526 - 550 of 912
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526 Balasubramonian, RajeevMemZip: exploring unconventional benefits from memory compressionMemory compression has been proposed and deployed in the past to grow the capacity of a memory system and reduce page fault rates. Compression also has secondary benefits: it can reduce energy and bandwidth demands. However, most prior mechanisms have been designed to focus on the capacity metric an...2014-01-01
527 Balasubramonian, RajeevMessage from the general chairI am very pleased to welcome all attendees to the 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS) in New Brunswick, New Jersey on April 1-3, 2012. The conference represents the hard work of several organizing committee members and contributing authors. We a...2012-01-01
528 Stoller, Leigh B.Message passing support in the Avalanche widgetMinimizing communication latency in message passing multiprocessing systems is critical. An emerging problem in these systems is the latency contribution costs caused by the need to percolate the message through the memory hierarchy (at both sending and receiving nodes) and the additional cost of ma...Avalanche widget; Message passing; Cache coherence; Message copying; Cache miss rates; Computer memory1996
529 Freire, JulianaMetaComm: a meta-directory for telecommunicationsA great deal of corporate data is buried in network devices - such as PBX messaging/email platforms, and data networking equipment - where it is difficult to access and modify. Typically, the data is only available to the device itself for its internal purposes and it must be administered using eith...MetaComm; Meta-Directories; Directory Enabled Networking; Data integration2000
530 Zachary, Joseph L.Metamusing on object persistenceThe need to "open up languages" has led to object-oriented programming languages with object-oriented implementations. By encapsulating the fundamental aspects of a language semantics within a set of default classes and giving t h e programmer t h e flexibility of deriving new versions of these base...Metamusing; Object persistence1992
531 Sikorski, ChristopherMethod of generated solutions as a numerical verification tool for ice codeMethod of Manufactured solutions is a well-known method used to verify numerical algorithms. It is used to estimate convergence and order of accuracy of the algorithms. The method involves design of analytical solutions to the set of equations solved by the algorithm and generation of the forcing fu...Validation; Verification; Method of Generated Solutions; Finite volume solver; ICE code2007
532 Sikorski, ChristopherThe method of generated solutions for numerical verification of ICE codeMethod of Manufactured Solutions (MMS) is a widely used technique to verify convergence and possible coding errors in numerical algorithms. This method involves designing analytical solutions satisfying the governing equations that are solved by the numerical algorithm. The solutions investigated...Method of Manufactured Solutions; MMS; Convergence; Verification; numerical Algorithms; ICE code; Numerical verification2007
533 Balasubramonian, RajeevMicroarchitectural techniques to reduce interconnect power in clustered processorsThe paper presents a preliminary evaluation of novel techniques that address a growing problem - power dissipation in on-chip interconnects. Recent studies have shown that around 50% of the dynamic power consumption in modern processors is within on-chip interconnects. The contribution of interc...Microarchitectural techniques; Interconnect power; Clustered processors; On-chip2004
534 Balasubramonian, RajeevMicroarchitectural wire management for performance and power in partitioned architecturesFuture high-performance billion-transistor processors are likely to employ partitioned architectures to achieve high clock speeds, high parallelism, low design complexity, and low power. In such architectures, inter-partition communication over global wires has a significant impact on overall proc...Microarchitecture; Partitioned architectures; Heterogeneous interconnects; Cache access2005
535 Hibler, Michael J.Microkernels meet recursive virtual machines (draft. May 10, 1996))This paper describes a novel approach to providing modular and extensible operating system functionality, and encapsulated environments, based on a synthesis of micro-kernel and virtual machine concepts. We have developed a virtualizable architecture that allows recursive virtual machines (virtual m...Microkernels; Virtual machines; Operating system functionality1996
536 Susarla, Sai R.; Carter, JohnMiddleware support for locality-aware wide area replicationCoherent wide-area data caching can improve the scalability and responsiveness of distributed services such as wide-area file access, database and directory services, and content distribution. However, distributed services differ widely in the frequency of read/write sharing, the amount of conten...Wide-area data caching; Distributed services2004-11-18
537 Lindstrom, Gary E.Migrating relational data to an OODB: strategies and lessions from a molecular biology experienceThe growing maturity of OODB technology is causing many enterprises to consider migrating relational databases to OODBs. While data remapping is relatively straightforward, greater challenges lie in economically and non-invasively adapting legacy application software. We report on a genetics labora...OODB; Relational data; Data migration1997
