Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
1 |
 | Davis, Ryan | "A torrent of words": colonial printers and the public, 1765-1775 | Although printers had long been important in colonial society and politics, it was not until 1765 that they fully realized their potential in shaping colonial attitudes and behavior. With Parliament's institution of the Stamp Act, an outraged public insisted that newspaper publishers assume a more a... | Printing; social aspects; United States; history; 18th century | 2012-05 |
2 |
 | Reyna Rivarola, Alonso Rafael | "Aguantamos porque no nos Queda De Otra" (we holdup because we have no other option): Everyday resistance in the lives of Latina immigrant U.S. hospitality industry workers | Latina immigrant workers in the United States are often rendered invisible by mainstream society. These women, especially when fulfilling service occupations, such as hotel housekeeping jobs, are expected to work in silence and in deference to those in "higher" positions of power (e.g. supervisors a... | Hospitality industry; employees; United States; Hispanic American women; employment | 2013-06 |
3 |
 | Doxey, Lauren | "An exact portrait of the people": the need for Gender Parity in U.S. congress for legitimate government | Though women received the right to vote in 1919 with the ratification of the nineteenth amendment, women still hold few elected positions. In the United States Congress, women make up 19.4% of the body. When groups are not represented fully, this affects the quality of the representation they recei... | Women legislators; United States; attitudes | 2016-08 |
4 |
 | Barton, Tanner | "Check please": the role of checklists in improving outcomes and patient value in healthcare | The American healthcare system is constantly on the search for ways to improve. There are many ways to achieve this, be it through improving care or decreasing the financial burden placed on patients. One method that has received increased attention in recent years is the implementation of checklist... | Highland Gardens; Bubba's Frozen Treats; Fear Factory | 2021 |
5 |
 | Caylor, Natalie | "Everything I really want to do": aging in place during the covid-19 pandemic | Aging in place allows older adults to live in one's own home and community safely, independently and comfortably. The majority of older adults hope to age in place for as long as possible, and a number of supportive factors are necessary to make aging in place successful. Literature suggests these f... | successful aging; home- and community-based care and services; caregiving; technology; mental health | 2022 |
6 |
 | Sanchez, Tosha | "I'm in the system?" Latinx representation in MCU films | Films in Marvel's Cinematic Universe (MCU) have a knack for representing Latinxs-in green face, blue face, even tree face. MCU characters' lack of recognizability as Latinx is problematic considering the wide-reach of MCU films and the already prevalent underrepresentation of Latinxs on the silver s... | Recognizability | 2023 |
7 |
 | de Andrade, Debora Brito | "Nadie Me Entiende" [No one understand me]: impacts of cultural and language barriers on social isolation and loneliness in Spanish-speaking older adults | Cultural and language barriers during the older stages of life can lead to an increased risk for social isolation and loneliness. Furthermore, Spanish-speaking adults are more likely to have poor access to care in Utah and in the rest of the United States, which decreases the likelihood of detection... | Spanish-speaking; language; Mental health | 2021 |
8 |
 | Saarela, Elise | "Negative news" isn't always negative: Utah journalists reflect on news values and audience engagement in the digital age | The purpose of this thesis is to explain the general notion of negativity in the news and how journalists perceive both their professional and personal standards. Specifically, journalists from Utah were interviewed to determine the main ethical values they consciously think of during their practice... | | 2019 |
9 |
 | Pruett, Lindsay | "No unchaste woman shall henceforth plead Lucretia's name and live": sexual representations of elite and enslaved women in ancient Rome | This thesis aims to consolidate existing historical scholarship about Roman sexuality, gender, and slavery. These were previously under examined areas of classical scholarship until the twentieth century and modern research is still working to develop a complete picture of the intersection of class ... | literary works | 2024 |
10 |
 | Jorgensen, Mercedes Lyn | "Popular" vs. "award-winning" literature for children | As the field of children's literature has grown and volved over the past several years, an increasing number of awards have emerged to recognize quality children's books. The award lists are developed by committees of adults, but previous research (Lehman, 1991; Nilsen, Peterson & Searfoss, 1980; ... | Children; books and reading; children's literature; study and teaching | 2016-03 |
11 |
 | Hunter, Lea | The "tampon tax" public discourse of policies concerning menstrual taboo | The "tampon tax" is a policy in which feminine hygiene products are taxed as "luxury goods" despite the fact that many countries exempt "necessary goods" - such as basic groceries and medical products-from sales tax. In the summer of 2015, the Canadian parliament took steps to exempt feminine hygien... | Women's rights - United States; Sales tax - Law and legislation | 2016-04 |
12 |
 | Stott, Trevor | "The wanderers" novel project | The title of the novel is "The Wanderers." My objective in writing this book was first and foremost to create something personally meaningful, which might connect with readers by touching on something in the cultural zeitgeist of young Millennials coming of age in an era of drastic change and global... | American fiction; 21st century | 2015-04 |
