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1 Quality improvement of juvenile chondrocyte cell sheets for osteochondral repair: exploring cell culture media volume and basal media supply2024Textir_htoa
2 Optimizing the procedure of cryopreservation of yellow stingray semen2024Textir_htoa
3 A retrospective interrupted time series analysis of alcohol withdrawal protocol changes on patient outcomes and hospital metrics2024Textir_dph
4 Enhancing medical field interest in Rural CommunitiesTextir_uspace
5 Investigative work in antibiotic treatment of biofilms using a new reactor model2024Textir_htoa
6 Intracellular calcium release modifies the cellular response to sonic hedgehog2019Textir_etd
7 Discovery of platinum (II) and azulene derivative cocrystals with fluorinated cyanoaromatics2024Textir_htoa
8 The role of ornithine, polyamines, and amino acid accumulation in the growth of melanoma2024Textir_htoa
9 Heparan sulfate proteoglycans regulate signaling, cell polarity and ligand diffusion during zebrafish lateral line development2015Textir_etd
10 Predictive Approaches to Treatment effect Heterogeneity (PATH): A secondary analysis of the HCRN Entry Site TrialTextir_dph
11 Survival analysis of live birth and pregnancy according to the iNEST study cohortTextir_dph
12 Skin of Color Representation in Teaching Images in Pediatric Nursing Practitioner TextbooksTextir_etd
13 Functionalizing a hemagglutinin epitope tag for induced mitochondrial protein degradation in saccharomyces cerevisiae2022Textir_htoa
14 Optimizing lynch syndrome index case finding in endometrial cancer2018Textir_etd
15 Micrornas, metabolism, and inflammation: Mir-146A regulates metabolic disease and hepatocellular carcinoma2023Textir_etd
16 The implications of childhood maltreatment and current life stress for pregnant women's hair cortisol concentrations2023Textir_htoa
17 The role of socioeconomic status in understanding ethnic differences among remerging adults with type 1 diabetes2023Textir_htoa
18 The impact of antiviral immunity on oncolytic virotherapy and the development of novel oncolytic viruses2021Textir_etd
19 Association between TBI Exposure and Parkinson's Disease among Post-9/11 Era VeteransTextir_uspace
20 Creating a new class of cyanocarbons with unexplored chemistry2023Textir_htoa
21 The function of mitochondrial pyruvate in stem cells and diffuse large B cell lymphoma2021Textir_etd
22 Genetic variation and the regulatory landscape governing the transcriptional response to endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress2021Textir_etd
23 Investigation of a novel car T cell target and mechanism of car T cell-mediated antigen loss in relapsed B cell lymphoma2022Textir_etd
24 The function of cell adhesion molecules in hippocampal synapse development2020Textir_etd
25 Leveraging phenotypic profiling using omics analyses to combat refractory breast cancers2020Textir_etd
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