476 - 500 of 490
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476 Kowaleski-Jones, LoriWelfare receipt and family structure: evaluating the effects on children's reading achievementThis paper examines the impact of public and private support system on cognitive outcomes for children born to adolescent mothers. The data for this analysis were drawn from the 1979 to 1988 rounds of the National Longitudinal Surrey of Youth between the ages of six and ten in 1988. The key inputs...Adolescent mothers; Child development; Public support1999
477 Utz, Rebecca L.What is a cohort effect? Comparison of three statistical methods for modeling cohort effects in obesity prevalence in the United States, 1971-2006Analysts often use different conceptual definitions of a cohort effect, and therefore different statistical methods, which lead to differing empirical results. A definition often used in sociology assumes that cohorts have unique characteristics confounded by age and period effects, whereas epidem...Cohort effect; Obesity prevalence2010
478 Nichols, Karren E.What you see is what you get... Observed impacts of visual education on recycling at the J. Willard Marriott Library, University of UtahThis poster looks at a three year timeline of educational exhibits, visual cues, and reminders, focusing on changing behaviors, encouraging people to recycle and reduce consumption, and observed impacts on the quantities of paper, aluminum, and plastics #1 and #2 being collected in the library.Recycling; Sustainability; Water bottles; Paper recycling; Duplex printing; Visual education; Green; Exhibits; Trash; Waste reduction; Print alternatives2014
479 McElreath, RichardWhen natural selection favors imitation of parentsIt is commonly assumed that parents are important sources of socially learned behavior and beliefs. However, the empirical evidence that parents are cultural models is ambiguous, and debates continue over their importance. A formal theory that examines the evolution of psychological tendencies to i...Transmission; Evolution; Culture2008
480 McDaniel, SusanWhere the contradictions meet: women and family security in Canada in the 1990sFamily and security are both contested ground in Canada in the 1990s. The family and family values are lauded sentimentally on both sides of the 49th parallel. Yet, more and more families, Canadian and American - families with children, aging couples and the working poor - are lining up at food bank...Values; Responsibilities; Opportunities1993
481 Hall, ThadWho asks for voter identification? Explaining poll-worker discretionAs street-level bureaucrats, poll workers bear the primary responsibility for implementing voter identification requirements. Voter identification requirements are not implemented equally across groups of voters, and poll workers exercise substantial discretion in how they apply election law. In sta...2014-01-01
482 Zimmer, ZacharyWhose education counts? The impact of grown children's education on the physical functioning of their parents in TawianResearch has identified education as an important predictor of physical functioning in old age. Older adults in Taiwan tend to experience close ties to family members and high rates of adult child coresidence, much more so than is typical in Western cultures. These circumstances might imply addition...Grown children; Physical functioning; Education2001
483 McDaniel, SusanWhy generation(s) matter(s) to policyGeneration is a packed social concept, with immense explanatory capacity and policy utility, yet it is a concept fraught with misunderstanding in both the social sciences and in popular usage. It is no less fraught in policy. This short overview paper has three objectives: • 1) to explore gener...Social policy; Aging; Generation2007-11-13
484 Hawkes, KristenWhy hunter-gatherers work: An ancient version of the problem of public goodsFrom the abstract: People who hunt and gather for a living share some resources more widely than others. A favored hypothesis to explain the differential sharing is that giving up portions of large, unpredictable resources obligates others to return shares of them later, reducing everyone's variance...Hunter-gatherer societies; Public goods2001-08
485 Cashdan, Elizabeth A.Why is testosterone associated with divorce in men?There is evidence that in women high levels of testosterone are associated with more sexual partners and more permissive sexual attitudes. If a similar relationship holds true for men, the higher basal testosterone levels of divorced and unmarried men may be caused by this relationship rather than b...Marriage; Separation; Hormones; Sexuality1998-06
486 McDaniel, SusanWomen and family in the later years: findings from the 1990 general social surveyAging is a feminist issue. Women on average live longer than men, live longer in disability or with chronic health problems, more often experience the deaths of spouse and friends, more often live alone in their later years, are significantly poorer than men of the same age, and more often institu...Middle age; Old age; Family life; Women1992
487 McDaniel, SusanWomen inventors in Canada: research and interventionWhat is an inventor or an invention? In this essay, we use the definition of the Canadian Patent Act, which considers a patentable invention to be a new or improved product or process or a new application of an existing product or process. An invention must be technically feasible - it must -"work" ...Patent; Inventions; Creativity1989
488 McDaniel, SusanWomen's roles and reproduction: the changing picture in Canada in the 1980'sThe social roles of women have always been affected by their reproductive roles. Recently in Canada, as well as elsewhere, several challenges to traditional thinking about women's roles and reproduction have emerged. These challenges have called into question the models typically used to analyze wom...Childbearing; Motherhood; Childcare1988
489 McDaniel, SusanWomen, work and health: some challenges to health promotionWith greater proportions of women spending more of their working' lives outside the home, the worksite may be an excellent place for health education and promotion among women. Building' opportunities into the work day for information and counselling sessions, education about worksite health hazard...Housewives; Working women; Health risk1987
490 McDaniel, SusanWork, retirement and women in later lifeResearch on the labour market experiences of mid-life and older women is increasing, revealing new knowledge, but also showing us how much is not yet known. Retirement remains, for the most part, a presumed life transition for men, but not necessarily for women. Despite the growing, but still small ...Women; Retirement; Mid-life; Canada1995
476 - 500 of 490