76 - 100 of 109
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76 Mathews, V. JohnParallel-cascade realizations and approximations of truncated volterra systemsAbstract This paper introduces parallel-cascade realizations of truncated Volterra systems with arbitrary, but finite order of nonlinearity. Parallel-cascade realizations implement higher-order Volterra systems using parallel and multiplicative combinations of lower-order Volterra systems. Such rea...1996
77 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshPartial order reduction without the provisoIn this paper, we present a new partial order reduction algorithm that can help reduce both space and time requirements of on-the-fly explicit enumeration based verifiers. The partial order reduction algorithms described in [God95, HP94, Pel94, Pel96] were observed to yield very little savings in ma...Partial order reduction algorithms1996
78 Couldwell, William T.Petroclival meningiomas: surgical experience in 109 casesThe surgical removal of petroclival meningiomas has historically been associated with a high incidence of morbidity and mortality. The 109 consecutive patients included in the present retrospective study represent a combined series of tumors operated on by the four authors during a period from 1980 ...Petroclival meningiomas; Clivus; Brain neoplasm; Petrous bone; Posterior fossa; Skull base tumor1996
79 Vardeny, Zeev ValentinePhotoexcitation dynamics in C60-doped PPV under bias illuminationWe have studied photoexcitation dynamics in pristine and C60-doped PPV films under bias Olumination by photoinduced absorption (PA), optically-detected magnetic resonance (ODMR), and electromodulated PA (EPA). Intrachain polaron pair species are the dominant excitations under these conditions. The p...Photoexcitation dynamics; C60-doped PPV; Bias illumination; PPV films; Photoinduced absorption; ODMR; Electroabsorption1996
80 Jaskowski, Troy D.Polymerase chain reaction detection of Lyme disease: correlation with clinical manifestations and serologic responsesThe Author's have developed a simple, nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for amplification of an outer surface protein A (OspA) gene fragment of Borrelia burgdorferi using rapid temperature cycling and ethidium bromide detection on agarose gels, and applied it to the diagnosis of Lyme dis...PCR; Rapid cycle amplification1996
81 Ehleringer, James R.Potential adaptability and constraints of response to changing climates for Encelia farinosa var. phenicodonta from southern Baja California, MexicoTo examine the physiological adaptability of Encelia farinosa var. phenicodonta from southern Baja California, plants from Todos Santos, BCS were raised in central Arizona where winter-spring precipitation is greater than typically experienced by this variety. Plants were capable of high photosynthe...Encelia farinosa var. phenicodonta; Ecophysiology1996
82 Miller, Joel StevenPreparation and characterization of square-planar tetrakis(cyanoacetylide) complexes: [MII(C=C-C=N)4]2- (M = Ni,Pd, Pt)Complexes [MII(C=C-=N)4]2 - (M = Ni, Pd, Pt) are prepared for the first time and the structure of [NEt4]2[Ni(C=C-C=N)4] is determined to have a square-planar geometryBonding; Structure; Ligand1996
83 Newton, MariaQualitative analysis of a pediatric strength intervention on the developmental stepping movements of infants with Down syndromeThe purpose of this study was to describe the developmental stepping movements of 5 infants with Down syndrome who participated in a pediatric strength intervention. Pretest and posttest data were collected with the Hawaii Early Learning Profile Strands, Battelle Developmental Inventory, and specia...Developmental stepping movements; Strength intervention; Progressive interactive facilitation; Motor development1996
84 Warner, Homer R.Quality Assessment and Patient Participation in Care by Means of a Touch-Screen ComputerBiomedical Informatics1996
85 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Quest for molecule-based magnetsIn the past decade a new class of magnets possessing spins on organic species have been discovered and studied. These magnets can be fabricated at room temperature and may enable useful devices and/or processes. Herein we discuss several of the mechanisms that can enable the stabilization of magn...Mechanisms; Ferromagnetic; Spin coupling1996
86 Battin, Margaret P.Report of the committee on physician-assisted suicide and euthanasiaIn 1994 the Board of the American Association of Suicidology selected a Committee on Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia. It was asked to review the issues emerging in the growing controversy concerning euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, palliative care, and the medical treatment of dyin...Suicidology; Palliative care1996
87 Morse, Michael DavidResonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy of the 13-electron triatomic Si2NResonant two-photon ionization spectra of 28Si2N, 28,29Si2N, and 28,30Si2N have been collected between 32 000 cm-1 and 36 000 cm-1. A fit of the rotationally resolved spectrum of the most intense band of 28Si2N at 34 314 cm-1 reveals the transition to be 2?+u ? X~ 2IIg,1/2- A molecular orbital analy...1996
88 Clayton, Dale H.Revision of the chewing louse genus Formicaphagus (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae) from Neotropical Antbirds and Gnateaters (Aves: Passeriformes)Examination of specimens of the 15 recognized species of Formicaphagus resulted in 6 new synonymies: F. laemostictus, F. latifrons, and F. peruvianus are junior synonyms of F. picturatus; F. huilae of F. angustifrons; and F. bolivianus and F. thoracicus of F. minutus. Two new species are described f...Formicaphagus; Formicaphagus arnoldi; Formicaphagus donpetersi; Antbirds; Gnateaters1996
