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1 Development and Evaluation of a Toolkit for Caregivers of Children with PANSWhitehead, Samantha; Tufts, Gillian; Gee, Julie P.; Vawdrey, Heidi2022POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Primary Care / FNP, Poster
2 Development and Evaluation of a Toolkit for Caregivers of Children Diagnosed with Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric SyndromeWhitehead, Samantha; Tufts, Gillian; Gee, Julie P.; Vawdrey, Heidi2022Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS) is a rare pediatric disorder that is characterized by an abrupt onset of obsessive-compulsive tendencies and restrictive eating behaviors. PANS can mirror many other diseases, has an unknown cause, and has symptoms that wax and wane, making it h...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Primary Care FNP
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