1 - 25 of 11
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1 Comparing the virulence and prevalence of shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli (STEC) O157 and non-O517 serogroups2012-05Text
2 Confirming and quantifying ectoine production in Salinovibrio SP. eagsl in hypersaline culture2022Text
3 Creating a new class of cyanocarbons with unexplored chemistry2023Text
4 Discovery of platinum (II) and azulene derivative cocrystals with fluorinated cyanoaromatics2024Text
5 Early detection of human chorionic gonadotrophin with consumer-grade testing methods2022Text
6 Functionalizing a hemagglutinin epitope tag for induced mitochondrial protein degradation in saccharomyces cerevisiae2022Text
7 The implications of childhood maltreatment and current life stress for pregnant women's hair cortisol concentrations2023Text
8 Investigative work in antibiotic treatment of biofilms using a new reactor model2024Text
9 Quality improvement of juvenile chondrocyte cell sheets for osteochondral repair: exploring cell culture media volume and basal media supply2024Text
10 The role of ornithine, polyamines, and amino acid accumulation in the growth of melanoma2024Text
11 The role of socioeconomic status in understanding ethnic differences among remerging adults with type 1 diabetes2023Text
1 - 25 of 11