Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
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Gomez, Sadie Ortiz | Breaking the cycle: the long-term impacts of punitive policies on the academic trajectories of students of color in the Salt Lake school district | This research delves into the punitive policies within five public schools of the Salt Lake School District and the ramifications of these policies on the academic trajectories of students of color. Through a quantitative analysis of disciplinary referrals, this study sheds light on the disproportio... | | 2024 |
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Wittwer, Blake | The 2013 egyptian military coup: why did it produce lasting regime change? | In 2013, Egypt underwent a regime change through the method of a military coup. The current political state and government of Egypt is the direct result of these events. Notably, Egypt has experienced one of the few successful military coups in recent history. This thesis attempts to explain why thi... | | 2024 |
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Ziembicki, Jakub Tomasz | Star tracking with telescope array fluorescence detectors to investigate atmospheric effects on starlight signal intensity decay | The Telescope Array (TA) in southern Utah is the product of a multinational scientific collaboration effort and is the largest cosmic ray detector in the Northern Hemisphere1. Designed to detect the most energetic particles in the Universe, the TA has been a key scientific undertaking in the study o... | | 2024 |
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Wigod, Lauren | Changing theories of disease as indicators of shifting epistemic values in science | Theories of disease are unique from many other scientific theories due to their applicability. Society is not typically impacted by novel theories of physics for example, but does feel the influence of shifting theories of disease. Competition between theories of disease creates pragmatic concern, a... | | 2024 |
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Villalobos, Ruth Lopez | The role of executive function and parental involvment in understanding healthy eating among emerging adults with type 1 diabetes | Type 1 diabetes is a difficult chronic illness for early emerging adults (EAs; will 18 24-year-olds) to manage as it requires numerous daily tasks including monitoring involvement in illness management declines. Two factors that are related to diabetes management and HbA1c (an index of how much suga... | | 2024 |
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Tayler, Andrew Nichola Crawford | Natural language guided goals for robotic manipulation | Goal specification for robotic manipulation is a critical area of research, defining how we interact with robots and how we communicate with them. We propose using universally guided diffusion to generate natural language goal aligned rigid body transforms, from segmented point clouds. We explore va... | | 2024 |
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Serna, Kathryn Vargas | The importance of improving accounting-based financial literacy for underserved youth in Utah | This paper is focused on exploring the importance and impact of accounting-centered financial education on youth populations from historically underserved communities in Utah. The paper will analyze reports from data on financial literacy assessments administered by the OECD and reports from the CFP... | | 2024 |
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Sheinberg, Zoey | Deconstructing the gothic subaltern: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Mark Z. Danielewski's house of leaves in post-structuralist coversation | The formulaic, Walpolean Gothic was a staunchly upheld tradition throughout 18- and 19th-century Gothic literature. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein rose to great popularity due to its categorization as a Gothic novel, but on closer analysis, Shelley purposefully refuses each conventional step of Walpole... | | 2024 |
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Rodriguez, Leslie | Uncovering the red face palm: a decolonial lens into MMIW (missing and murdered indigenous women) crisis | The acronym MMWI stands for Missing and Murdered Indigenous women. The MMIW crisis has been a catastrophic epidemic throughout the United States and Canada, the MMIW issue remains prevalent and widespread among American Indian and Alaskan Native (AI/AN) women and girls, as it has for centuries. Sexu... | | 2024 |
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Stanley, Ethan | Random testing of the webassembly system interface | The WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) enables WebAssembly (Wasm) programs to interact with the facilities of the computer on which the Wasm program runs. This greatly expands Wasm's utility and power outside of the browser, but greater capability increases the risk of vulnerabilities that arise wh... | | 2024 |
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Robinson, Daniel Glenn | Scopocket: A simple, low-Cost oscilloscope for education | | | 2024 |
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Reid, Craig J. | Quality improvement of juvenile chondrocyte cell sheets for osteochondral repair: exploring cell culture media volume and basal media supply | Juvenile cartilage-derived chondrocyte (JCC) sheets have been explored as a controlled, scalable method for articular cartilage repair. The current standard preparation method of these sheets uses commercially available temperature-responsive (TR) culture dish inserts in cell culture that allow for ... | | 2024 |
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Ricks, Rachel Lyn | Dietary blueberry reduces glypican I expression in cerebral tissue of Alzheimer's disease mouse model | Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disorder, characterized by the accumulation of neurotoxic insoluble protein aggregates such as phosphorylated tau proteins. Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are side chains of heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG) with charged polysaccharides tha... | | 2024 |
