Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
176 |
 | Beseris, Ethan | Biological impact protection in human facial hair | Our study investigated selective mechanisms that influenced the evolution of facial hair in human males (Homo sapiens). Beards are often perceived as an indicator of masculinity and social dominance in men, suggesting that they may play a role in male contest competition. Some authors propose that t... | hypothesis | 2018 |
177 |
 | Galinat, Shelby | Bipyrimidine solubility modeling for applications in NON-Aqueous redox flow batteries | Energy storage research has undergone transformative changes in the past 50 years. The increasingly concerning threat of climate change has emphasized the need for energy storage technology to facilitate renewable energy incorporation into the grid. Without energy storage, the fluctuations of wind a... | | 2022 |
178 |
 | Gaykowski, Logan Sara | Birth Control and Depression: Science VS. the Media | Previous research has shown that the media can have a large effect on how readers internalize news and information, as well as on their choices, opinions and behaviors. Research has also shown that the media often reports scientific findings inaccurately or not in their entire form, providing reader... | | 2017 |
179 |
 | Ellingson, Drew | Bitangent lines to planar quartic curves in algebraic and tropical geometry | Bitangents are lines which are tangent to a curve at two points. The bitangents of a classical quartic are well understood, and a result originally due to Cayley tells us that there are always precisely 28 bitangents to a generic quartic plane curve. When looking at Tropical Geometry, the situation ... | Tropical geometry; curves, quartic; curves, algebraic; bitangents | 2015-04 |
180 |
 | Bekeris, Michael Joseph | Block copolymers and nanosphere lithography as a bottom-up fabrication tool for facilitating deterministic lateral displacement | With the capability to separate red blood cells and exosomes, deterministic lateral deisplacement (DLD) has established itself as a great utility in biological sparation applications on both the microscale and nonoscale. Current methods of employing DLD on the nonoscale require electron beam lithogr... | Current; biological | 2020 |
181 |
 | Kingsley, Kayla | Blush the color of embarrassment | Pathological blushing is a chronic condition in which a person blushes uncontrollably more often and more intensely than a person who blushed regularly. | | 2021 |
182 |
 | Mimi Locher | The body in modern architecture: Perceptions, philosophies and design consequences in the work of Le Corbusier and Alvar Aalto | This thesis explores the place of the human body in architectural design during the modern period. A brief history of using the human body as design inspiration is given, which includes a discussion on our tendencies as humans to use anthropomorphism, cognitive patterns, and our body to understand t... | Architecture - Human factors | 2014-05 |
183 |
 | Allen, Ashley K. | Borderline Personality Disorder During Pregnancy, Physiology, and Correlations Between Borderline Symptoms and Newborn Neurobehavior | Prior research has shown prenatal stress and parental mental illness impair developmental well-being for infants. However, literature examining borderline personality disorder (BPD) symptoms during pregnancy and infant neurobehavioral outcomes for women with BPD are largely lacking. The purpose of t... | | 2018 |
184 |
 | Meaux, Scott Alan | Borders of immunity redefined under the scope of scale | Borders. A line in the sand as it were, a place with a definite beginning and a hazy ending. Whether respected or disregarded, an entity that most simply can't ignore. The choice to see them as helpful or to ensure harm, divisiveness washes away all connotation. Often defined in the classroom as an ... | | 2022 |
185 |
 | Gomez, Sadie Ortiz | Breaking the cycle: the long-term impacts of punitive policies on the academic trajectories of students of color in the Salt Lake school district | This research delves into the punitive policies within five public schools of the Salt Lake School District and the ramifications of these policies on the academic trajectories of students of color. Through a quantitative analysis of disciplinary referrals, this study sheds light on the disproportio... | | 2024 |
186 |
 | Tallman, Lance | Breaking the mold: using epistolary architecture to craft a new type of video game narrative | Breaking the Mold: Using Epistolary Architecture to Craft a New Type of Video Game Narrative discusses the uniqueness of classic epistolary literary works, such as Bram Stoker's Dracula, and demonstrates how applying the storytelling techniques of these texts can allow game developers to create a ne... | Video Game | 2022 |
187 |
 | Simonsen, Kyle | Breast cancer knowledge and attitudes among women in Armenia | Background: Breast cancer, the most common invasive cancer among women, has high incidence and mortality rates among women in the Republic of Armenia. Advanced stage at detection limits treatment options and contributes to high morbidity and mortality. Understanding women's breast cancer knowledge a... | breast cancer; patients attitudes; Armenia (Republic) | 2013-07 |
188 |
 | Jackson, Rachel | Breastfeeding and the media: race representations in formula advertisements targeting new parents | Research has shown that mediated advertisements can play a role in a woman's decision about whether or not to breastfeed her baby. Percentages of breastfeeding among African American women have been shown in national data to be significantly lower than other races in the United States. There have be... | Communication | 2014 |
