451 - 475 of 978
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451 Marcus Gunn Jaw WinkingRaed Behbehani, MDMarcus Gunn Jaw Wink causes congenital ptosis and eyelid retraction associated with jaw movement or sucking. It's due to "miswiring" between 3rd and 5th cranial nerves. The treatment of ptosis in children is surgery to prevent amblyopia .Jaw Winking; Marcus Gunn
452 Apraxia of Eyelid OpeningRaed Behbehani, MDPatient has Parkinson disease and has developed this condition following deep brain stimulation.Apraxia; Eyelid Opening
453 Pertinent Pupillary ProblemsKarl C. Golnik, MDPupil Exam is a narrated PowerPoint that covers the basic of examining pupils.Pupil Exam; Pupil
454 AnisocoriaKarl C. Golnik, MDThis is a narrated PowerPoint presentation that covers the common causes of anisocoria.Pupil; Anisocoria
455 Parinaud SyndromeRaed Behbehani, MDParinaud syndrome, as called dorsal midbrain syndrome, is due to dorsal midbrain lesions from compression (e.g., a tumor), demyelination, or ischemia. The syndrome is characterized by limitation of upward gaze, convergence retraction nystagmus, light near dissociation, and lid retraction (Collier's ...Dorsal Mibrain Syndrome; Parinaud's Syndrome
456 Square Wave Jerks with ContrapulsionRaed Behbehani, MDA patient with history of brain stem stroke 2 months ago (right hemifacial anesthesia , left sided weakness and bulbar symptoms dysphagia) comes complaining of oscillipsia , binocular vertical diplopia). On exam he had a vertical tropia of 3-4 PD (Skew deviation), dissociated nystagmus , and saccadi...Square Wave Jerks; Contrapulsion
457 Oculopalatal TremorRaed Behbehani, MDThis is a usually vertical, pendular nystagmus associated with synchronous rhythmic movement of the palate, developing months after a severe brain stem stroke. The stroke involves the dentato-rubro-olivary tract (Mollaret's triangle). MRI can show hypertrophy of the inferior olivary nucleus in the m...Oculopalatal Tremor
458 Bilateral Acquired Brown's SyndromeRyan D. Walsh, MD; Collin McClelland, MDA 27 year old female with a history of Sjogren's syndrome reported a 2 year history of a vertical binocular diplopia with looking up-and-to-the right. She has also noticed an audible "click" when positioning her eyes in this direction. As depicted in the video, when attempting to look up-and-to-the...Brown's syndrome; Brown syndrome; hypertropia; diplopia; disorder of ocular motility; Sjogren's syndrome
459 Microvascular Cranial Nerves Palsy (Italian)North American Neuro-Ophthalmology SocietyMicrovascular cranial nerve palsy is one of the most common causes of double vision in the older poulation. They are often referred to as "diabetic" palsies. They will resolve without leaving any double vision.Microvascular Cranial Nerve Palsy; Patient Brochure
460 Hemifacial Spasm (Italian)North American Neuro-Ophthalmology SocietyInvoluntary contractions, called "spasms," of the muscles on one side of the face. The affected side of the face seems to "scrunch up" while the other side of the face remains normal.Hemifacial Spasm; Patient Brochure
461 Neuropatia Ottica Ischemica Anteriore (AION) (Italian)North American Neuro-Ophthalmology SocietyLoss of blood supply to the optic nerve results in diminished visual acuity.Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy; Patient Brochure
462 Pituitary Tumor (Italian)North American Neuro-Ophthalmology SocietyPituitary tumors are benign (non-cancerous) overgrowth of cells that make up the pituitary gland (the master gland that regulates other glands in the body).Pituitary Tumor; Patient Brochure
463 Pseudotumor Cerebri IIH (Italian)North American Neuro-Ophthalmology SocietyThis is a condition in which high pressure inside your head can cause problems with vision and headache.Pseudotumor Cerebri; Patient Brochure
464 Pseudotumor Cerebri (Telugu)North American Neuro-Ophthalmology SocietyThis is a condition in which high pressure inside your head can cause problems with vision and headache.Pseudotumor Cerebri; Patient Brochure
465 Optic Disc Drusen (Italian)North American Neuro-Ophthalmology SocietyOptic disc drusen are abnormal deposits of protein-like material in the optic disc - the front part of the optic nerve.Optic Disc Drusen; Patient Brochure
466 Migraine (Italian)North American Neuro-Ophthalmology SocietyHeadache on one or both sides of the brain, and may include symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light.Migraine; Patient Brochure
467 Dry Eye Syndrome (Telugu)North American Neuro-Ophthalmology SocietyPeople with abnormalities of the tear film are diagnosed with "dry eyes", but some patients with "dry eyes" may not feel that their eyes are "dry". Itching, burning, a scratchy sensation, a sensation that there is sand or grit in the...Dry Eye Syndrome; Patient Brochure
468 Emianopsia Omonima (Italian)North American Neuro-Ophthalmology SocietyThis refers to an absence of vision towards one side of the visual world in each eye. The damage that caused this problem is in the brain and not in the eyes.Homonymous Hemianopsia; Patient Brochure
469 Homonymous Hemianopia (Telugu)North American Neuro-Ophthalmology SocietyThis refers to an absence of vision towards one side of the visual world in each eye. The damage that caused this problem is in the brain and not in the eyes.Homonymous Hemianopsia; Patient Brochure
470 Myasthenia Gravis (Italian)North American Neuro-Ophthalmology SocietyThis is an autoimmune condition where the body's immune system has damaged receptors on your muscles and can result in double vision or drooping lidMyasthenia Gravis; Patient Brochure
471 Myasthenia Gravis (Telugu)North American Neuro-Ophthalmology SocietyThis is an autoimmune condition where the body's immune system has damaged receptors on your muscles and can result in double vision or drooping lidMyasthenia Gravis; Patient Brochure
472 Thyroid Eye Disease (Italian)North American Neuro-Ophthalmology SocietyThis is an autoimmune condition where your body's immune system is producing factors that stimulate enlargement of the muscles that move the eye.Thyroid Eye Disease; Patient Brochure
473 Thyroid Eye Disease (Telugu)North American Neuro-Ophthalmology SocietyThis is an autoimmune condition where your body's immune system is producing factors that stimulate enlargement of the muscles that move the eye.Thyroid Eye Disease; Patient Brochure
474 Blepharospasm (Telugu)North American Neuro-Ophthalmology SocietyUncontrolled blinking, squeezing, and eyelid closure that occurs in both eyes without an apparent environmental cause.Blepharospasm; Patient Brochure
475 Optic Disc Drusen (Telugu)North American Neuro-Ophthalmology SocietyOptic disc drusen are abnormal deposits of protein-like material in the optic disc - the front part of the optic nerve.Drusen; Patient Brochure
451 - 475 of 978