151 - 175 of 200
Number of results to display per page
151 Psychometric construction and validation of a measure of positive aging2011-12Textir_etd
152 Reading comprehension assessments: effect of epistemic beliefs on text; availability and question type2011-08Textir_etd
153 The relationship between high school academic achievement and future life satisfaction1976Textir_etd
154 The relationship between reading speed and reading skill in reading narrative inconsistencies: evidence from eye movements2019Textir_etd
155 The relationship of professors' personality characteristics to grading behaviors1970Textir_etd
156 Relationships among personality type, classroom structure and performance in a study skills course1976Textir_etd
157 Relationships between dominance and territorial behavior: a field study in a youth rehabilitation setting1972Textir_etd
158 Religious orientation and child abuse potential : underlying cognitive processes of religiosity2008-05Textir_etd
159 Remote site instruction in physics: a test of the effectiveness of a new teaching technology1986Textir_uspace
160 Representation of memory for order of mental operations in cognitive tasks2002Textir_uspace
161 Respect for life, the final gift: a qualitative inquiry into the experiences of first-year medical students in cadaver dissection2010Textir_etd
162 The role of cognitive, noncognitive and career development factors in the academic success and persistence of traditional and first-generation college students2011-05Textir_etd
163 The role of unexpectedness in antecedent retrieval2017Textir_etd
164 Safety and trust are so sacred: a qualitative study of women clients in feminist multicultural therapy2010Textir_etd
165 Screening for risk of substance use: validating the adolescent domain screening inventory among a sample of juvenile offenders2012-12Textir_etd
166 Selected psychometric properties of the Outcome Questionnaire-45 in an older adult population2013-05Textir_etd
167 Self-and peer-modeling combined with self-monitoring to increase rates of on-task behavior2012-05Textir_etd
168 Severity and the utilization of services in a university counseling center2014-08Textir_etd
169 Sexual identity and self concept1977Textir_etd
170 The social problems of the Chinese in Salt Lake County1973Textir_etd
171 The social validity of schoolwide positive behavior supports in Utah schools: a student perspective2011-05Textir_etd
172 Stage of change as a variable in career intervention outcome: an examination of a career course2010-05Textir_etd
173 Superhero social skills for children with autism spectrum disorders: comparing video-based instruction to traditional didactic instruction2010-05Textir_etd
174 The superheroes social skills program: a study examining an evidence-based program for elementary-aged students with autism spectrum disorders who are frequently bullied2012-08Textir_etd
175 Superheroes social skills: a study examining the effects of using an evidence-based approach to teach social skills to children with high-incidence disabilities2011-12Textir_etd
151 - 175 of 200