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1 Enhancing Critical Care Patient Safety: Evaluating the Impact of an Air-Assisted Pressure Offloading Device on Sacral Area Pressure Injuries.Leishman, Lana L.2024POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Master of Science, MS, Nursing Informatics
2 Enhancing Critical Care Patient Safety: Evaluating the Impact of an Air-Assisted Pressure Offloading Device on Sacral Area Pressure Injuries.Leishman, Lana L.2024Pressure Injuries (PIs) are one of the most common and costly complications occurring in US Hospitals. A large health system has faced challenges in meeting the benchmark standards for hospital-acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs) set by the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) in f...Graduate Nursing Project, Master of Science, MS, Nursing Informatics
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