Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
1 |
 | Carter, John B. | A comparison of software and hardware synchronization mechanisms for distributed shared memory multiprocessors | Efficient synchronization is an essential component of parallel computing. The designers of traditional multiprocessors have included hardware support only for simple operations such as compare-and-swap and load-linked/store-conditional, while high level synchronization primitives such as locks, bar... | Hardware locks | 1996 |
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 | Mathews, V. John | Adaptive realization of a maximum likelihood time delay estimator | ABSTRACT This paper presents an adaptive maximum likelihood method for estimating the time difference of arrival of a source signal at two spatially separate sensors. It is well-known that the maximum likelihood technique achieves the Cramer-Rao lower bound for time delay estimation error for ce... | | 1996 |
3 |
 | Mathews, V. John | Adaptive volterra filters using orthogonal structures | Abstract-This paper presents an adaptive Volterra filter that empolys a recently developed orthogonalization procedure of Gaussian signals for Volterra system identification. The algorithm is capable of handling arbitrary orders of nonlinearity P as well as arbitrary lengths of memory N for the syst... | | 1996 |
4 |
 | Riloff, Ellen M. | Automatically generating extraction patterns from untagged text | Many corpus-based natural language processing systems rely on text corpora that have been manually annotated with syntactic or semantic tags. In particular, all previous dictionary construction systems for information extraction have used an annotated training corpus or some form of annotated input... | Information extraction; Automatically generating; Extraction patterns; Untagged text; Corpus-based; AutoSlog-TS; AutoSlog system; MUC-4; Dictionary construction | 1996 |
5 |
 | Carter, John B. | The avalanche myrinet simulation package | This is a user manual for version 2.0 of the Myrinet simulation package. Users of the V2.0 package can specify arbitrary network topologies composed of Myrinet switches with different number of ports. For example, 4-port and 32-port switches can be used in a single system. Because the V2.0 model sup... | Avalanche Myrinet; Simulation Package; User manual; Myrinet switches; port switches | 1996 |
6 |
 | Carter, John B. | The avalanche myrinet simulation package user manual for V2.0 | This is a user manual for Version 2.0 of the Myrinet simulation package Users of the V2.0 pack age can specify arbitrary network topologies composed of Myrinet switches with different number of ports For example port and 4-port switches can be used in a single system Because the V2.0 model suppor... | Avalanche Myrinet; Simulation Package; user manual; Myrinet switches; Port switches | 1996 |
7 |
 | Freire, Juliana | Beyond depth-first: improving tabled logic programs through alternative scheduling strategies | Tabled evaluations ensure termination of logic programs with fi nite models by keeping track of which subgoals have been called Given several variant subgoals in an evaluation, only the fi rst one encountered will use program clause resolution the rest uses answer resolution This use of answer r... | Alternate scheduling; SLG-WAM; Tabled logic programs | 1996 |
8 |
 | Miller, Jan D. | Bubble generation in swirl flow during air-sparged hydrocyclone flotation | Air-sparged hydrocyclone (ASH) flotation is a new, promising technology, and, since its conception, numerous applications have been successfully tested. Nevertheless, research and development efforts have continued to improve the technology with respect to operating conditions and design considerati... | Air-sparged hydrocyclone flotation; bubble size; process variables | 1996 |
9 |
 | Furse, Cynthia M.; Gandhi, Om P. | Calculation of electric fields and currents induced in a millimeter-resolution human model at 60 Hz using the FDTD method with a novel time-to-frequency-domain conversion | The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method has previously been used to calculate induced currents in anatomically based models of the human body at frequencies ranging from 20 to 915 MHz and resolutions down to 1.31 cm . Calculations at lower frequencies and higher resolutions have been preclu... | Finite-difference time-domain method; FDTD; Induced currents; Human body model | 1996 |
10 |
 | Miller, Jan D.; Lin, Chen-Luh | Capillary network model for filter cake based on pore structure analysis | Dewatering of fine coal by continuous filtration involves filter cake formation and removal of surface moisture by drawing air through the capillaries of the cake. In order to gain a better (understanding of the complex transport phenomena that occur in the filter cake, analysis of the effect of t... | pore geometry; transport properties; microtomography | 1996 |
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 | Horch, Kenneth W. | Closed loop control of ankle position using muscle afferent feedback with functional neuromuscular stimulation | This paper describes a closed-loop functional neuromuscular stimulation system that uses afferent neural activity from muscle spindle fibers as feedback for controlling position of the ankle joint. Ankle extension against a load was effected by neural stimulation through a dual channel intrafasc... | Neuromuscular stimulation; Functional neuromuscular stimulation (FNS); Neural electrodes | 1996 |
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 | Stringfellow, Gerald B. | Correlation between surface structure and ordering in GaInP | Ga and In atoms in Ga0.52In0.48P layers spontaneously segregate to form alternating In- and Ga-rich {111} monolayers during organometallic vapor phase epitaxial (OMVPE) growth on (001) oriented GaAs substrates, thus forming the CuPt ordered structure. This ordering phenomenon is believed to be drive... | Transformations; Absorbtion spectra; Surface Properties | 1996 |
13 |
