1 - 25 of 481
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1 Eccentric exercise versus usual-care with older cancer survivors: the impact on muscle and mobility- an exploratory pilot study2011Textir_uspace
2 Amplification of fall risk in Parkinson's disease: the influence of comorbidities2010Textir_uspace
3 Development and evaluation of notifications to inform primary care providers of summary documentation for their patients' hospital visits2009Textir_etd
4 Exploring risk factors associated with spasmodic dysphonia: an epidemiological approach2009-06-20Textir_etd
5 The use of a modular titanium baseplate with a press-fit keel implanted with a surface cementing technique for primary total knee arthroplasty2014-01-01Textir_uspace
6 It was hard, but it was good: a qualitative exploration of stress-related growth in division I intercollegiate athletes2012-01-01Textir_uspace
7 Toward a better understanding of intrinsic motivation among adolescent males on outdoor trips within a residential treatment program2010Textir_etd
8 Developing noncognitive factors through outdoor adventure education: experiences that complement classroom learning2016Textir_etd
9 The influence of place attachment, motivations for use, and litter on campers' evaluations of site conditions2016Textir_etd
10 The influence of caring, curiosity, and knowledge on visitors’ conservation intentions: an exploratory investigation at the tracy aviary2016Textir_etd
11 Nature-based experiences and mobile phones: a pilot study on the effects of text notifications on attention restoration2016Textir_etd
12 Addressing well-being in early and middle childhood: recreation therapy interventions aimed to develop skills that create a healthy life2015Textir_etd
13 Mapping the relationships between trail conditions and experiential elements of long-distance hiking2016Textir_etd
14 The Effect of strong, positive messages on personal transformation2010Textir_etd
15 Effects of wilderness-based programming and facilitated reflection on social self-efficacy among college students in freshman orientation2007-05-16Textir_etd
16 Effect of activity-staging strategies for engaging psychological need on valenced intentionality toward nature among youth in a residential treatment program2008-05Textir_etd
17 Effect of activity preference on attention restoration in lifeguards2008-04-29Textir_etd
18 Influences of unconscious motivations on travel image selection among women2008-11-10Textir_etd
19 Leadership characteristics that influence adolescents to follow2010Textir_etd
20 Youth development in community recreation programs: leveraging context to promote self-regulation2012-08Textir_etd
21 Sense of community: predictors, experience, and outcomes in adult recreational sports2015-08Textir_etd
22 "Wow, that bitch is crazy!": exploring gendered performances in leisure spaces surrounding reality television2014-12Textir_etd
23 The accuracy of self-efficacy beliefs in outdoor education2013-05Textir_etd
24 Emotional responses to identity affirming touristic vignettes in middle-class Chinese and American individuals2010Textir_etd
25 The effect of in-group and out-group persuasive communications about climate change on the environmental beliefs and behavioral intentions of winter recreationists2012-12Textir_etd
1 - 25 of 481