1 - 25 of 17
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1 Central (Nuclear) 3rd Nerve Palsies2016Image/MovingImage
2 Central HINTS (With an Abnormal Head Impulse Sign) in the Acute Vestibular Syndrome Due to Lateral Pontine/Middle Cerebellar Peduncle Demyelination2018-01Image/MovingImage
3 Downbeat (Perverted) Head Shaking Nystagmus in a Patient with Spontaneous Torsional Nystagmus2019-06Image/MovingImage
4 Lateral Pontine Stroke Involving the Superior Vestibular Nucleus Causing Spontaneous Upbeat-torsional NystagmusImage/MovingImage
5 Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus Syndrome with Prominent Spontaneous Nystagmus2018-02Image/MovingImage
6 Mesodiencephalic Stroke Causing Unilateral riMLF and INC Ocular Motor Syndromes2018-12Image/MovingImage
7 Ocular Motor & Vestibular Features of the MLF Syndrome2017Image/MovingImage
8 Ocular Motor & Vestibular Features of the MLF Syndrome (Figures 1, 2, and 3)2017Image
9 Positional Nystagmus During an Attack of Vestibular Migraine2020-04Image/MovingImage
10 Saccadic Hypermetria and Ipsipulsion (Behind Closed Eyelids and with Vertical Saccades)2018Image/MovingImage
11 Skew Deviation and Spontaneous Nystagmus Due to Posterior Fossa Lesions2017-12Image/MovingImage
12 Spontaneous Torsional Nystagmus and Ocular Tilt Reaction2020-04Image/MovingImage
13 Test Your Knowledge - The Acute Vestibular Syndrome and Ptosis2018-08Image/MovingImage
14 Test Your Knowledge - Vertical-Torsional Nystagmus2018-09Image/MovingImage
15 Torsional Jerk Nystagmus2016Image/MovingImage
16 Torsional Nystagmus Due to Medullary Pilocytic Astrocytoma2018-02Image/MovingImage
17 Unidirectional Nystagmus in Lateral Medullary Syndrome2016Image/MovingImage
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