Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
101 |
 | Arnoholt, Alayna | An analysis on the influence of anxiety in post error slowing | Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental disorders and affect 15.7 million Americans each year (Lépine, 2002, p. 4). Anxiety is associated with reduced productivity, physical distress, and other diseases such as depression. Anxiety could also be influential in error response (Compton et a... | Americans | 2021 |
102 |
 | Meier, John E. | An evaluation of the quality of contemporary ray tracing methods on architectural materials | Predictive computer graphics can be used to visualize the appearance of an object or scene from a virtual design. A seminal experiment in that field was performed in 1984 to evaluate the perceptual quality of computer graphics images with a physical model of the scene. The original study was limited... | Ray tracing algorithms | 2009-05 |
103 |
 | Maciel, Alexa | An examination of chronic patients receiving psychosocial support through online health communities | People living with chronic diseases are increasingly utilizing the internet for healthrelated reasons. The existence of Online Health Communities (OHCs) allows for chronic patients to easily connect with similarly diagnosed patients and keep track of medical records. The purpose of this thesis is to... | | 2021 |
104 |
 | Sial, Momina | An examination of social impact bonds issued by affordable housing authorities | In the past decade, socially impactful investing has risen in popularity as both governments and corporations begin to integrate environmental, social, & governance (ESG) principles into their financial projects. This paper will first examine the rise of social investing and how this trend has impac... | social bonds | 2024 |
105 |
 | Jabini, Mohammad Emad | An Examination of Switchover Costs | This thesis project focuses on firm strategies that target consumer switchover costs of three industries: pharmaceuticals, information technology, and food processing. The project explores those that involve increasing customer dependency, predatory marketing, and hidden fees, which improve firms' b... | | 2018 |
106 |
 | Nilson, Jens C. | An examination of the bioethical and legal dilemmas surrounding genetic editing through narrative and story telling | Examining complex topics and issues through narrative and storytelling is a staple of the fiction genre. By presenting abstract problems and ethical dilemmas in a relatable context, and giving examples attached to real characters, the reader becomes emotionally and mentally invested in the issues fa... | | 2022 |
107 |
 | Luong, Katie | An examination of the relationship between positive covid-19 infection and vaccine hesitancy within the Utah recover study population | Vaccine hesitancy is defined by the World Health Organization as a "delay in acceptance or refusal of vaccines despite availability of vaccination services," and is affected by a wide range of factors. Some of these factors identified in the literature include perceived safety and importance of vacc... | COVID-19; health | 2023 |
108 |
 | Farnsworth, Jennifer | An exploration of narrative medicine with pediatric cancer patients using a symptom tracking APP | This exploration places a special focus on narrative as a means of restoring empathy and understanding to medical care, especially to a population so vulnerable to confusion and miscommunication - children. The larger project, from which this thesis project is derived, is the development and evaluat... | | 2021 |
109 |
 | Franco, Ximena | An in-depth analysis of the court system's response to a child's psychological well-being in domestic violence custody hearings | In a child custody hearing where domestic violence is present in the household, court appointed evaluators are tasked to investigate the nature of the alleged domestic abuse, the offender and victims, and the threat of ongoing violence after the separation. Prior research illuminates how the court t... | domestic violence; child custody; psychological intervention; courts | 2023 |
110 |
 | Robinson, Tian | An initial examination of themes surrounding english writing education at an international branch campus | The research question this paper aims to answer is, how and to what effect do internationalizing American universities and IBCs help their L2 English-speaking students transition from high school writing to standard American college writing, and what challenges still remain? To answer this question,... | University of Utah; campus (UAC) | 2020 |
111 |
 | Myers, Sidnee | An integral member of an African refugee's healthcare team: the community health worker | All patients should be seen through a cultural lens however, refugees require this perspective as their past and journey have greater effects on their health. Meaningful evidence has been published regarding refugee patients and their unique circumstances in healthcare. To address these complexities... | | 2023 |
112 |
 | Colter, Zane | An invitation to quaternions before complex numbers | Quaternions are often introduced as an extension of the complex numbers, but this choice is arbitrary. This thesis explores the world of quaternions, H, and their application without the language or context of complex numbers. This choice has the benefit of preventing intuitions that work in C from ... | | 2024 |
113 |
 | Bethards, Kylie | Analysis of AYA cancer patient priority symptoms through text mining software | Background Adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with cancer face frightening and often debilitating effects of their cancer. To support the care of AYAs, healthcare providers need to understand their distinct experiences, including their priority symptoms -- those that take the forefront of a pa... | | 2021 |