89 Smith, Ken R.; Zick, Cathleen D.Risk of mortality following widowhood: age and sex differences by mode of deathThis study examines how spouses' deaths from sudden or lengthy illnesses differentially affect the mortality risks of surviving widows and widowers by age. Using the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, we find the mortality risk differs by gender, age, and type of widowhood. For nonelderly ( < 65) wido...Risk of mortality; Widowhood; Sex differences; Role theory1996
90 Angelucci, AlessandraRole for nitric oxide in the development of the ferret retinogeniculate projectionThe ferret retinogeniculate projection segregates into eye-specific layers during the first postnatal week and into ON/OFF sublaminae, which receive inputs from either on-center or off-center retinal ganglion cells, during the third and fourth postnatal weeks. The restriction of retinogeniculate axo...Enzyme Inhibitors; Visual Pathways; Wheat Germ Agglutinin-Horseradish Peroxidase Conjugate1996
91 Schmidt, Meic H.Role of light-emitting diodes for photodynamic therapy of brain tumorsThe development of more effective light sources for Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) of brain tumors would be of benefit for both research and clinical application. In this study, the use of light-emitting diode arrays for PDT of brain tumors with Photofrin® porfimer sodium was investigated. An inflatabl...Aluminum Gallium Arsenide; Photodynamic therapy; Brain tumors; Photofrin1996
92 Bastiani, MichaelRole of the cell surface in neuronal pathfindingPerhaps the organ of the human body that evokes the most astonishment, and yet is the least understood, is our brain. From the coordination of simple movements, to consciousness and thought, the function of the nervous system relies on the establishment of trillions of precise connections among the...Axon; molecular guidance code; growth cone1996
93 Jaskowski, Troy D.Screening for antinuclear antibodies by enzyme immunoassayIndirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) is the most widely used method in clinical laboratories to screen for autoantibodies against a wide variety of nuclear antigens. Recently, a number of antinuclear antibody (ANA) enzyme immunoassay (EIA) screens have become commercially available and claim to be an...Antinuclear antibodies; Enzyme immunoassay1996
94 Davidson, Diane W.; Rickart, Eric Allan; Keiter, Robert B.Selecting wilderness areas to conserve Utah's biological diversityCongress is currently evaluating the wilderness status of Bureau of Land Management (BLM) public lands in Utah. Wilderness areas play many important roles, and one critical role is the conservation of biological diversity.Bureau of Land Management; Conservation; Endemic species; Exotic species; Cryptobiotic soils; Plants; Bees; Vertebrates1996
95 Brunvand, Erik L.; Smith, Kent F.Self-timed design in GaAs - case study of a high-speed parallel multiplierAbstract-The problems with synchronous designs at high clock frequencies have been well documented. This makes an asynchronous approach attractive for high speed technologies like GaAs. We investigate the issues involved by describing the design of a parallel multiplier that can be part of a floati...1996
96 Kestle, John R. W.Significance of bacteriologically positive ventriculoperitoneal shunt components in the absence of other signs of shunt infectionThe purpose of this study was to determine the significance of "asymptomatic bacteriological shunt contamination" (ABSC), defined as a positive bacteriological culture found on a ventricular shunt component in the absence of bacteria in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) culture and/or clinical evidence ...Ventricular shunt; Shunt infection; Ventriculoperitoneal shunt; Asymptomatic bacteriological; Shunt contamination1996
97 Stringfellow, Gerald B.Solid phase immiscibility in GaInNThe large difference in interatomic spacing between GaN and InN is found to give rise to a solid phase miscibility gap. The temperature dependence of the binodal and spinodal lines in the Ga1xInxN system was calculated using a modified valence-force-field model where the lattice is allowed to relax ...Interatomic spacing; Valence-force field; epitaxial growth1996
98 Furse, Cynthia M.; Gandhi, Om P.State of the science regarding RF dosimetry, measurement and certificationCellular telephones and wireless personal communication systems (PCS) are being introduced into society at a very rapid rate. Whereas the present-day cellular telephones in the United States operate at midband transmission frequencies of about 835 MHz (about 900 MHz in Europe), higher frequencies o...RF dosimetry; Cell phone safety1996
99 Stringfellow, Gerald B.Surface photoabsorption study of the effect of V/III ratio on ordering in GaInPCu-Pt ordering is widely observed in Ga0.5In0.5P layers grown by organometallic vapor phase epitaxy. The degree of order is a strong function of the input partial pressure of the phosphorus precursor, i.e., the V/III ratio, during growth. By observing the surface structure using in situ surface p...Degree of order; Photoluminescence; Transmission electron microscopy1996
100 Werner, Carol M.Teaching the concept of precycling: a campaign and evaluationABSTRACT: Precycling, or purchasing wisely to reduce waste, is the EPA-preferred way to conserve resources and extend landfill life. A 3-month campaign of radio, television, and in-store advertising was effective at teaching the concept of precycling. After the campaign, telephone interviews indicat...Recycling; EPA; Waste management1996
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