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1 Green, JaredAlgebraic reconstruction optimization through precomputation of weights matrixThere are several methods for volumetric scene analysis. This research focuses on real-time optimization of the ray-driven projector for forward and backward projections in the application of medical x-ray imaging. One of the current methods used by Computed Tomography systems to produce 3D medical ...2021
2 Campbell, AndrewAsynchronous distributed }OT-Enabled customer characterization in distrubtion networks: theory and hardware implementationThis work proposes and implements an asynchronous distributed IoT (Internet of Things)-enabled customer characterization framework to classify customers' load consumption behaviors in electric distribution networks. More specifically, the proposed framework enables robust fully distributed clusterin...asynchronous2021
3 Best, EmilyBabysteps: reflection on launching a mobile APPBabySteps is a mobile application designed for newborn caregivers. It helps parents, grandparents, nannies, and other members of a newborn's "village" stay organized and updated on the child's development. It was developed by a team of four computer scientists as their Senior Capstone Project. We id...development2024
4 Geary, ThatcherChop-sat in NON-Euclidean GeometryThis study explores methods of applying Non-Euclidean Geometry to the Boolean Satisfiability Problem (SAT). When presented with a knowledge base in Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) with n atoms, it can be represented as an n-dimensional hypercube, where each corner corresponds to a unique combination o...2024
5 Perez, YerryCita a matchmaking mobile app: an analysis of why developers choose certain frameworksSoftware developers have an array of tools to help them create new technologies. Therefore, it is important that they distinguish which tools are right for the task they are trying to complete. As time progresses new tools for developers emerge and some gain popularity faster than others. This thesi...2021
6 Linnebach, Shawn Michael IIIDesigning a large scale software application: the Histia StoryWhen designing a large-scale software system there are many aspects of software design that go into making a successful final product. This document seeks to give insight into the software design process, using my capstone project, Hestia, as a case study. Hestia is an all-encompassing household man...2021
7 Ryan StutsmanExplaining and evaluating the use of RDMA in high performance containersContainers are an increasingly popular packaging framework for complex applications, offering benefits such as lightweight isolation, portability, and ease of deployment. These benefits have the potential to solve a myriad of issues that have long been present in the high performance computing world...2022
8 Lethaby, AidanFunctional validation and improvement of a low-cost control system for assistive robotic devicesThe goal of this research is to increase the affordability of portable and intuitive control systems for assistive robotic devices used by patients and researchers. Current control systems are either expensive or utilize unintuitive inputs such as foot-mounted inertia measurement units (for prosthes...2022
9 Spackman, JamesGame feel development analysis of student game final projectGame feel expresses the unique "feeling" a game provides to the player and is seen as an underdeveloped language that game developers are looking to leave their mark on. Achieving good game feel is challenging and requires a substantial number of resources through slow incremental developmental test...2023
10 South, KoriannHow to stop AI from ruining the world: designing and pilot testing integrated al-ethics assignmentsI would like to thank my thesis mentor, Dr. Eliane Wiese, for guiding me through the research process and supporting me for the past 3 years. I would also like to thank Ph.D. student Noelle Brown, Dr. Alan Kuntz, Dr. Suresh Venkatasubramanian, and Dr. Mu Zhang, who I worked with on this project. Par...2022
11 Tayler, Andrew Nichola CrawfordNatural language guided goals for robotic manipulationGoal specification for robotic manipulation is a critical area of research, defining how we interact with robots and how we communicate with them. We propose using universally guided diffusion to generate natural language goal aligned rigid body transforms, from segmented point clouds. We explore va...specification2024
12 Stanley, EthanRandom testing of the webassembly system interfaceThe WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) enables WebAssembly (Wasm) programs to interact with the facilities of the computer on which the Wasm program runs. This greatly expands Wasm's utility and power outside of the browser, but greater capability increases the risk of vulnerabilities that arise wh...Wasm's utility2024
13 Larsen, SkogenReview of the usability and readiness of modern web technologiesProgressive web apps, or PWAs, are web applications that provide a user experience comparable to a native mobile app using only web technologies. Historically, web apps have been unable to interface closely with hardware, such as mobile cameras and sensors, which combined with other limits associate...2024
14 Davis, Charles FoulgerSignable: improving accessability to American sign language through gesture recognitionAmerican Sign Language (ASL) is the prominent form of communication used by deaf communities throughout the United States. Despite the prevalence of its use, accessing means of learning ASL can be difficult, inconvenient, and costly. People who wish to communicate via ASL, such as those with deaf fa...deaf communities2024
15 Che, DerekStarlimesh: a drone swarm moduleAn embedded system is software written to perform a dedicated function on a microprocessor that is often resource-constrained in both memory and speed. From the perspective of a Computer Science major, this is an unfamiliar realm because it lacks nice abstractions like an operating system. The thesi...computer science; details2024
16 Perschon, ColeStructural rounding on a parameterized graph class using heuristicsStructural rounding is a framework for approximating NP-hard optimization problems on graphs near structured classes [10]. It has previously been empirically shown to outperform standard 2-approximations for VERTEX COVER on near-bipartite graphs [21]. Though promising, it is unclear if these finding...2021
17 Emoto, EthanUser preferences in calendar applicationsThe role of user experience research in the software development cycle has been largely overlooked in favor of emphasizing the more technical elements. However, understanding the user's perspective is just as important as the engineering aspects in creating a beneficial application. This thesis expl...2023
18 Geisler, EmilVariable stretch textures on the GPUIn computer graphics, a texture is an image that is overlaid on a triangle when the object is rendered. Textures allow for objects to have more complicated appearances than just a single color across the triangle. Usually when a triangle is stretched, the texture stretches uniformly with it. However...2023
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