1 - 25 of 32
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1 20 ways to maximize the use of single switch technology with students with severe disabilites2006Textir_uspace
2 An investigation of head start teachers' attitudes toward adopting evidence-based practices and the classroom assessment scoring system2014-12Textir_etd
3 Assessing demographic and schoolwide positive behavior support factors that predict disproportional trends in office disciplinary referals2013-08Textir_etd
4 Beginning augmentative communication systems1992Textir_uspace
5 Collaborative methods of special education and general education teachers2014-04Textir_htoa
6 Considering response efficiency as a strategy to prevent assistive technology abandonment2005Textir_uspace
7 Coordinating preservice and in-service training of early interventionists to serve preschoolers who engage in challenging behavior1996Textir_uspace
8 Developing an initial communicative repertoire: applications and issues for persons with severe disabilities1993Textir_uspace
9 Documenting the implementation and effects of positive behavior support in an alternative educational setting2013-08Textir_etd
10 Effects of check-In, check-Out on students with internalizing behaviors in the elementary school setting2018Textir_etd
11 Functional assessment and group-oriented reinforcement contingencies to reduce problem behaviors of students with intellectual disabilities2002-05Textir_etd
12 Making the most of single-switch technology: a primer2003Textir_uspace
13 Ninth-grade students with disabilities: a concrete-representational-abstract + writing strategy for solving rate of change problems2015Textir_etd
14 Numeracy in inclusive early childhood classrooms: embedding learning opportunities and using effective instructional strategies2012-08Textir_etd
15 Parental use of open-ended prompts and expansions within a modified dialogic reading intervention2019Textir_etd
16 Preservice special education service providers' attitudes on diversity2007Textir_uspace
17 Preventing problem behavior : implementing a school-wide system of behavior support2003Textir_uspace
18 Preventing severe problem behavior in young children: the behavior education program2007Textir_uspace
19 Replacing challenging behavior: the role of communication intervention1993Textir_uspace
20 Schoolwide behavior support: creating urban schools that accommodate diverse learners2003Textir_uspace
21 Social stories as a tool to help preschool aged children with autism spectrum disorders utilize self-regulation strategies to promote increased functional behaviors2011-05Textir_etd
22 Social stories: an intervention tool to help decrease undesired behaviors in children with characteristics of autism spectrum disorders2015-08Textir_etd
23 Student council for exceptional children, University of Utah2014-10-22Textir_eua
24 Supporting teachers of students who are deaf plus: perceptions in provision of supports and resources2017Textir_etd
25 Teaching students with significant cognitive disabilities to solve mathematical word problems: a mixed methods study2019Textir_etd
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