 | Furse, Cynthia M.; Lazzi, Gianluca; Gandhi, Om P. | Electrical energy absorption in the human head from a cellular telephone | The antenna of a cellular telephone in close proximity to the human head for a variety of time periods raises questions. This research uses finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method to calculate the power deposition from a cellular telephone on a high-resolution model of a human head as measured b... | Finite-difference time-domain method; FDTD; Power deposition; Human head model; Electrical energy absorption; Specific absorption rate | 1996 |
14 |
 | Riloff, Ellen M. | Empirical study of automated dictionary construction for information extraction in three domains | A primary goal of natural language processing researchers is to develop a knowledge-based natural language processing (NLP) system that is portable across domains. However, most knowledge-based NLP systems rely on a domain-specific dictionary of concepts, which represents a substantial knowledge-en... | Information extraction; AutoSlog; Across domains | 1996 |
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 | Furse, Cynthia M.; Gandhi, Om P.; Lazzi, Gianluca | FDTD computation of power deposition in the head for cellular telephones | The finite-difference time-domain method is used to calculate radiation pattern and specific absorption rate (SAR) in the human head due to cellular telephones. For realistic simulation of the ordinary positions of holding the phone, the ear of the model is pressed against the head, the head is tilt... | Finite-difference time-domain method; FDTD; Specific absorption rate; Radiation patterns; Human head model; Power deposition | 1996 |
16 |
 | Miller, Jan D.; Lin, Chen-Luh | Fine coal washability-liberation analysis by cone-beam X-Ray microtomography | A new method based on cone-beam x-ray microtomography is described for direct determination of the three-dimensional liberation spectrum of multiphase particles 100 microns in size or less. Such a technique may provide the basis for more detailed and accurate washability analysis in fine coal chara... | spectrum; sink-float; density | 1996 |
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 | Henderson, Thomas C. | Flat surface reconstruction using sonar | A technique is given for the recovery of planar surfaces using two beam-spread sonar readings. If a single, planar surface gave rise to the two readings, then the method recovers the surface quite accurately. Simulation and experiment demonstrate the effectiveness of the technique and recommend its ... | Flat surfaces; Reconstruction; Two beam-spread; Sonar readings; Planar surfaces | 1996 |
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 | Susarla, Sai R. | Flexible multi-policy scheduling based on CPU inheritance | Traditional processor scheduling mechanisms in operating systems are fairly rigid, often supporting only one fixed scheduling policy, or, at most, a few "scheduling classes" whose implementations are closely tied together in the OS kernel. This paper presents CPU inheritance scheduling, a novel p... | CPU inheritance | 1996 |
19 |
 | Brunvand, Erik L. | Fred: an architecture for a self-timed decoupled computer | Decoupled computer architectures provide an effective means of exploiting instruction level parallelism. Selftimed micropipeline systems are inherently decoupled due to the elastic nature of the basic FIFO structure, and may be ideally suited for constructing decoupled computer architectures. Fred ... | | 1996 |
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 | Thompson, William B. | Geometric reasoning for map-based localization | An essential aspect of map-based navigation is the determination of an agent's current location based on sensed data from the environment. Formally, this amounts to specifying the current viewpoint in some world model coordinate system. This localization process has two distinct components: one invo... | Map-based localization; Map-based navigation; Geometric reasoning | 1996 |
21 |
 | Mecklenburg, Robert | GORP: An object-oriented design for genomic objects, relationships and processes | The Eccles Institute for Human Genetics (EIHG) has developed a genomic database based on a novel level of abstraction. Objects, relationships, and processes are explicitly represented in an object model. This model has been implemented in a traditional relational database management system. Transla... | Eccles Institute for Human Genetics; EIHG; GORP; Genomic databases; Object model | 1996 |
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 | Miller, Jan D. | Hydrophobicity and elemental composition of laser-printed toner films | Laser-printed toner films on a polymer support were treated with alkaline (NaOH) aqueous solutions at elevated temperature (80-85° C). These toner films were examined with a sessile-drop contact-angle measurement technique in order to establish the hydrophobicity of the toner surface. Also, X-ray p... | contact angle; deinking flotation; hydrophobicity; ink; recovered fibers; toners; waste papers; wettabiIity | 1996 |
23 |
 | Miller, Jan D. | Interaction forces between ink particles, cellulose fibers and mineral fillers as determined by AFM | Recycling of wastepaper is an important industrial activity for the conservation of our natural resources. Wastepaper is mostly generated from newspaper and office waste (from photocopiers and laser printers) [1]. One important step in wastepaper recycling is the separation of ink from cellulose... | Solution; wastepaper; chemistry | 1996 |
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 | Stoller, Leigh B. | Low latency workstation cluster communications using sender-based protocols | The use of workstations on a local area network to form scalable multicomputers has become quite common. A serious performance bottleneck in such "carpet clusters" is the communication protocol that is used to send data between nodes. We report on the design and implementation of a class of communic... | Workstations; Scalable multicomputers; Sender-based; Communication protocols | 1996 |
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 | Miller, Jan D. | Mercury control in the cyanidation of gold ores | The control of mercury during gold cyanidation is of particular interest to the gold mining industry. Typically, mercury(II) is released as cyano complexes during leaching and follows gold through the solution concentration and purification step (carbon adsorption and electrowinning or zinc cementat... | Gold cyanidation; solvation extraction; selective cementation | 1996 |