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Norris, Emma | Using film to adress reproductice health amoung central African immigrants/redugees resettled in Utah | This study investigated the knowledge and values surrounding reproductive and preconception health in a community of Central African refugees resettled in Utah and how the use of community representing film impacted their perspectives. We aimed to highlight main themes expressed by community members... | | 2024 |
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Peterson, Claire | Water quality and population: correlation analyses in Salt Lake County, Utah | Water quality is dependent on a number of variables. It is known that, on a broad scale, water quality is affected by seasonal variables, land use, and urbanization. My research explored population changes within Salt Lake County, Utah. Based on prior research, I hypothesized that this variable woul... | | 2024 |
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Poll, Nicholas | Social effects of corticotropin-releasing hormone and tachykinin 2 cells in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis | Social interaction is one of the chief drivers of evolution and natural selection. Animal interactions shape the ecological world and have shaped the world's evolutionary timeline. Of the many types of animal interactions, one of the most influential to behavior and development is aggression. Many a... | | 2024 |
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McManus, Kylee Alaina | Characterization and stability of fluorescent ultrasmall porous silica nanoparticles for use in image-guided surgery of peritoneal metastasis | Peritoneal metastases are growths that arise from the shedding and implantation of cancerous cells from ovarian, gastric, colorectal or extraperitoneal (breast, lung) origin in the peritoneal cavity1. These metastases are typically treated through combination therapies such as surgery and chemothera... | | 2024 |
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McMartin, Morgan | Making water immersion labor and delivery a pain management option for all birthing patients | BACKGROUND: One method of nonpharmacologic pain management during the labor process is water immersion. Water immersion is when laboring patients are immersed in warm water during labor, usually in a large tub or birthing pool. Water immersion has been shown to reduce maternal pain during labor and ... | | 2024 |
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Nestel, Samantha | Development meets metabolism: investigating how diet and nutrition influence developmental decisions | The effect of the environment on development is critical to human health, and animal and plant ecological strategies. However, the molecular mechanisms that regulate developmental (phenotypic) plasticity remain poorly understood. When exposed to different environments, the nematode Pristionchus paci... | | 2024 |
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Larsen, Skogen | Review of the usability and readiness of modern web technologies | Progressive web apps, or PWAs, are web applications that provide a user experience comparable to a native mobile app using only web technologies. Historically, web apps have been unable to interface closely with hardware, such as mobile cameras and sensors, which combined with other limits associate... | | 2024 |
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McKay, Sophia E. | The color of justice: an analysis of racial discrimination in the American pretrial period | This study exposes racial discrimination in the pretrial phase of the American justice system, focusing on bail decisions, pretrial detention, and plea bargaining. Through statistical analysis and expert insight, it will answer the research question "how does racial discrimination manifest in the pr... | | 2024 |
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Machado, Julane | Investigating Gadusol: an evaluation of Gene expression changes and developmental abnormalities in Zebrafish embryos in response to ultraviolet radiation exposures | Despite being critical to life on Earth, sunlight is also highly damaging to DNA. Some organisms have developed methods to mitigate this damage, such as the production of gadusol, a natural sunscreen-like compound generated by many fish. However, much of our current knowledge of UV responses in euka... | | 2024 |
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Larsen, Sydney N. | Optimizing metabarcoding methodology for the analysis of APIS mellifera corbicular pollen throughout a single foraging season. | Pollen preserves are crucial to maintaining Apis mellifera's hive health. Pollen provides bees with a source of protein, amino acids, lipids, and other nutrients that are vital for larvae development (Dharampal et. Al, 2019). In addition to providing these essential nutrients, pollen also provides t... | | 2024 |
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Kockler, Chloe | Chemical oxidation of surfactants in water treatment systems | Surfactants are among the many emerging contaminants that are continuously discharged into the environment through municipal wastewater treatment plants. Sodium dodecyl sulfate and sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate are two of the most widely used anionic surfactants. Regular utilization of these chemi... | | 2024 |
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Karabegovic, Sven | Online and blockchain voting in Russia as a form of electoral coercion and authoritarian resilience | Russia's holds a complex relationship with democracy. Following the collapse of the USSR, Russia appeared on the forefront of a democratic renewal. Instead, in the time since, Russia has devolved into an authoritarian regime under the rule of Vladimir Putin. As a result, today, Russia has found mean... | | 2024 |