Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
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 | Festin, Madeleine | Deep-seated gravitational slope deformation in the sawatch Range of Colorado | Deep-seated gravitational slope deformations (DSGSDs) are large-scale, creeping mass movements often involving entire mountain slopes. These enormous landslides may be on the order of kilometers in height and length but only move a few millimeters to centimeters a year. Secondary hazards are produce... | | 2023 |
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 | Anderson, Alex | East winds event of March 2019: the anomalous occurrence and wildfire impacts | The March 2019 East Winds event in Western Washington and the associated increased wildfire activity was very anomalous for the region and the time of year. In a three-day period, temperatures were about 20 to 30 degrees Fahrenheit above climatic normal temperatures and many maximum temperatures wer... | | 2021 |
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 | Voyles, Jonathan Ross | Efforts Toward Establishing ML-McAs a Robust Depth Discriminant of Seismic Sources at Local (<150 km) Distances | Few scientific fields have been as dramatically accelerated by war as Earth science. Prior to the twentieth century, Earth science was largely dominated by natural philosophers debating whether the Earth had been formed by a ball of magma that solidified or a ball of liquid that precipitated. This g... | | 2020 |
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 | Moelling, Leah I. | Eurypterid paleoecology : characterization and analysis of a late Silurian shallow marine fossil assemblage from southern Ontario, Canada | Eurypterids were giant chelicerate arthropods that have been extinct since the Permian Period. Eurypterids are rare as fossils, and many eurypterid fossils are likely skeletons shed during life (molts), which make it problematic when seeking to determine the types of environments in which they lived... | Eurypterida | 2013-05 |
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 | Stephanz, Megan | Increasing the Stability of Thylakoid Biocatalyst Bio-Solar Cells Through the Use of Oxygen Species Material Scavengers | Global energy requirements will only increase with time. While fossil fuels can be relied upon for several more centuries, they would produce vast amounts of carbonaceous byproducts. This undesirable fact makes renewable options like bio-solar cells, which are clean, inexpensive, and take advantage ... | | 2016 |
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 | Cordova, Andreas G. | Investigating coda envelope derived moment magnitudes for small earthquakes in Utah | Magnitudes scales are the principal measure of earthquake size and the moment magnitude (Mw) is the gold standard as it is directly tied to the physics of earthquake rupture. However, it is difficult to obtain reliable Mw estimates for small earthquakes (M < 4), which constitute the vast majority of... | | 2022 |
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 | Worms, Katherine | Paleoredox Conditions, Paleoproductivity, and Depositional Environment of an Eocene Black Shale: Mahogany Zone, Green River Formation, Eastern Uinta Basin, Utah | Black shales are commonly assumed to record anoxic, organically productive paleoenvironments. The Mahogany zone of the early Eocene Green River Formation is a classic example of an organic-rich black shale. It is thought to record a period of high ancient lake level conditions in which elevated alga... | | 2019 |
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 | | Preliminary identification of Terrestrial rock samples (I.E., meteor-wrongs) recovered by the Antarctic search for meteorites (Ansmet) at the dominion range icefields, Antarctica | Meteor-wrongs are terrestrial rock samples that are mistakenly recovered as meteorites by the Antarctic Search for Meteorites (ANSMET). With no additional information on the mineral composition/rock type of the meteor-wrongs, our goal was to analyze these samples to attain a comprehensive understand... | | 2024 |
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 | Sponaugle, Jackson | Thermally-driven Canyon flow and ozone transport | This study analyzes thermally driven diurnal mountain winds and how these winds transport ozone within Red Butte Canyon, a small tributary canyon to the Salt Lake Valley basin. These winds dominate under synoptically calm conditions when differential heating between the mountain valley and the surro... | Red Butte Canyon; Salt Lake Valley | 2021 |