538 Cohen, ElaineMinimum distance queries for polygonal and parametric modelsCalculation of the minimum distance to a geometric object or the minimum separation between objects is a fundamental problem that has application in a variety of arenas. Minimum separation queries for sculptured surfaces are believed particularly difficult, yet are increasingly important as modeli...Minimum separation; Minimum distance; Virtual prototyping1997
539 Hansen, Charles D.; Henderson, Thomas C.MKS: a multisensor kernel systemThe multisensor kernel system (MKS) is presented as a means for multisensor integration and data acquisition. This system has been developed in the context of a robot work station equipped with various types of sensors utilizing three-dimensional laser range finder data and two-dimensional camera da...Multisensor kernel system; Spatial proximity graphs1984
540 Hansen, Charles D.Model for volume lighting and modelingAbstract-Direct volume rendering is a commonly used technique in visualization applications. Many of these applications require sophisticated shading models to capture subtle lighting effects and characteristics of volumetric data and materials. For many volumes, homogeneous regions pose problems f...2003-04
541 Sobh, Tarek M.Modeling and recovering uncertainties in sense dataThis work examines closely the possibilities for errors, mistakes and uncertainties in sensing systems. We identify and suggest techniques for modeling, analyzing, and recovering these uncertainties. This work concentrates on uncertainties in visual sensing to recover 3-D structure and motion charac...Uncertainties; Sensing systems; Visual sensing1994
542 Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh; Henderson, Thomas C.Modeling and verification of distributed control scheme for mobile robotsIn this report we present a sensor-based distributed control scheme for mobile robots. This scheme combines centralized and decentralized control strategies. Each group of sensors is considered to be a process that performs sensing and carries out local control tasks as well. Besides these processes...Distributed control scheme; Sensor-based1995
543 Subrahmanyam, P.A.Modeling of call - by - need and stream primitives using CCSThe semantics of an applicative language are presented using the algebraic primitives introduced in CCS. In particular, the language constructs modeled allow for nondeterminism, stream processing and demand driven (call by need) evaluation.Applicative language; Semantics; Algebraic primitives; CCS1982
544 Brown, Bruce EricModeling of solids for three-dimensional finite element analysisThe geometric modeling of solid objects is a major problem within the design analysis loop of the engineering design process. Models are analyzed by various computer programs to predict their performance. The format of each model is usually different for each analysis routine. The existence of sev...Geometric modeling; Solid objects; Finite element analysis1977
545 Lindstrom, Gary E.Modular language processors as framework completionsThe conceptual and specificational power of denotational semantics for programming language design has been amply demonstrated. We report here on a language implementation method that is similarly semantically motivated, but is based upon object-oriented design principles, and results in flexible an...Modular language processors; Denotational semantics; Framework completions1993
546 Lindstrom, Gary E.Modularity meets inheritanceWe "unbundle" several roles of classes in existing languages, by providing a suite of operators independently controlling such effects as combination, modification, encapsulation, name resolution, and sharing, all on the single notion of module. All module operators are forms of inheritance. Thus, ...Modularity; Jigsaw computer tool1991
547 Lindstrom, Gary E.Modules as values in a persistent object storeWe report on an object manager (OM) providing persistent implementations for C ++ classes. Our OM generalizes this problem to that of managing persistent modules, where the module concept is an abstract data type (ADT). This approach permits a powerful suite of module manipulation operations to be ...Object manager; OM; Persistent object store1993
548 Greer, William HarveyMonaural sensitivity to dispersion in impulses and speechMonaural sensitivity; Dispersion; Impulses; Speech1975
549 Kasera, Sneha K.Monitoring breathing via signal strength in wireless networksThis paper shows experimentally that standard wireless networks which measure received signal strength (RSS) can be used to reliably detect human breathing and estimate the breathing rate, an application we call "BreathTaking". We present analysis showing that, as a first order approximation, breath...2014-01-01
550 Henderson, Thomas C.Monte Carlo sensor networksBiswas et al. [1] introduced a probabilistic approach to inference with limited information in sensor networks. They represented the sensor network as a Bayesian network and performed approximate inference using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). The goal is to robustly answer queries even under no...Monte Carlo sensor networks; Markov Chain Monte Carlo; MCMC2005-01-20
526 - 550 of 912