114 |
 | Cummins, Heather | Analysis of eyes shut (EYS) function during intestinal regeneration in drosophila melanogaster | The intestine is a self-renewing organ under constant stress. It is the first line of defense against toxins and bacteria and enables digestion and nutrient absorption. Its homeostasis (controlled regulation) plays a critical role in the maintenance of organ function and prevention of tumor generati... | diseases or cancers; homeostasis; sufficient | 2019 |
115 |
 | Zhu, Judy | Analysis of the pH-dependent equilibrium relationship between the guanine oxidation products 5-guanidinohydantoin and iminoallantoin | Oxidation of 2'-deoxyguanosine (dG) results in the major two-electron product 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine (dOG) that can undergo further oxidation to other products. One such product is 5-guanidinohydantoin (dGh) that is highly mutagenic and has been found in vivo. The ring architecture of d... | Oxidation; guanine oxidation products; 5-guanidinohydantoin; iminoallantoin; equilibrium relationship | 2015-05 |
116 |
 | Brown, Audrey | Analyzing response patterns of olfactory bulb glomeruli at low odorant concentration regimes | Sensory input to the olfactory system begins with the binding of an odorant molecule to an olfactory receptor (OR) contained on the surface of an olfactory sensory neuron (OSN). Olfactory bulb (OB) glomeruli receive information from OSNs containing the same OR type and are thought to help process se... | | 2021 |
117 |
 | Klein, Paxtion Annalee | Analyzing the Implications of the "Tax cuts and jobs act of 2017" on United States Corporations | In December 2017 United States Congress signed into law the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA). The major elements of the federal income tax reform for corporations include (1) reducing the statutory tax rate to 21% from 35%; (2) changing to a territorial tax system from a global tax system; (3) i... | | 2018 |
118 |
 | Uchida, Allison Miaki | Analyzing the implications of the accounting standard update, topic 842 | In 2010 the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) made a proposal to modify the current United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP) rules in regard to leases, summarized in ASC 840. The proposed changes would alter the entire way in which companies reporting in accordanc... | Accounting statements and guidelines; accounting standards update | 2016-05 |
119 |
 | Kakunes, Khloe | Analyzing the psychophysiology of children and adolescents while they narrate anger-provoking events | Feeling angry at times is a universal human experience. Emotional experiences are associated with physiological arousal, and stress-inducing events, such as events that trigger feelings of anger, tend to have greater impacts on the level of physiological arousal that a person experiences than more p... | | 2024 |
120 |
 | Sharma, Kapil | Analyzing the relationship between PDM2 and B-catenin proteins in human cancers | Tumorigenesis is promoted by the manipulation of several co-factors and pathways, in which PKM2 and P-catenin proteins play a significant role in a variety of cancers. New research states that these two hegemonic cancer proteins directly bind with each other and may provide a new angle for cance... | Pyruvate kinase - Research; Tumorigensis - Research | 2016-04 |
121 |
 | Lee, Kaul | Anger Co-Rumination Among Same-Sex Adolescent Peers | Co-rumination refers to an extensive discussion of problems, speculation about problems, and focus on negative emotions engaged in by two or more people. Research on emotion coping suggests that co-rumination, or dwelling on problems, leads to problematic emotional adjustment. Girls have been found ... | | 2019 |
122 |
 | Frank, Monet | Antecedents to social media influencer effectiventess | Marketing is extremely susceptible to shifts within industry techniques, consumer receptivity, and general trends within the consumer-based world in which we live. It is therefore vital for businesses and their marketing applications to respond to the everchanging dynamics within the industry in ord... | | 2020 |
123 |
 | Ho, Tyler | Anteroposterior gait adjustments are the primary recovery strategies to repeated underfoot perturbations during turning gait | Background: Despite ample research examining human gait, much is still unknown about how humans navigate unpredictable terrain. Most research has analyzed strictly linear gait, which does not comprise all of the gait tasks in everyday ambulation. Instead, humans routinely employ complex gait movemen... | recovery; healthy | 2022 |
124 |
 | Kober, Derek | Anthropogenic Climate Change and Pollen Trends: Analyzing genera-specific impacts and correlations with temperature and precipitation across the United States (1990-2018) | Studies have shown that human-driven climate change is associated with both higher airborne pollen concentrations and extended allergy seasons. Research particularly indicates that the concentration of pollen is positively correlated to increasing temperatures. This study aims to analyze the pollen ... | | 2023 |
125 |
 | Hammock, Chris | Anthropology, ethnography, and documentary film: reflecting on a documentary journey | A comparative analysis of underlying ethical dilemmas in anthropology and documentary work, founded on the production of a short student documentary highlighting an ethnographic anthropology research project. The documentary studies academic field, classic ethnographic documentaries, and personal ac... | documentary work; classic | 2018 |