189 |
 | Allen, Lucy | Breath messenger: bodily communication for two | The Breath Messenger is a device that deepens empathy between two people by transferring the sensation of breathing. | Breath | 2020 |
190 |
 | Lopez, Mauricio | The broken promise of inclusive development: the case of Peru | In recent years, Peru has been one of the fastest growing economies in the world, outpacing emerging giants of the developing world such as Brazil and Russia. From 2003 to 2011 Peru's GDP per capita almost tripled. Nevertheless, currently almost one third of the Peruvian population still lives in po... | Peru economic conditions; regional disparities; inclusive development | 2013-05 |
191 |
 | Smith, Hayden | Brown v. Board: the racial meridian: Racial segregation in the U.S. public education system before and after Brown v. Board of education 1954 | The primary concentration of this project is an analysis of post-Brown v. Board segregation issues within the public education sphere. I focus primarily on the legal history of school desegregation in Texas as it is a Southern state with a long history of racial segregation. Furthermore, Texas effec... | segregation in education; Texas | 2014-04 |
192 |
 | Robertson, Jaden | Building a better podium | Podium construction (also referred to as one-plus-five or five-over-one) has become the predominant typology for new multi-family construction in Salt Lake City over the past decade.⁴ Its low-cost construction has made it popular with developers due to its high return on investment and with city p... | | 2021 |
193 |
 | Olschewski, Erin | C is for carrots, community gardens, and co-ops: A thematic analysis of the ways in which Sesame Street tackles nutrition, sustainability, and social justice | In the realm of entertainment education and media studies, there is a sizable amount of research linking children's nutrition and early educational television shows. However, there is a paucity of work that attempts to connect nutrition with sustainability and/or social justice in the context of chi... | Children's television programs; social aspects; nutrition in mass media; Sesame Street (Television program); social justice in mass media; sustainability in mass media | 2014-12 |
194 |
 | Eccles, Patrick Nolan | The cabal reflection: a post mortem of an entertainment arts and engineering capstone project | This document will serve as Patrick Eccles' Honors Thesis at the University of Utah and will reflect upon the process and result of his and his team members' senior project within the Entertainment Arts and Engineering program: the 3D Puzzle Platformer A Divided Light . On the senior project team, P... | computer games; design; cabal process | 2015-08 |
195 |
 | Peterson, Ezekiel | Calibration of low-cost ozone detectors to measure a key-indicator of summertime air Quality in the Salt Lake Valley | The air quality measurement boards developed by the University of Utah department of electrical engineering and evaluated by the department of chemical engineering were calibrated for the measurement of ozone. The redox sensors in these boards had a strong inverse response to increases in ozone conc... | temperature | 2018 |
196 |
 | Cockrell, Jacqueline | Campus interpersonal violence: understanding of University Policy | Interpersonal violence on university campuses and within university communities has always existed, but recently these issues are becoming more prevalent in the public eye. How universities handle these issues, the policies they put in place, and the efforts to reduce these incidents are ever-changi... | intimate | 2023 |
197 |
 | Camara, Barbara | Can More Sensitive Caregiving Buffer the Effects of Maternal Depression on Child Problem Behavior? | In 2012, CDC researchers found that 11.5% of women delivering a live birth that year had postpartum depressive symptoms (Ko, Rockhill, Tong, Morrow, & Farr, 2017). Children who have been exposed to maternal depressive symptoms in their first year of life tend to show elevated deficits in a variety o... | | 2019 |
198 |
 | Fett, Natasha | Can Pilates improve self-efficacy in people with multiple sclerosis? | Background: Multiple sclerosis is a degenerative neurological disease in which people experience impaired physical function and increased fatigue. These symptoms lead to decreased participation in activities which leads to exacerbated symptoms. This vicious cycle can cause one to experience lowered ... | support mastery | 2014 |
199 |
 | Esplin, Jess | Capital account liberalization & income inequality: 1980-2009 | In this paper, I examine the relationship between income distribution and the capital market account from 1980 to 2009 across a sample of developed and semi-developed countries. A review of the literature suggests that capital account liberalization raises income inequality. Several factors alleged ... | Income distribution; mathematical models | 2016-04 |
200 |
 | Wachter, Kira | Career immersion prior to graduation: an analysis o the efficacy of student marketing agencies | Modern college graduates are faced with a hiring paradox: employers are more willing to hire workers with experience, but college graduates lack professional experience when they graduate. Many educational disciplines encourage experiential work as a solution to this problem. In the marketing indust... | value; clients | 2017 |