic and public discourse in the United States regarding matters of civic engagement, with particular interest in the behavioral trends demonstrated by young people. Research shows that in the US, young people demonstrated the lowest voti...2008
665 Carter, John B.AS-COMA: An adaptive hybrid shared memory ArchitectureScalable shared memory multiprocessors traditionally use either a cache coherent nonuniform memory access (CC-NUMA) or simple cache-only memory architecture (S-COMA) memory architecture. Recently, hybrid architectures that combine aspects of both CC-NUMA and S-COMA have emerged. In this paper, we pr...AS-COMA; Hybrid shared memory1998
666 O'Rourke, Dennis H.Ascertainment bias for non-twin relatives in twin proband studiesWhen families are ascertained through affected twins, as for example when twin probands are selected from a registry and their non-twin relatives studied, a correction for ascertainment bias is needed. It is shown that probandwise counting (where relatives of doubly ascertained twin pairs are counte...Genetic; Transmission; Models1982
667 Rogers, Alan R.; Jorde, Lynn B.Ascertainment bias in estimates of average heterozygosityPopulation geneticists work with a nonrandom sample of the human genome. Conventional practice ensures that unusually variable loci are most likely to be discovered and thus included in the sample of loci. Consequently, estimates of average heterozygosity are biased upward. In what follows we descri...Bias (Epidemiology); Biometry; Heterozygote1996-05
668 Light, Alan R.ASICs do not play a role in maintaining hyperalgesia induced by repeated intramuscular acid injectionsRepeated intramuscular acid injections produce long-lasting mechanical hyperalgesia that depends on activation of ASICs. The present study investigated if pH-activated currents in sensory neurons innervating muscle were altered in response to repeated acid injections, and if blockade of ASICs revers...2012-01-01
669 Carter, Tony M.ASSASSIN : a CAD system for self-timed control-unit designMany software systems exist for automatically implementing synchronous state machines . Presented is this paper is a software system -- ASSASSIN -- for the design and automatic layout of self-timed (or speed- independent) control units as integrated circuit modules.ASSASSIN; Self-timed control units1982
670 Mitchell, Joyce A.Assessing clinical researchers information needs to create responsive portals and tools: my research assistant (MyRA) at the University of Utah: a case studyQuestion: How can health sciences librarians and biomedical informaticians offer relevant support to Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) personnel? Setting: The Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library and the associate vice president for information technology for the health sciences o...2013-01-01
671 Bowling, David R.Assessing filtering of mountaintop CO2 mole fractions for application to inverse models of biosphere-atmosphere carbon exchangeThere is a widely recognized need to improve our understanding of biosphere-atmosphere carbon exchanges in areas of complex terrain including the United States Mountain West. CO2 fluxes over mountainous terrain are often difficult to measure due to unusual and complicated influences associated with ...2012-01-01
672 Yaffe, JoanneAssessing procedural descriptiveness: rationale and illustrative studyProcedural descriptiveness refers to the extent to which the activities defined in a procedure are complete and specific. Procedures used in research or human service that are poorly described raise important questions such as whether the procedures can be replicated or generalized and, in the case ...Procedural descriptiveness1987
673 Rebekah Cummings; Lindsay Ozburn; Andrea Payant; Betty Rozum; Michael Shelton; Ryan BushmanAssessing Research Compliance for Federally Funded Projects: The Good, the Bad, and the Publicly AccessibleIn 2016, Utah State University launched a program to ensure their campus' federal grant recipients were in compliance with funder mandates to share any data or publications produced as a result of the award. This paper discusses how a cross-institutional team of librarians and administrators evaluat...research data management; assessment; online asynchronous focus groups (OAFG); grant compliance2020-08-12
674 Warner, Homer R.Assessing the Behavioral Impact of a Diagnostic Decision Support SystemBiomedical Informatics1995
675 Gardner, Reed M.Assessing the Effectiveness of a Computerized Pharmacy SystemBiomedical Informatics1990
651 - 675 of 10,888