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1 Arave, Rowan A.AKT1 activation promotes the development of melanoma metastasisMetastases are the major cause of melanoma-related mortality. Previous studies implicating aberrant AKT (or protein kinase B) signaling in human melanoma metastases led to the evaluation of the effect of activated AKT1 expression in non-metastatic BRAFV600E/cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 2a nu...Melanoma; genetics; research; metastasis; genetics; research; biochemistry; genetics2015-12
2 Edwards, Jennifer LynnApplication of a TBHP-mediated Wacker-type oxidation to internal alkenesThe Wacker oxidation allows access to methyl ketones from terminal alkenes. This transformation is important for industrial, synthetic, and medicinal chemists, as carbonyls are present in many natural and pharmaceutical products. With the carbonyl, a wide variety of reactions become available, such ...Wacker-type oxidatioin; research; TBHP2013-05
3 Anjewierden, ScottAutomated kinematic analysis of pre-pluse inhibition in larval zebrafishAnimals differentially ignore or attend to sensory information depending on their immediate environment. A significant example of this phenomenon is audiomotorpre-pulse inhibition (PPI), in which the startle response to a loud noise is suppressed by a preceding stimulus of lower intensity. This a...Zebra danio; development; kinematics; research; kinematic parameters; swim kinematics; pre-pulse inhibition2014-12
4 Tanner, TrevorThe automation of a discontinuous membrane extruderOne quarter of American troop deaths in the Middle East were classified as "potentially survivable." Of these, over 90 percent of the battlefield deaths and over 80 percent of the deaths in treatment centers were attributed to one factor: blood loss. Blood's limited supply, short half-life, and r...Blood; transfusion; research; membrane homogenization; synthetic blood; artificial oxygen carriers2016-05
5 Estrada, JohannaBCR-ABL1 compound mutations combining key kinase domain positions confer clinical resistance to ponatinib in Philadelphia cromosome-positive leukemiaCML 1s caused by a random reciprocal translocation that joins the ABL1 gene on chromosome 9, with the BCR gene on chromosome 22. The result is the formation of the oncogenic BCR-ABL1 gene. This derivative chromosome is widely known as the Philadelphia Chromosome (Ph+), and it encodes a deregulated, ...Leukemia; genetic aspects; research leukemia; treatment; research2014-04
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