13 |
 | Nagie, Doug | "We go where they go" a history of anti-racist action | Anti-Racist Action was a national network of local anti-racist activist groups that mobilized in North America from 1987 until 2013. It grew from conflict in the Minneapolis punk scene, when an anti-racist skinhead crew of friends called the Baldies organized to eject white-power skinheads from thei... | | 2019 |
14 |
 | Goodwin, Dane | (UN)Known Origin | My research and artworks utilize traditional hand done and modern digital printmaking techniques. Some processes inherently convey a sense of being handmade, such as wood cut relief printing and intaglio printing; these techniques rely strongly on the hand of the artist, directly transferring handma... | Printing techniques; traditional printing; digital printing | 2017 |
15 |
 | Burt, Zachary | The 1968 election and the birth of the contemporary presidential nomination process | The 1968 election was a landmark election in American political history. In the summer of 1968, Vice President Hubert Humphrey was nominated by the Democratic Party. This nomination was controversial, and the Democrats' summer convention was chaotic and infamous. Humphrey gained the nomination due t... | Democratic national convention - 1968 | 2012-05 |
16 |
 | Wittwer, Blake | The 2013 egyptian military coup: why did it produce lasting regime change? | In 2013, Egypt underwent a regime change through the method of a military coup. The current political state and government of Egypt is the direct result of these events. Notably, Egypt has experienced one of the few successful military coups in recent history. This thesis attempts to explain why thi... | successful | 2024 |
17 |
 | Marcinek, Michael | 36 frames: a self portrait | There is no doubt that we live in a highly mediated culture, more and more images are readily available to us. We view them instantaneously as events are unfolding on our computers, tablets, cellphones, as well as in newspapers and on television. We are constantly barraged and influenced by images f... | Photography; self-portraits | 2012-05 |
18 |
 | Hinchman, Colin | 4D flow characteristics of left atrial blood flow after atrial fibrillation | Atrial fibrillation is the most prevalent cardiac arrhythmia and causes increased risk for stroke, yet accurate pathophysiological diagnosis remains a challenge. This study aimed to further investigate the physiologic biomarkers in the left atrium (LA) related to atrial fibrillation (AF) using 4D fl... | | 2019 |
19 |
 | Fuchs, Madeline | A case study on perceptions of homeless abatements in Salt Lake County | Homelessness impacts 12,442 Utahns every year. Several of these people live in encampments, these areas are particularly problematic because they often become places of heightened health, sanitation, and safety concerns. In order to mitigate these issues, several municipalities within Salt Lake Coun... | | 2023 |
20 |
 | Kemp, Rose | A checklist for outstanding teaching of first grade literacy | Children typically learn to read and write early on in their lives. This is a crucial time for literacy education, generally referred to as the development of early literacy. At this time, "...it is such an important goal [to teach reading] that it is impossible to walk into a firstgrade classroom o... | Reading (Primary); first grade (Education) | 2013-05 |
21 |
 | Temme, Jack | A closer look at aberrant muscle function | When a skeletal muscle is inhibited from operating at its full function it is called an aberrant muscle. Such inhibition tends to occur after joint trauma in order to protect the injured area from further aggravation. However, inhibition can linger after the injury is healed, which negatively impact... | | 2021 |
22 |
 | Hanes, Josh T. | A comparison of nuclear thermal rockets with traditional chemical rockets for space transport | The Solar System has multiple destinations that private and governmental space agencies are planning to explore. Missions within the Solar System are both exorbitantly expensive and time intensive projects that involve high risks for the organizations involved. A mission that is currently being... | Nuclear rockets - research; space vehicles - design - research; nuclear thermal rockets; chemical rockets; space transport | 2016-04 |
23 |
 | Ebert, Emilie | A comparison of the community benefit of nonprofit and for-profit hosptials | Controversy over the tax-exemption of nonprofit hospitals has been repeatedly discussed over the past decade. Many question whether the exemption is justified by hospitals' benefit to communities (Al-Agba, 2017). Past studies have analyzed this issue by focusing on charitable care, or uncompensated ... | | 2021 |
24 |
 | Rebentisch, Kayla, | A content analysis and comparison of hashtag popularity of nicotine and cannabis posts on Instagram | Marketing exposure through social media is an identified risk factor for nicotine and cannabis use. The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze the exposure-selected hashtags found on Instagram to understand the potential reach of nicotine and cannabis marketing on this social media platform. An I... | | 2023 |
25 |
 | Gomez-Alvarez, Lorhen | A crisis on the border: an unexpected crisis or an expected outcome? | Increased immigration from the Northern Triangles countries has strained the current asylum structures. Overhauling detention and long wait times have plagued the system after the initial arrival of a large group of unaccompanied minors and then subsequently the arrival of large migrant caravans. Th... | | 2019 |